Suprême dimension thumbnail
Histoire de Fous thumbnail
Histoire de Fous
7b Sport at Ecrin
Rouge thumbnail
7a Sport at Centenaire
Exil Interieur thumbnail
Exil Interieur
7a Sport at Ecrin
La couleur du vent thumbnail
Morabitoune thumbnail
7a Sport at Ecrin
Risques Eperdus thumbnail
Risques Eperdus
7a Sport at Ecrin
Beatus Vir thumbnail
Beatus Vir
7a Sport at Caribou
Pourvu qu'elle soit dure thumbnail
Plus beau que moi tu meurs thumbnail
Beau... mais orageux en fin de journee thumbnail
Unis vers l'uni thumbnail
Unis vers l'uni
6c Sport at Ecrin
La polytechnique thumbnail
Le meilleur de soi-même thumbnail
Flip flop flex thumbnail
Imitation logique thumbnail
La pesanteur et la grâce thumbnail
La gamelle de Beethoven thumbnail
Chrysalide - variante thumbnail
L'Angélique - L2 - variante thumbnail
On ne peut pas être et avoir été thumbnail
Solarisation thumbnail
6b+ Sport at Liedekerke
Santir'wetnin thumbnail
6b+ Sport at Centenaire
La machine à Rodolphe thumbnail
Santir setch thumbnail
Santir setch
6b+ Sport at Centenaire
Une brève histoire du temps thumbnail
La fanette - L2 thumbnail
La fanette - L2
6b+ Sport at Fanette
L'Angélique - L2 thumbnail
L'Angélique - L2
6b+ Sport at Fanette
Chrysalide thumbnail
6b+ Sport at Fanette
Je suis né dans le gris par accident thumbnail
La Julos - L2 thumbnail
Merlin l'emmerdeur thumbnail
Demain, j'enlève le haut thumbnail
Ledit amant de ces Dames thumbnail
L'Eclipse des phalanges thumbnail
Eté torride thumbnail
Eté torride
6b Sport at Centenaire
Le communisme est-il soluble dans l'alcool ? thumbnail
Romanée-Conti thumbnail
Le lutin des cimes thumbnail
Les non-dits de l'émotion thumbnail
Mouron-Chrysalide thumbnail
La fanette - L1 thumbnail
La fanette - L1
6a+ Sport at Fanette
Le rat Arthur thumbnail
Le rat Arthur
6a+ Sport at Centenaire
Le marteau thumbnail
Le marteau
6a+ Sport at Liedekerke
Pétales hurlants thumbnail
Pétales hurlants
6a+ Sport at Fanette
Bibendum thumbnail
6a+ Sport at Liedekerke
Les Malaises - L2 thumbnail
Là où certains craquent, d'autres s'éclatent thumbnail
Où est passé Atlas ? thumbnail
Les fils du deuxième millénaire thumbnail
Kalkinekoumpitz thumbnail
6a+ Sport at Caribou
Critique de la raison pure thumbnail
Quatrième dimension thumbnail
T.T.Q.E.C. thumbnail
6a+ Traditional at Liedekerke
Le mouron rouge - L2 thumbnail
Mouron rouge - alternate exit thumbnail
Lancelot du lourd thumbnail
Genesis thumbnail
6a Sport at Centenaire
Le jokari thumbnail
Le jokari
6a Sport at Jokari
Tribitotechnique thumbnail
Les surplombs du Noble thumbnail
La grotesque thumbnail
La grotesque
6a Sport at Centenaire
Masculino Ma Non Fanatico thumbnail
Votez Richounet pour un rocher propre et net thumbnail
Blitzkrieg thumbnail
6a Sport at Caribou
Schtrompmol thumbnail
6a Sport at Caribou
L'insoutenable légèreté de l'Etre thumbnail
Gevrey-Chambertin thumbnail
Un autre univers thumbnail
Multivers thumbnail
6a Sport at Centenaire
Venin thumbnail
6a Sport at Centenaire
Le hasard de la nécessité thumbnail
La Zich thumbnail
La Zich
6a Sport at Dalle du Zich
La Marie-Paule - L3 thumbnail
Solidarnosc - L2 thumbnail
Paty noire - L2 thumbnail
Paty noire - L2
6a Sport at Fanette
Le jardin moghol thumbnail
Paty noire variante thumbnail
Exultate Jubilate thumbnail
Exultate Jubilate
5+ Sport at Ecrin
Les gringalets thumbnail
Les gringalets
5+ Sport at Jokari
Bananarama thumbnail
5+ Sport at Centenaire
La caroline thumbnail
La caroline
5+ Sport at Centenaire
Eté Indien thumbnail
Eté Indien
5+ Sport at Liedekerke
Diabolique cougnet thumbnail
Toto coelo thumbnail
Toto coelo
5+ Sport at Centenaire
The Sound of Silence thumbnail
Frite Magique thumbnail
Frite Magique
5+ Sport at Fanette
Le Makitova ne répond plus thumbnail
Le Temps Des Secrets thumbnail
Beau mal fuschia thumbnail
L'arc de Sébastien thumbnail
Mes nuits sont plus belles que vos jours thumbnail
La Robert-Marchal thumbnail
L'exaltante thumbnail
5+ Sport at Centenaire
La carpette du futur  thumbnail
Le pilier du Centenaire thumbnail
Massart ne donne pas de nom thumbnail
Le cornet enchanté thumbnail
La Schils - L1 thumbnail
Le Sexto-mytho thumbnail

The area is access sensitive!

As for all climbing sites in Belgium, you must be member of the climbing federation that manages the site (here the Club Alpin Belge). The CAB has reciprocity agreement with the other belgian federations (KBF, UBS) and the NKBV (Netherlands). The active members of other climbing federations of UIAA are also allowed for climbing if they also have an insurance for civilian liability covering climbing activities.
Parking : the cars can park on a big parking place between the railway and the marine. There can be a lot of cars during sunnies week-ends so park closely to each others and perpendicular to the road.
Just walk along the road and take the bridge over the railway. A good path starts from the bridge and lead to most of the cliffs, except the "Caribou". The main path is continuing behind the "Centenaire" and goes up in a valley to the Marche-les-Dames forest. At the beginning of the valley you have the "Jokari".To go to "Ecrin, Jonction and Cellier), you have to continue along the railway for about 150 m. For the "Caribou", from the bridge, continue about 75 m, go over the road protection rail and follow a small and steep path to the right. See map in the "photo" area.
Coming down. For most of the routes, you can lower off or abseil. If you want to exit to the summit, there is a small path almost following the wooded crest and joining the main path in the valley just after the "Jokari". All the ravines between the cliffs are impassable and strictly forbidden (Natura 2000 sensitive protected area).