
Easy and short access to the crag. Limestone rock with lots of different typs of holds: cracks, pockets, jugs, slopers, crimps. The best time of year is spring and fall. But with a lack of snow in Winter it is still possible to enjoy some pleasurable climbing in late December.

Wild camping, fire and night bouldering is strictly forbidden. B+Bs, campgrounds and taverns are to be found all around the lake, just have a look at

It is no problem at all to bring your kids. There are even a few designated children boulders like 26, 27 and 29. Also suitable for children with an adult spotting would be nr.2, 28 and 30 with flat and spacious landing areas. All reachable within a couple minutes from the parking area. On the higher numbers there are also some easier lines on otherwise hard boulders so nobody should get bored (4a "Wo is a" and "Lulu" on nr. 47, 4c "Takatuka" on nr. 44, an unnamed 4C at nr. 40 or 3b "Kinnhook" at nr. 75)

There are no real sectors since most of the boulders are not spread too far apart from each other. Boulders 1-36 are found below the Forststrasse, 37-109 above.

The Brennerriesensteig and the Nikoloweg are official public hiking trails that see a lot of traffic especially on warmer days. Please be considerate of the other forest users and don´t block the walking ways. Usually folks are quite friendly and interested in your climbing.

Landing areas are varying, but the numbers below 50 tend to be smoother and less blocked as the terrain gets steeper from there upwards.

Some less frequented blocks are getting harder to find with the vegetation taking over (57-64) and some are even blocked by fallen trees now like 72.

Quiet a few of the more popular boulders, like 7A "Kobolus" on nr. 31, 7B "Pussydriver" on nr. 32 or 6B "fly away" on nr. 41 are right next to the path, so it is likely you have an audience eventually. The seekers of solitude should try the following areas: 3-4, 5-8, 50-74 or 89up as those are better hidden in the forest.

Boulder nr. 105 is a bit off the beaten track but still worth the visit if you are craving for FB7 grades. 7 designated lines between 7a and 7C+ as well as a couple more combinations of those lines well make up for the steep ascent.


Officially established 2002 by Martin Schmeisser.
The first 7B, "Pussydriver" on block 32 was set in 2003, the first 8A, "Peristaltik" on block 47 in 2004 - both by Martin Schmeisser.

Routes on Attersee, Weissenbach
272 boulder 17 Likes
Premium topo by Boulder Buddies Salzburg
Christof Fraidl
from Salzburg
Marcus Zadra
from Salzburg, Austria