No special access issues

🚗 Arrival
Coming from the centre of Storo, head South following the directions towards Lago d’Idro / Baitoni / Bondone. After 1.7 km, cross a small bridge.

• If your goal is Corna dal Vescof sector, turn immediately to the left and then leave your car on the large space on the left side of the road.

• To reach Al castello sector, continue driving along the main road heading to Baitoni / Bondone and finally reach Baitoni. Drive through Baitoni and reach its end, then leave the main road going right and following the directions towards the lake. Here there is a large car park.

🚶‍♂️ Sectors
• Corna dal Vescof: walk North direction on the dirt road and after about 100 meters look for an evident trail starting on the right. Just follow the uphill trail that after a tens of minutes leads to the wall.

• Al castello: from the lake car park, go back to the main road and right towards Bondone. After 80 meters, on the left, there is a trail that leads again to the road but skips one hairpin bend. Walk for 80 more meters on the paved road, then there is another trail on the left leading to the sector.


If you know about access issues in this area, please send us an email