
5 trad 248 boulder

The area is access sensitive

Access: As with all areas in Rocklands, a valid permit is required to climb here! The easiest way to buy your permit is on Quicket: Read more

Activities on this crag

8 Day Rain

The area is access sensitive!

Access: As with all areas in Rocklands, a valid permit is required to climb here! The easiest way to buy your permit is on Quicket:

8 Day Rain is divided into 2 sectors: de Pakhuys and Traveller's Rest and as the names suggest the areas lay under different management.

de Pakhuys areas: After turning off the asphalt road, follow the dirt track for 200m and park at the obvious parking.
Except for residents of the farm and their visitors, it's walking access only beyond the designated parking lot.
Do not attempt to park in the old parking areas - these have been lined with rock barriers as part of their rehabilitation.

Traveller's Rest areas: Just after the turn-off to Elisabethfontein, enter the large gate and drive up the dirt track and park before it starts going up hill. Don't try and drive up you will get stuck and destroy the road which the farmers use to access their land!

de Pakhuys: From the parking, walk down the dirt track past Powrlines to the old parking from here you can either walk towards the Warm-up bloc/Black Mango areas or right towards the Lowers Areas. See Map for details...

Traveller's Rest: Walk-in up the sandy track to the Vanity Boulder.