Spigola thumbnail
Migola thumbnail
Bamba e crack thumbnail
Kintusugi dei poveri thumbnail
Lavoro dipendente thumbnail
Dai che è marcio thumbnail
Flip river thumbnail
River change thumbnail
Boulder problem #1 thumbnail
Sarlegna thumbnail
Telo thumbnail
4 Boulder at Boulder 4 - Piazzo
Piazzo thumbnail
4 Boulder at Boulder 4 - Piazzo
Font Memory thumbnail
Davanzale thumbnail
Pocket Coffee thumbnail
Raffaello thumbnail
Gianduiotto thumbnail
Ferrero Rocher thumbnail
Choco Chair thumbnail
Astronautico thumbnail
Toxic Climbing thumbnail
Amicizia Bridge thumbnail
Amicizia Bridge Sit thumbnail
Boulder problem #5 thumbnail
Speranza secca thumbnail
Diving thumbnail
Trota thumbnail
Avision thumbnail
From river to Sky thumbnail
Puerfido diedro thumbnail
Boulder problem #12 thumbnail
Lavori ad alta quota thumbnail
Lavori a bassa quota thumbnail
Boulder problem #17 thumbnail
Boulder problem #16 thumbnail
Boulder problem #15 thumbnail
L'uomo e le uova thumbnail
Sleep porfer thumbnail
Baby 1 thumbnail
Baby 1
4 Sport at Sector A
Baby 2 thumbnail
Baby 2
4 Sport at Sector A
Vac thumbnail
5 Sport at Sector A
Stadel thumbnail
6b Sport at Sector A
Poze thumbnail
6a Sport at Sector A
Zise thumbnail
5 Sport at Sector A
Lagabrun thumbnail
5+ Sport at Sector A
Mezon thumbnail
6a Sport at Sector A
Pian Magior thumbnail
Pian Magior
6c Sport at Sector A
Dagan thumbnail
6b Sport at Sector A
Sauch thumbnail
5 Sport at Sector A
Pradole thumbnail
5+ Sport at Sector A
Saosent thumbnail
6c+ Sport at Sector A
Cercenal thumbnail
6c Sport at Sector A
Moinac thumbnail
7a Sport at Sector A
Mezatrad thumbnail
6b+ Traditional at Sector A
Sere thumbnail
6c Sport at Sector A
Ischioni thumbnail
6c Sport at Sector A
Val Morta thumbnail
Val Morta
7a Sport at Sector A
Forche thumbnail
4+ Sport at Sector A
Val Fredata sx thumbnail
Val Fredata dx thumbnail
Trad 1 thumbnail
Trad 1
5+ Traditional at Sector A
Trad 2 thumbnail
Trad 2
3+ Traditional at Sector A
Camin thumbnail
3 Sport at Sector A
Castion thumbnail
6a Sport at Sector A
Vadron thumbnail
6b Sport at Sector A
Pistol Sx thumbnail
Pistol Sx
5 Sport at Sector A
Pistol Dx thumbnail
Pistol Dx
6a Sport at Sector A
Scalet thumbnail
3 Sport at Sector A
Fessura Trad 1 thumbnail
Fessura Trad 1
5 Traditional at Sector B
La cros L1 thumbnail
La cros L1
5+ Sport at Sector B
La cros L2 thumbnail
La cros L2
6c Sport at Sector B
Fessura trad 2 thumbnail
Fessura trad 2
6a+ Traditional at Sector B
Ciao Darwin thumbnail
Ciao Darwin
6a Sport at Sector B
Spigolo thumbnail
6a Sport at Sector B
Via delle terrazze L1 thumbnail
Via delle terrazze L2 thumbnail
Via delle terrazze L3 thumbnail
Via delle terrazze L3
6a+ Traditional at Sector B
Plank dance thumbnail
Plank dance
6c Sport at Sector B
Blob L1 thumbnail
Blob L1
6b Sport at Sector B
Blob L2 thumbnail
Blob L2
6b Sport at Sector B
Naryka L1 thumbnail
Naryka L1
6a Sport at Sector B
Naryka L2 thumbnail
Naryka L2
7a+ Sport at Sector B
Instabilmentestabile thumbnail
Nido dell'anatra thumbnail
Nido dell'anatra
6a+ Sport at Sector B
Teleferica thumbnail
6a Sport at Sector B
La cros L1 Variante thumbnail
Pedro Tour thumbnail
Pedro Tour
5 Sport at Sector B
Anda Pedro thumbnail
Anda Pedro
7a Sport at Sector B
Buena vista thumbnail
Buena vista
6a Sport at Sector B
Social club thumbnail
Social club
6a+ Sport at Sector B
Spigolandia thumbnail
6b Sport at Sector B
Svasvadron thumbnail
? Sport at Sector B
Diedro thumbnail
5 Sport at Sector B
I due tassi L1 thumbnail
I due tassi L1
6a Sport at Sector B
I due tassi L2 thumbnail
I due tassi L2
7a Sport at Sector B
The wall thumbnail
The wall
6a+ Sport at Sector B
Elbusfagrado L1 thumbnail
Elbusfagrado L2 thumbnail
Elbusfagrado L2
6c+ Sport at Sector B
Uva schiava L1 thumbnail
Uva schiava L1
6c+ Sport at Sector B
Uva schiava L2 thumbnail
Uva schiava L2
6b+ Sport at Sector B
Pic Indolor L1 thumbnail
Pic Indolor L1
6b+ Sport at Sector B
Pic Indolor L2 thumbnail
Pic Indolor L2
6a Sport at Sector B
Totem thumbnail
6b Sport at Sector B
Route #36 thumbnail
Route #36
6a+ Traditional at Sector B
Route #37 thumbnail
Route #37
6a+ Traditional at Sector B
Tegnel? El Ten! L1 thumbnail
Tegnel? El Ten! L1
5+ Traditional at Sector B
Tegnel? El Ten! L2 thumbnail
Tegnel? El Ten! L2
5+ Traditional at Sector B
Route #40 thumbnail
Route #40
6a+ Traditional at Sector B
Top Rope 1 thumbnail
Top Rope 1
6a Partially bolted at Sector A
Top Rope 2 thumbnail
Top Rope 2
6c Sport at Sector A
Top Rope 2 with edge thumbnail
Crack thumbnail