
68 boulder

The area is access sensitive

Please note: Climbing on rocks is still prohibited in Baden-Württemberg, but the authorities tolerates climbing in this area. It is therefore absolutely crucial that you behave correctly! 🚗 How to ge... Read more

We like Angelstein

Activities on this crag

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The area is access sensitive!

Please note: Climbing on rocks is still prohibited in Baden-Württemberg, but the authorities tolerates climbing in this area. It is therefore absolutely crucial that you behave correctly!

🚗 How to get to Angelstein?
Park your car at the parking of the cemetery in Waldrennach.

🏃‍♂️ Approach:
Follow the good path like tracked in the map. The approach is easy and takes only about 5-10 minutes from the parking to Block 1.

💧Do not climb on wet rock!
🏹 Avoid conflicts with the hunter/forester. In case of doubt, they always have priority!
🚶‍♀️ Be nice to hikers and cyclists!
🌙 Climbing at night is prohibited! Please leave the forest at least one hour before nightfall.
👣 Stay on the tracked and visible paths!
🌱 Respect the vegetation and the wildlife.
🔇 In general try to keep a low profile.
🚯 Remove all of your trash!
🪥 Brush off tickmarks and don't use too much chalk!
💩 Dispose of your human waste!
⛔ Do not open up new routes on rocks that are very overgrown. Only clean the structure that is necessary for climbing, please do not remove large areas of vegetation!