
Borgberg is a nice addition to the climbing in the archipelago area.

There area is broken up into several small walls, some of them fairly high, however.

There is still room for new routes.

The area is located by a nice watchtower built in 1993, so make sure to keep the noise level down as not to disturb other visitors. And also make sure to visit the tower to see some nice views towards the surrounding islands. Also thanks to the tower there is good parking available.

To get to the boulders, walk along the south side of the hill (there is no defined trail). Don't use the official path to the watch tower as that goes along the north side.


Borgberget was developed by Jonas Broo, after getting permission to clean the boulders from the municipality in 2019. After that, a few routes has been added per year.

Routes on Borgberg
1 trad 13 boulder 1 Likes
Premium topo by TeamJB
Jonas Broo
from Helsinki
Other Premium topos by TeamJB