
Yearly top 10 averages
8a+ 0 0 0 0 0
8a 1 0 0 1 0
7c+ 2 0 0 2 0
7c 12 0 0 12 0
7b+ 11 0 0 11 0
7b 30 1 0 29 0
7a+ 43 0 2 41 0
7a 80 2 8 70 0
6c+ 8 1 2 5 0
6c 10 4 1 5 0
6b+ 6 5 0 1 0
6b 10 10 0 0 0
6a+ 5 5 0 0 0
6a 4 3 1 0 0
5+ 0 0 0 0 0
Route Grade Crag Type Ascent date Ascent type
El Poussah
7A Boulder at Franchard Isatis
7a Franchard Isatis Boulder 2024-09-28
Red point
Red point
Righteous Kill
7C Boulder at Ängesbyn
-3,5 grader och snö Bjuder på rätt cool klättring trotts sin ringa höjd Kanske aningen mjuk i graden,allt hänger på första movet
7c Ängesbyn Boulder 2023-10-29
Red point
Red point
Knallkork assis
7B+ Boulder at Brändön
Har alltid känts sjukt hård/omöjlig men idag kändes den oförtjänt lätt (har dock gjort mer press på denna än någon 7c) Sjukt fin linje/prow hela vägen till toppen med hälar och tåkrokar
7c (7b+) Brändön Boulder 2023-10-18
Red point
Red point
Till Per-Olas förtret
7A+ Boulder at Klintklinten
Finare linje än klättring men en bra dag med boysen dock lite för varmt för den verkliga linjen på areten
7a+ Klintklinten Boulder 2023-08-02
Red point
Red point
Rullsten i Tibet
7A+ Boulder at Brändön
Inte så fin och kruxet var väl mest att man blev pumpad ,svårt att uppskatta grad efter en sömnlös natt så går väl efter rekommenderade graden a+
7a+ Brändön Boulder 2023-05-31
Red point
Red point
Tjägglen å dårinålen
7A Boulder at Rian
Väl värt ett Besök
7a Rian Boulder 2023-05-19
Red point
Red point
7B+ Boulder at Hertsön dirty boulders
7b+ Hertsön dirty boulders Boulder 2021-10-01
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Hertsön dirty boulders
7a Hertsön dirty boulders Boulder 2021-10-01
Red point
Red point
Luffar aretet
7A+ Boulder at Hertsön dirty boulders
10min från ytterdörren
7a+ Hertsön dirty boulders Boulder 2021-10-01
Red point
Red point
Oglamorösa oäktingar
7A Boulder at Örngårdsberget
Tänkte flash men det tänkte inte väggen,gick ner på tredje go efter lite fin justering
7a Örngårdsberget Boulder 2021-08-14
Red point
Red point
7C Boulder at Rian
Äntligen!! Borstade och byggde landningen till nbm i rian för 8 år sedan Lätt värt ett plus om man inte är nog lång Områdets finaste och förmodligen en av dom finaste i Norrbotten
7c+ (7c) Rian Boulder 2020-08-18
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Ängesbyn
7a Ängesbyn Boulder 2020-08-05
Red point
Red point
Slopers Delight
Morpho 7b+ är man längre än 173cm 7a+?
7b+ Båtskärsnäs elljusspår Boulder 2020-05-29
Red point
Red point
Lilla Snigel
Uppvärmning:brände flashen med en cm från slutjuggen 2:go
7a Båtskärsnäs elljusspår Boulder 2020-05-29
Red point
Red point
Ziggy stardust
7B Boulder at Sangis
21grader och sol
7b Sangis Boulder 2020-05-26
Red point
Red point
May the fourth be with you
7B Boulder at Hideviken
7b Hideviken Boulder 2019-08-10
Red point
Red point
Tändhatt direkt
7A+ Boulder at Brändön
7a+ Brändön Boulder 2019-05-04
Red point
Red point
Morjärvsmannen stå
7A Boulder at Rian
7a Rian Boulder 2019-04-25
Red point
Red point
Atmosfär assis
7B+ Boulder at Fredrikafors
7b+ Fredrikafors Boulder 2018-10-13
FA Red point
FA Red point
Atmosfär (kingline projektet)
7B Boulder at Fredrikafors
Härligt att klamra sig fast med en slopig mono gaston krimp
7b+ (7b) Fredrikafors Boulder 2018-10-07
FA Red point
FA Red point
Fredrikafors finest strongmen
7A Boulder at Fredrikafors
Borstades som ”uppvärmningen” i intro området
7a Fredrikafors Boulder 2018-07-08
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Brändön
7a Brändön Boulder 2018-06-08
Red point
Red point
Raised Dick
7A+ Boulder at Rian
7a+ Rian Boulder 2018-05-09
Red point
Red point
Bobo assis
7A+ Boulder at Brändön
Lång sträcka från idén/borstningen av denna sittstart till jag fick göra den själv
7b (7a+) Brändön Boulder 2018-04-10
Red point
Red point
7B Boulder at Råbäcken
7b Råbäcken Boulder 2017-09-05
Red point
Red point
7A+ Boulder at Råbäcken
7a+ Råbäcken Boulder 2017-09-05
Red point
Red point
King Fisher
7a+ (7a) Trolldalstjønna a.k.a. Justad Boulder 2017-08-18
Red point
Red point
The Rumble in the Jungle
7A+ Boulder at Rian
7a (7a+) Rian Boulder 2017-05-29
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Burträsk
7a Burträsk Boulder 2017-04-30
Red point
Red point
7A+ Boulder at Falkberget, Piteå
oklar grad då det småskvittrade lite
7a+ Falkberget, Piteå Boulder 2016-08-31
FA Red point
FA Red point
Bananer i Pyjamas
7A Boulder at Falkberget, Piteå
Lång och cool om man utesluter stenen under vilket borde vara en självklarhet, 2nd go 7a/7a+ men då småregnade det ju också så svårt att säga grad
7a Falkberget, Piteå Boulder 2016-08-31
Red point
Red point
Ranskalaista Sankarimetallia
7A+ Boulder at Rian
7a+ Rian Boulder 2016-06-21
Red point
Red point
Evil left
7B Boulder at Rian
7b Rian Boulder 2016-06-11
Red point
Red point
Counter clockwork
7A Boulder at Rian
Flash on this variation,soft 6c?
7a Rian Boulder 2016-06-11
Red point
Red point
Evil assis
7B Boulder at Rian
7b Rian Boulder 2016-06-06
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Rian
7a Rian Boulder 2016-05-26
Red point
Red point
Raised Fist
7A Boulder at Rian
soft , brände flashen på den mossiga urtoppningen
7a Rian Boulder 2016-05-26
Red point
Red point
Wild Bill
7A+ Boulder at Brändön
Sittstarten till Kill Bill
7a+ Brändön Boulder 2015-05-09
Red point
Red point
Tom et Géry
7B Boulder at Franchard Hautes-Plaines
7b Franchard Hautes-Plaines Boulder 2014-10-29
Red point
Red point
Le mur des Lamentations - Sky blue 12
7A Boulder at Apremont
7a Apremont Boulder 2014-10-29
Red point
Red point
7a+ (7a) Cuvier Est / Bellevue / Sorcières Boulder 2014-10-29
Red point
Red point
7a+ (7a) Cuvier Est / Bellevue / Sorcières Boulder 2014-10-29
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Bas Cuvier
7a Bas Cuvier Boulder 2014-10-29
Red point
Red point
La Casse-Dalle (Assis)
7A Boulder at Franchard Isatis
7a Franchard Isatis Boulder 2014-10-29
Red point
Red point
Bosna Brutal
7B Boulder at Magic Wood
7a (7b) Magic Wood Boulder 2014-07-23
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Magic Wood
7a Magic Wood Boulder 2014-07-23
Red point
Red point
Broken Houdini
7B+ Boulder at Ängesbyn
7b+ Ängesbyn Boulder 2014-07-04
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Möt mig i Norrland
7A+ Boulder at Rian
brände flashen på top"juggen" 7a/7a+?
7a+ Rian Boulder 2014-06-28
Red point
Red point
Alcoholfritt öl
7A Boulder at Rian
7a Rian Boulder 2014-06-21
Red point
Red point
7A+ Boulder at Ängesbyn
7a+ Ängesbyn Boulder 2014-06-11
FA Red point
FA Red point
7A Boulder at Kantaberg
gick inte alls i fjol i megastick... gick lätt idag i värme och sol
7a Kantaberg Boulder 2014-05-18
Red point
Red point
7B Boulder at Ängesbyn
7b Ängesbyn Boulder 2014-05-13
Red point
Red point
Lack of smartness
7A Boulder at Ängesbyn
7a Ängesbyn Boulder 2014-04-30
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Lack of endurance
7B+ Boulder at Ängesbyn
pumpfest delux ... hårdare än basically weak lättare än btl 7b+? 15+ move
7b+ Ängesbyn Boulder 2014-04-30
FA Red point
FA Red point
The new fragrance fuck OFF
7B Boulder at Ängesbyn
trés superbe!!
7b Ängesbyn Boulder 2013-10-15
Red point
Red point
Kung för en dag
7A Boulder at Kantaberg
7a Kantaberg Boulder 2013-10-03
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
The butterfly effect
7B Boulder at Kantaberg
7a+/7b? verkligen min style, super linje!
7b Kantaberg Boulder 2013-10-03
FA Red point
FA Red point
Built to last
7C Boulder at Ängesbyn
en snus och en kopp kaffe på det här så är den här dagen fulländad!=)
7c Ängesbyn Boulder 2013-10-02
Red point
Red point
Lack of vision
7A Boulder at Ängesbyn
supercool och avig
7a Ängesbyn Boulder 2013-09-08
Red point
Red point
Lack of shoulders
7B Boulder at Ängesbyn
2 timmars session avig men cool
7b Ängesbyn Boulder 2013-09-08
Red point
Red point
Say hello to my little friend ss
7A+ Boulder at Ängesbyn
7a+ Ängesbyn Boulder 2013-08-30
FA Red point
FA Red point
7A+ Boulder at Ängesbyn
mera psykisk än fysisk
7a+ Ängesbyn Boulder 2013-08-30
FA Red point
FA Red point
7B Boulder at Kantaberg
ny beta... 7a+?
7b Kantaberg Boulder 2013-08-22
Red point
Red point
Job 10:21
7A Boulder at Ängesbyn
super cool! avigt anorlunda "dyno" move = svårgraderatbetydligt lättare om man är lång
7a Ängesbyn Boulder 2013-08-11
FA Red point
FA Red point
Reverse traverse
7A+ Boulder at Ängesbyn
7a+ Ängesbyn Boulder 2013-08-08
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Basically weak
7B Boulder at Ängesbyn
dagsflash 18-20 move
7b Ängesbyn Boulder 2013-08-04
Red point
Red point
7A+ Boulder at Rian
7a+ Rian Boulder 2013-07-11
Red point
Red point
Clockwork Orange
7B Boulder at Rian
möjligen lite morpho men en magisk linje!
7b Rian Boulder 2013-07-08
FA Red point
FA Red point
Bling bling money aint a thing
7B Boulder at Rian
avigt häl move från startgreppEN (plural)
7b Rian Boulder 2013-06-13
FA Red point
FA Red point
Foxey Lady
7A Boulder at Rian
7a Rian Boulder 2013-06-12
Red point
Red point
7A+ Boulder at Ängesbyn
sittstart i undercling
7a+ Ängesbyn Boulder 2013-05-19
FA Red point
FA Red point
Raging Bull
7A Boulder at Ängesbyn
7a Ängesbyn Boulder 2013-05-12
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Brändön
7a Brändön Boulder 2013-05-09
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at 95.2
7a 95.2 Boulder 2013-03-31
Red point
Red point
Langouste Royale
7A Boulder at Bas Cuvier
7a Bas Cuvier Boulder 2013-03-31
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Maunoury
7a Maunoury Boulder 2013-03-31
7A+ Boulder at Petit Bois
7b (7a+) Petit Bois Boulder 2013-03-31
Red point
Red point
La Marie-Rose - Red 22
6A Boulder at Bas Cuvier
first 6a boulder in the world, dosent get more classic than this
6a Bas Cuvier Boulder 2013-03-30
7A Boulder at Straumvassbotn
7a Straumvassbotn Boulder 2012-09-17
Red point
Red point
Slagsau 2
7A Boulder at Straumvassbotn
7a Straumvassbotn Boulder 2012-09-17
Red point
Red point
Kill Bill
7A Boulder at Brändön
7a Brändön Boulder 2012-09-02
Red point
Red point
Great balls of fire
7c+ Sport at Niemisel
1-5underskattad led,passa på om den är torr
7c+ Niemisel Sport 2012-08-26
Red point
Red point
Blondinos on fire
7c Sport at Niemisel
7c+ (7c) Niemisel Sport 2012-08-19
Red point
Red point
7a Sport at Krossberget
7a Krossberget Sport 2012-07-13
Red point
Red point
7a Sport at Falkberget, Luleå
7a Falkberget, Luleå Sport 2012-07-13
Red point
Red point
Finnarnas ss
7A+ Boulder at Brändön
7b (7a+) Brändön Boulder 2012-06-11
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Rian
7a Rian Boulder 2012-05-26
Red point
Red point
Kalla fötter ss
7A Boulder at Brändön
7a Brändön Boulder 2012-05-13
Red point
Red point
Brändön never dies
7A Boulder at Brändön
7a Brändön Boulder 2012-05-11
Kumla assis
7B Boulder at Rian
möjligen lättare men är svingstarten 7a så ja ... ta smärtan å dra
7b Rian Boulder 2012-05-08
FA Red point
FA Red point
7A+ Boulder at Brändön
7a+ Brändön Boulder 2012-04-29
Red point
Red point
Guichot Business
7A Boulder at Rocher Guichot
7a Rocher Guichot Boulder 2012-04-08
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Rian
7a Rian Boulder 2011-10-24
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Roche aux Sabots
7a Roche aux Sabots Boulder 2011-10-15
Mortel Transfert
första 7b!=)första dynot!=)
7b Franchard Carriers / Sablons Ouest Boulder 2011-10-15
Red point
Red point
Onde de choc
7B Boulder at Apremont Est
äntligen! klättrade på denna för två år sedan för första gången...
7b Apremont Est Boulder 2011-10-15
Red point
Red point
Lilla My
7A+ Boulder at Bälinge
7a+ Bälinge Boulder 2011-10-04
Red point
Red point
7a Franchard Carriers / Sablons Ouest Boulder 2011-10-01
Red point
Red point
De Brevitate Vitae
7A Boulder at Franchard Isatis
7a Franchard Isatis Boulder 2011-10-01
Red point
Red point
La Grande Allonge
7A Boulder at Franchard Isatis
7a Franchard Isatis Boulder 2011-10-01
Figure de Proue
7A Boulder at Éléphant
7a Éléphant Boulder 2011-10-01
Red point
Red point
Sphincters Toniques
7A+ Boulder at Roche aux Sabots
7a+ Roche aux Sabots Boulder 2011-10-01
Red point
Red point
Blue ass
7A Boulder at Kantaberg
7a Kantaberg Boulder 2011-09-25
Red point
Red point
Return of the King
7A+ Boulder at Kantaberg
7a+ Kantaberg Boulder 2011-09-03
Red point
Red point
6a+ Sport at Falkberget, Luleå
6a+ Falkberget, Luleå Sport 2011-06-30
Daddy cool
7b Sport at Niemisel
cool indeed!
7b Niemisel Sport 2011-06-19
Red point
Red point
7A+ Boulder at Kantaberg
Skräck!! Men fin:)
7a+ Kantaberg Boulder 2011-06-02
Red point
Red point
Standup for africa
7A Boulder at Råbäcken
SA möjligen lättare men nyborstad så lite "glattigt"
7a Råbäcken Boulder 2011-05-15
Red point
Red point
Harrys Harr
7A Boulder at Råbäcken
7a Råbäcken Boulder 2011-05-15
Red point
Red point
Aurora ss
7A Boulder at Jävre Högberget
7a Jävre Högberget Boulder 2011-05-15
Red point
Red point
Nalle Puh
7A+ Boulder at Jävre Högberget
7a+ Jävre Högberget Boulder 2011-05-15
Red point
Red point
7A+ Boulder at Brändön
7a+ Brändön Boulder 2011-05-03
Red point
Red point
Jag är för kort
7A+ Boulder at Brändön
7a+ Brändön Boulder 2011-05-03
Red point
Red point
Action Directe
7A Boulder at Roche aux Oiseaux
7a Roche aux Oiseaux Boulder 2011-04-22
Red point
Red point
Lapin ou Canard
7A Boulder at Franchard Hautes-Plaines
7a Franchard Hautes-Plaines Boulder 2011-04-22
Red point
Red point
L'Ultime Secret
7A+ Boulder at Franchard Isatis
flash men gick ut till vänster på toppen då jag inte hade spottare å bara en padda.
7a+ Franchard Isatis Boulder 2011-04-22
Nästan trettio
7b+ Sport at Åberget
1-3 sjukt komplett 4 av 3 stjärnor
7b (7b+) Åberget Sport 2010-04-21
Red point
Red point
7a+ Sport at Åberget
äntligen har inte vågat klättra denna på två år sedan jag stukade fötterna på den
7a+ Åberget Sport 2010-04-12
Red point
Red point
Black velvet
7a+ Sport at Niemisel
7a+ Niemisel Sport 2010-03-06
Red point
Red point
Tyrolean Air
7c Sport at Tonsai
7c Tonsai Sport 2009-12-16
Red point
Red point
Sorry, The Kitchen Is Closed
7a+ Sport at Tonsai
7a+ Tonsai Sport 2009-12-10
Second Home Ton Sai
7a+ Sport at Tonsai
7a+ Tonsai Sport 2009-12-10
Red point
Red point
Rolling Thunder
7b+ Sport at Tonsai
7c+ (7b+) Tonsai Sport 2009-12-10
Red point
Red point
7c Sport at Tonsai
7c Tonsai Sport 2009-12-10
Red point
Red point
7c Sport at Tonsai
7c Tonsai Sport 2009-12-10
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Jävre Högberget
nära på flashen
7a Jävre Högberget Boulder 2009-10-29
Red point
Red point
Viva Las vegas
7b+ Sport at Niemisel
skulle vara superfin om man tog bort vilan på mitten
7b+ Niemisel Sport 2009-10-01
Red point
Red point
Better burn out than fade away
7c+ Sport at Niemisel
7c+ Niemisel Sport 2009-09-29
Red point
Red point
Vol de Mort
7A Boulder at Apremont Est
7a Apremont Est Boulder 2009-09-24
Sexbomb direkt
8a Sport at Niemisel
7c+ (8a) Niemisel Sport 2009-07-09
Red point
Red point
7c Sport at Niemisel
första eller andra press
7c Niemisel Sport 2009-07-09
Red point
Red point
Bigger Than Jim
7b Sport at Källsberget
7b Källsberget Sport 2009-07-07
Red point
Red point
Return of the spacecowboy
7c Sport at Niemisel
7c Niemisel Sport 2009-07-04
Red point
Red point
The great blondino
7c Sport at Niemisel
nemesis (blött i crux)
7c Niemisel Sport 2009-06-21
Red point
Red point
Big Jim
7a+ Sport at Källsberget
7a+ Källsberget Sport 2009-06-18
Red point
Red point
7c Sport at Niemisel
2000 tals beta tipp topp,superfin
7c Niemisel Sport 2009-06-06
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Brändön
7a Brändön Boulder 2009-05-25
Red point
Red point
The Brush Fire
7A Boulder at North Sairee
7a North Sairee Boulder 2009-04-26
Red point
Red point
Don Quijote De La Mancha
7a Sport at Tonsai
7a+ (7a) Tonsai Sport 2009-04-15
Red point
Red point
Wake & Bake
7a+ Sport at Tonsai
slita sonder benen??
7a+ Tonsai Sport 2009-04-15
Red point
Red point
The Sit Spin L:1
6b+ Sport at Tonsai
6b+ Tonsai Sport 2009-04-14
Two In The Pink One In The Sink
7b+ Sport at White Mountain
7b+ White Mountain Sport 2009-04-03
Red point
Red point
White Devil
7c Sport at White Mountain
7c White Mountain Sport 2009-03-31
Red point
Red point
7a Sport at Lei Pi Shan
a suiting name
7a Lei Pi Shan Sport 2009-03-22
Crash and Burn
7a Sport at Lei Pi Shan
brande onsigthen pa sista klippet
7a Lei Pi Shan Sport 2009-03-22
Red point
Red point
Yangshuo Hotel
7b Sport at White Mountain
7b White Mountain Sport 2009-03-21
Red point
Red point
China White
7b Sport at White Mountain
7b White Mountain Sport 2009-03-19
Red point
Red point
7b Sport at Moon Hill
broke of large stalactite on the 7c extention
7a+ (7b) Moon Hill Sport 2009-03-16
The Snake Strikes
6c Sport at Tonsai
6c Tonsai Sport 2009-01-26
The Ancient Lighthouse🚫
6b+ Sport at Tonsai
7a (6b+) Tonsai Sport 2009-01-26
Red point
Red point
Live & Let Thai L:2
7a Sport at Railay
7a Railay Sport 2009-01-26
Red point
Red point
Inaka L:2
7a Sport at Railay
7a Railay Sport 2009-01-26
Concrete Jungle
6c+ Sport at North Wall / Ao Nang
6c+ North Wall / Ao Nang Sport 2009-01-26
Red point
Red point
Give Me A Break
7a Sport at Railay
7a Railay Sport 2009-01-26
Red point
Red point
Britishly White
7a Sport at North Wall / Ao Nang
7a North Wall / Ao Nang Sport 2009-01-26
Red point
Red point
Freedom safari
7a Sport at North Wall / Ao Nang
7a North Wall / Ao Nang Sport 2009-01-26
6c+ Sport at Tonsai
6c+ Tonsai Sport 2009-01-26
6c+ Sport at Tonsai
6c+ Tonsai Sport 2009-01-26
Red point
Red point
Black cat L:1
7a Sport at Tonsai
7a Tonsai Sport 2009-01-26
Mai Mee Fahn (No Teeth)
7a+ Sport at Tonsai
7a+ Tonsai Sport 2009-01-26
Red point
Red point
Tom Yum (Spicy Soup)
7a Sport at Tonsai
7a Tonsai Sport 2009-01-26
7a+ Sport at Tonsai
7a+ Tonsai Sport 2009-01-26
Red point
Red point
Shit Restdays
7a+ Sport at Railay
7a+ Railay Sport 2009-01-26
Red point
Red point
7a+ Sport at Tonsai
7a+ Tonsai Sport 2009-01-26
Red point
Red point
Love for Travelling
7a+ Sport at Tonsai
7a+ Tonsai Sport 2009-01-26
Red point
Red point
Lal Bab
7a+ Sport at Tonsai
7a+ Tonsai Sport 2009-01-26
Red point
Red point
Breezes of the past
7b Sport at North Wall / Ao Nang
3 press
7b North Wall / Ao Nang Sport 2009-01-26
Red point
Red point
Tough trip through paradise
7b Sport at North Wall / Ao Nang
7b North Wall / Ao Nang Sport 2009-01-26
Red point
Red point
The Way Of The Emperor🚫
7b Sport at Tonsai
7b Tonsai Sport 2009-01-26
Red point
Red point
April Fools
7b Sport at Tonsai
7b Tonsai Sport 2009-01-26
Red point
Red point
Cross Eyed
7b Sport at Tonsai
4 press
7b Tonsai Sport 2009-01-26
Red point
Red point
Kitty porn L:1
7b+ Sport at Tonsai
7b+ Tonsai Sport 2009-01-26
Red point
Red point
Amazing Thailand
7a Sport at Tonsai
7a Tonsai Sport 2009-01-19
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Bälinge
7a Bälinge Boulder 2008-10-19
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Kantaberg
dubbla tålås=coolt
7a Kantaberg Boulder 2008-10-13
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Brudberget
7a Brudberget Boulder 2008-10-04
Red point
Red point
7A+ Boulder at Kantaberg
7a+ Kantaberg Boulder 2008-09-20
Red point
Red point
6b Sport at Falkberget, Luleå
6b+ (6b) Falkberget, Luleå Sport 2008-08-01
Action Man
7a Sport at Källsberget
7a Källsberget Sport 2008-07-20
Red point
Red point
Hell aldersheim
6b+ Sport at Hell
6b+ Hell Sport 2008-06-24
Wild Thing
7a+ Sport at Niemisel
7a+ Niemisel Sport 2008-06-09
Red point
Red point
7a Sport at Niemisel
7a Niemisel Sport 2008-06-06
Red point
Red point
Fido direkt
7a Sport at Åberget
7a Åberget Sport 2008-05-16
Red point
Red point
6c Sport at Falkberget, Luleå
6c Falkberget, Luleå Sport 2008-05-15
Red point
Red point
Fidos flykt
6c Sport at Åberget
tack vare knälåset
6c Åberget Sport 2008-05-15
Red point
Red point
7a Sport at Källsberget
7a+ (7a) Källsberget Sport 2008-05-10
Red point
Red point
Cafe Andaman
7b Sport at Tonsai
7b Tonsai Sport 2008-04-18
Red point
Red point
Unnamed 🚫
6b Sport at Tonsai
6b Tonsai Sport 2008-04-12
Big Wave L:2
6b Sport at Tonsai
multipitch 6b
6b Tonsai Sport 2008-04-09
Equatorial L:1
6c Sport at Railay
6c Railay Sport 2008-04-08
Missing Snow
6b+ Sport at Tonsai
skaka galler
6b+ Tonsai Sport 2008-04-05
Karaoke 🚫
6a Sport at Railay
6a Railay Sport 2008-04-03
6a+ Sport at Crazy Horse Buttress
6a+ Crazy Horse Buttress Sport 2008-01-07
6a+ Sport at Crazy Horse Buttress
6a+ Crazy Horse Buttress Sport 2008-01-07
Every Man's an Island
6b+ Sport at Crazy Horse Buttress
6b+ Crazy Horse Buttress Sport 2008-01-07
Reindeer Request
6a+ Sport at Crazy Horse Buttress
6a+ Crazy Horse Buttress Sport 2008-01-06
Magic Drop
6b Sport at Crazy Horse Buttress
6b Crazy Horse Buttress Sport 2008-01-06
Blood Love and Steel
6c Sport at Crazy Horse Buttress
6c Crazy Horse Buttress Sport 2008-01-06
We Sad
6a+ Sport at Railay
6a+ Railay Sport 2007-12-30
6a Sport at North Wall / Ao Nang
6a+ (6a) North Wall / Ao Nang Sport 2007-12-30
Hello Christine
6a Sport at Railay
6a Railay Sport 2007-12-30
Old Snake
6b Sport at Tonsai
6b Tonsai Sport 2007-12-30
Whacky Weed
6b Sport at Tonsai
6a (6b) Tonsai Sport 2007-12-26
Ling Rong Hei (Monkey Crying)
6b+ Sport at Railay
6b+ Railay Sport 2007-12-26
Low Season
6c Sport at Railay
6c Railay Sport 2007-12-26
Gengis Bond
6b Sport at Railay
6b Railay Sport 2007-12-21
Bottom Feeder L:1
6b Sport at Railay
6b Railay Sport 2007-12-21
The Sluggard Prince
6b Sport at Railay
6b Railay Sport 2007-12-20
Beauty And The Beast🚫
6c Sport at Tonsai
6c Tonsai Sport 2007-12-16
Red point
Red point
6c+ Sport at Tonsai
6c+ Tonsai Sport 2007-12-16
Red point
Red point
Fips, der Affe
7a Sport at Tonsai
7a Tonsai Sport 2007-12-14
Red point
Red point
By Way Of Deception
7a Sport at Tonsai
7a Tonsai Sport 2007-12-10
Red point
Red point
Good Medicine
6c+ Sport at Tonsai
7a (6c+) Tonsai Sport 2007-12-08
For You & For Me🚫
6b Sport at Tonsai
6b Tonsai Sport 2007-11-25
Lars & Lars
7a Sport at Tonsai
first 7a
7a Tonsai Sport 2007-11-21
Red point
Red point
Babes In Thailand
7a Sport at Tonsai
7a Tonsai Sport 2007-11-21
Red point
Red point
No Name
6c+ Sport at Railay
6c (6c+) Railay Sport 2007-11-16
Jumping For Jugs
6c Sport at Tonsai
6c Tonsai Sport 2007-11-16
Fire Starter
6c+ Sport at Tonsai
6c+ Tonsai Sport 2007-11-14
Red point
Red point
6c Sport at Åberget
6c Åberget Sport 2007-08-30
Red point
Red point
Donkey Kong
6c+ Sport at Källsberget
6c+ Källsberget Sport 2007-07-14
Red point
Red point
6c Sport at Åberget
6c Åberget Sport 2007-06-14
Red point
Red point