The Biker Boulders
The Biker Boulders 1 / 7
  • start sitting in the back of the cave. Climb out the roof on crimpy slots to a fun mantle.
  • Start seated on the jug feature and climb up through the arete and edges.
The Biker Boulders
The Biker Boulders 2 / 7
The Biker Boulders
The Biker Boulders 3 / 7
The Biker Boulders
The Biker Boulders 4 / 7
  • Start seated on the arete (right) and a flat diagonal edge out left climb up and slightly left using edges and the arete.
The Biker Boulders
The Biker Boulders 5 / 7
  • start low on the undercling feature and climb straight up to a spicy topout.
  • project. start on the obvious edge at 1 meter and a low right undercling. climb up and left through a press in the roof and a high topout.
  • project. Start the same as "White Lung" and climb up and a bit right utilizing the arete and edges higher up.
The Biker Boulders
The Biker Boulders 6 / 7
  • Start seated on a left side pull inset from the left arete and a small right-hand crimp around the right arete. Climb straight out the prow to a high but easy top out.
  • start stemming low in the dihedral feature and climb up and left through small crimps and an easy top out.
The Biker Boulders
The Biker Boulders 7 / 7

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