No topo image available
Lappi slap
7B Boulder
No topo image available
7B Boulder
No topo image available
7A Boulder
No topo image available
Magna Mater
7B Boulder
Bach block traverse thumbnail
Right Problem thumbnail
Ponk stand thumbnail
Ponk stand
7B+ Boulder at Vecchio Leone
Occhio del Galles thumbnail
Occhio del Galles
7B+ Boulder at Frogger
No topo image available
Clean climb
6B Boulder
No topo image available
7A Boulder
Supertussi thumbnail
8B Boulder at Atlantis
Nike thumbnail
8B Boulder at Atlantis
Apollo thumbnail
8A Boulder at Atlantis
Atlantis thumbnail
7C Boulder at Atlantis
La Verzaschina thumbnail
Touch and toy thumbnail
Touch and toy
6B+ Boulder at La Verzaschina
Touch and toy sit thumbnail
Manchurian candidate thumbnail
Inside out thumbnail
Inside out
8A+ Boulder at Inside out
Division Bell thumbnail
Division Bell
8B Boulder at Inside out
Boulder problem #8 thumbnail
Boulder problem #9 thumbnail
Pampers thumbnail
6B Boulder at Inside out
Stile zen thumbnail
Stile zen
6A+ Boulder at Inside out
Just toe it thumbnail
Just toe it
7A+ Boulder at just Toe it
Tyson thumbnail
7B Boulder at just Toe it
Nik Nose thumbnail
Nik Nose
6B Boulder at just Toe it
Giovannino thumbnail
7C Boulder at just Toe it
L'ABC-pite thumbnail
7A Boulder at Team ABC
ABC Direct thumbnail
ABC Direct
8A Boulder at Team ABC
Team ABC thumbnail
Team ABC
7C Boulder at Team ABC
Barbera d'Asti thumbnail
Barbera d'Asti
6B+ Boulder at Team ABC
Profi edge thumbnail
Profi edge
7A Boulder at Profi edge
21 Power thumbnail
21 Power
8A+ Boulder at Pubble arête
Pubble straight thumbnail
Pebble problem thumbnail
Pebble problem
6B+ Boulder at Pubble arête
Pubble arête thumbnail
Richard Löwenherz thumbnail
Undercling problem thumbnail
Sidepull problem thumbnail
Mantel problem thumbnail
Big sidepull thumbnail
Big sidepull
6A Boulder at Pubble arête
Il segreto degli hsky thumbnail
Optima thumbnail
7A Boulder at Pubble arête
Boulder problem #13 thumbnail
Fuggi fuggi generale thumbnail
Mind the step thumbnail
Rondelle sablé thumbnail
Red ramble thumbnail
Red ramble
7B Boulder at Pubble arête
Garibaldi fu ferito thumbnail
Pollicino thumbnail
6B Boulder at Pubble arête
Porte aperte thumbnail
Porte aperte
6B+ Boulder at Pubble arête
Oggi jump thumbnail
Oggi jump
6B Boulder at Pubble arête
La baume thumbnail
La baume
7A Boulder at Pubble arête
Paris black thumbnail
Paris black
6A+ Boulder at Pubble arête
Hand salve thumbnail
Hand salve
5+ Boulder at Pubble arête
Jazz corner thumbnail
Jazz corner
7A+ Boulder at Jazz corner
Jazz right thumbnail
Jazz right
7A Boulder at Jazz corner
Molonk arête thumbnail
Molonk arête
7A Boulder at Molonk
Fracercott thumbnail
6C Boulder at Molonk
Extra thumbnail
6B Boulder at Molonk
Extra lusso thumbnail
Extra lusso
6B+ Boulder at Molonk
Molonk left thumbnail
Molonk left
7C+ Boulder at Molonk
Molonk thumbnail
7C Boulder at Molonk
Right of Molonk thumbnail
Right of Molonk
7B Boulder at Molonk
Le relais thumbnail
Le relais
7A Boulder at Molonk
Colpo gobbo thumbnail
Colpo gobbo
6C+ Boulder at Molonk
Cuscus traverse thumbnail
Cuscus traverse
6C Boulder at Molonk
Cuscus Clan thumbnail
Cuscus Clan
7A+ Boulder at Molonk
Tony Lamprect Problem thumbnail
Should I stay or should I go thumbnail
Clash thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Molonk
Combat rock thumbnail
Combat rock
7B Boulder at Molonk
Sadiku thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Molonk
Venga Tio thumbnail
Venga Tio
8A Boulder at Molonk
Sa da poc thumbnail
Sa da poc
7A Boulder at Molonk
Next gender thumbnail
Next gender
7C+ Boulder at Molonk
V 70 thumbnail
V 70
6C+ Boulder at Molonk
Fiat Punto thumbnail
Fiat Punto
7B Boulder at Molonk
Molly Monster thumbnail
Molly Monster
6B+ Boulder at Molonk
Vampiretto thumbnail
4 Boulder at Molonk
Capitan mutanda thumbnail
Capitan mutanda
6A Boulder at Molonk
Tatone thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Molonk
... thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Molonk
Alce e Gabbana thumbnail
Alce e Gabbana
7A+ Boulder at Molonk
Galup traverse thumbnail
Galup traverse
7B+ Boulder at Beach boys
Buon job thumbnail
Buon job
7A Boulder at Beach boys
Main streed thumbnail
Main streed
7B+ Boulder at Beach boys
The highway thumbnail
The highway
7B Boulder at Beach boys
Beach Boys thumbnail
Beach Boys
8A Boulder at Beach boys
Attenti a quei due thumbnail
Chi la dura thumbnail
Chi la dura
7C Boulder at Beach boys
Pillar point thumbnail
La vie en rose thumbnail
Yoshi's island thumbnail
Project thumbnail
? Boulder at Yoshi's island
Dimithrill thumbnail
7C Boulder at Dimitril
Joshua thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Dimitril
Wirlpool thumbnail
7C+ Boulder at Django
Django thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Django
Her Brut thumbnail
Her Brut
6C+ Boulder at Django
Limited edition thumbnail
Limited edition sit start thumbnail
The power of rainbow thumbnail
The power of rocket thumbnail
Till the endy thumbnail
Prejudice thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Till the endy
La mossa Kansas City thumbnail
Kubalik thumbnail
8B Boulder at Kubalik
Khumba mela thumbnail
Khumba mela
8A+ Boulder at Kubalik
Flash off thumbnail
Flash off
6B Boulder at Kubalik
FA Cup thumbnail
FA Cup
7B+ Boulder at Kubalik
L'é tüt thumbnail
L'é tüt
6B+ Boulder at White collar
White collar thumbnail
White collar
6C Boulder at White collar
The lateness thumbnail
The lateness
7A+ Boulder at White collar
Pan & salam thumbnail
Pan & salam
6C+ Boulder at Sbandiera bianca
Sbandiera bianca thumbnail
Iron Emac thumbnail
Iron Emac
7B+ Boulder at Sbandiera bianca
Sembra facile thumbnail
Traversa non mente thumbnail
Tetto -Trash thumbnail
Tetto -Trash
8A Boulder at Tetto-Trash
Sporcizia ovunque thumbnail
Brasil thumbnail
7A Boulder at Brasil
Läufer plast thumbnail
Läufer plast
6B+ Boulder at Brasil
Omino thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Brasil
Unidentifield Flying Object thumbnail
Sleepy Hollow thumbnail
Sleepy Hollow
7C+ Boulder at Vecchio Leone
Mr. Collins thumbnail
Mr. Collins
6B Boulder at Vecchio Leone
Twice thumbnail
7A Boulder at Vecchio Leone
7c soft thumbnail
7c soft
7A Boulder at Vecchio Leone
My stile thumbnail
My stile
6B+ Boulder at Vecchio Leone
Elegante thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Vecchio Leone
Ponk thumbnail
8A Boulder at Vecchio Leone
Vecchio Brione thumbnail
The Kingdom thumbnail
The Kingdom
8B+ Boulder at Vecchio Leone
Vecchio Leone thumbnail
Acid House thumbnail
Acid House
7C Boulder at Vecchio Leone
White stripe thumbnail
White stripe
8B Boulder at Vecchio Leone
Fake House thumbnail
Fake House
6A+ Boulder at Vecchio Leone
Sunny slab thumbnail
Sunny slab
6C Boulder at Frogger
Soft line thumbnail
Soft line
4 Boulder at Frogger
Angeli blu thumbnail
Angeli blu
6A Boulder at Frogger
Schiuma party thumbnail
Schiuma party
6B Boulder at Frogger
Frogger thumbnail
8A Boulder at Frogger
Liquid Neils thumbnail
Liquid Neils
8B+ Boulder at Frogger
Ganymede takeover thumbnail
Ganymede takeover
8A+ Boulder at Frogger
Fake pamplemousse thumbnail
Fake pamplemousse
8A Boulder at Frogger
Flash flood thumbnail
Flash flood
8B Boulder at Frogger
Crazy balance thumbnail
Crazy balance
7A Boulder at Salamandre
Salamandre thumbnail
8A+ Boulder at Salamandre
Gentle mantle thumbnail
Gentle mantle
7C Boulder at Salamandre
... thumbnail
4 Boulder at Trash talking
... thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Trash talking
Trasch talking thumbnail
Trasch talking
6C+ Boulder at Trash talking
La prova del nove thumbnail
La prova del nove
6B Boulder at Kickflip
Ray light thumbnail
Ray light
6C Boulder at Kickflip
The fournace thumbnail
The fournace
6A Boulder at Kickflip
Hazard line thumbnail
Hazard line
6C+ Boulder at Kickflip
Kickflip thumbnail
7B Boulder at Kickflip
CC fungiatt thumbnail
CC fungiatt
4 Boulder at Kickflip
RG fungiatt plus thumbnail
RG fungiatt plus
4+ Boulder at Kickflip
... thumbnail
6B Boulder at Kickflip
... thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Kickflip
West and girls thumbnail
West and girls
7A Boulder at Kickflip
Eehoo thumbnail
8B Boulder at Blinded by the light
Blinded by the light thumbnail
... thumbnail
6B Boulder at Blinded by the light
Brain in crisis thumbnail
Land art thumbnail
Steini vibes thumbnail
Zangor thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Blinded by the light
Fratelli spazzatura thumbnail
Descensus ad inferos thumbnail
Bouillon brulè thumbnail
Duble crack thumbnail
La capinera thumbnail
La cozza thumbnail
Mollo thumbnail
6B Boulder at Mister orange
Mister orange thumbnail
Hunder pressure thumbnail
Tex Willer thumbnail
Tex Willer
7A+ Boulder at Mister orange
The target thumbnail
The target
7C+ Boulder at Mister orange
The Homemade slingshot thumbnail
Idroman thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Pièe tendu
Pièe tendu thumbnail
Pièe tendu
6A Boulder at Pièe tendu
Blue lagoon thumbnail
Blue lagoon
8A Boulder at Blue lagoon
Fuorigioco thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Blue lagoon
Rosso speranza thumbnail
Rosso speranza
6C+ Boulder at Stuart little
Stuart little thumbnail
Stuart little
7B+ Boulder at Stuart little
Crackovia thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Stuart little
Settebello thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Stuart little
Briscola thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Stuart little
Fortissio lungo thumbnail
The sound of water thumbnail
... thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Camourage
Camourange thumbnail
8A Boulder at Camourage
Camou blanc thumbnail
Camou blanc
6A Boulder at Camourage
Piccolo grande thumbnail
Piccolo grande
6B+ Boulder at Camourage
L'occhio del Galles thumbnail
La perla thumbnail
La perla
6C Boulder at Camourage
Mandala della natura thumbnail
Black arete thumbnail
Black arete
7C Boulder at Black arete
Le court du jour thumbnail
Matisse thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Stuart little
La pouce thumbnail
La pouce
6B Boulder at Stuart little
übung macht den Meister thumbnail
Little boy thumbnail
Little boy
7B Boulder at Little boy
Aire thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Little boy
L'intruso thumbnail
6B Boulder at Little boy
Fantasy thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Little boy
Too many project thumbnail
Stress less thumbnail
Stress less
5+ Boulder at Little boy
... thumbnail
3 Boulder at Little boy
Flash mod thumbnail
Flash mod
6C Boulder at Little boy
Falce e martello thumbnail
V.Vera thumbnail
6B Boulder at Enjoy and respect
F.Falsa thumbnail
6B Boulder at Enjoy and respect
Ibernazione totale thumbnail
Nada thumbnail
6A Boulder at Enjoy and respect
Doris docet thumbnail
Tour de force thumbnail
Enjoy and respect thumbnail
Rêve de Franz thumbnail
Vietato ai minori thumbnail
... thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Enjoy and respect
Cacciatore solitario thumbnail
Aspis thumbnail
6C Boulder at Enjoy and respect
Damm a trà thumbnail
Dalle grise thumbnail
O di lì thumbnail
O di lì
6C+ Boulder at Enjoy and respect
O di là thumbnail
O di là
7A Boulder at Enjoy and respect
Allungao meravigliao thumbnail
Red corner thumbnail
Red corner
6B+ Boulder at Enjoy and respect
Black Pearl thumbnail
Black Pearl
7C+ Boulder at Black Pearl
The cruiso thumbnail
The cruiso
7A Boulder at Black Pearl
Geiser sound thumbnail
Geiser sound
7C Boulder at Geiser sound
Onda rosa thumbnail
Onda rosa
7B Boulder at Geiser sound
Black slab thumbnail
Black slab
6A Boulder at Geiser sound
Ultimo thumbnail
7B Boulder at Geiser sound
Plaza mayor thumbnail
Plaza mayor
6B+ Boulder at Plaza mayor
Resa immediata thumbnail
Resa immediata
6B Boulder at Plaza mayor
Pim pim cavalin thumbnail
Pim pim cavalin
6C+ Boulder at Plaza mayor
Fiorin Fiorello thumbnail
Fiorin Fiorello
7A+ Boulder at Plaza mayor
Piega da kipferl thumbnail
Firts class thumbnail
Firts class
8A+ Boulder at Plaza mayor
Sopra la panca thumbnail
Sopra la panca
8A Boulder at Plaza mayor
L'odissea thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Plaza mayor
La sfinge thumbnail
La sfinge
7A+ Boulder at Plaza mayor
Pepe thumbnail
6C Boulder at Plaza mayor
La Palmita thumbnail
La Palmita
7B Boulder at Zero kelvin
Zero kelvin thumbnail
Zero kelvin
8B+ Boulder at Zero kelvin
Bar Num thumbnail
Bar Num
5 Boulder at Zero kelvin
Schrottepresse thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Zero kelvin
Nientepopodimeno thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Zero kelvin
Ballerman thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Ballerman
La planche thumbnail
La planche
7C+ Boulder at Ballerman
Frà Renzo da Lodi thumbnail
Frà Renzo da Lodi
7B+ Boulder at Ballerman
Grazie Grizzi thumbnail
Grazie Grizzi
8A+ Boulder at Ballerman
Grazie Grizzi thumbnail
Grazie Grizzi
8A+ Boulder at Ballerman
Passo retico thumbnail
Passo retico
3 Boulder at Ballerman
Dirittopenale thumbnail
5 Boulder at Ballerman
Snappa tutto thumbnail
Snappa tutto
6A Boulder at Ballerman
Ocean beach thumbnail
Ocean beach
7A Boulder at Ballerman
Cack stift thumbnail
Cack stift
6C+ Boulder at Ballerman
Litium thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Ballerman
Omega 3 thumbnail
Omega 3
6B Boulder at Ballerman
Pro touch trav. low thumbnail
Pro touch trav. high thumbnail
Pro touch thumbnail
Pro touch
8B Boulder at Ballerman
Anime planet thumbnail
Anime planet
7A Boulder at Ballerman
Anime world thumbnail
Anime world
7A Boulder at Ballerman
Her morning elegance thumbnail
Versace thumbnail
8B Boulder at Ballerman
Half moon bay thumbnail
Half moon bay
7A+ Boulder at Ballerman
Air soft thumbnail
Air soft
6C Boulder at Ballerman
Soft touch thumbnail
Soft touch
6B Boulder at Ballerman
Fiona thumbnail
8A+ Boulder at Fiona
Orange county thumbnail
Orange county
7C+ Boulder at Orange county
Gin-Send thumbnail
7A Boulder at Orange county
Influencer thumbnail
6C Boulder at Influencer
SOS flash thumbnail
SOS flash
6C Boulder at Influencer
Fulax thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Influencer
Mortifont thumbnail
6C Boulder at Mortifont
Unfinished thumbnail
7A Boulder at Mortifont
Alpin rocket thumbnail
Alpin rocket
7C Boulder at Alpine rocket
Memo thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Alpine rocket
Mastro lindo thumbnail
Mastro lindo
7C Boulder at Alpine rocket
Dosage left thumbnail
Dosage left
7A Boulder at Dosage jump
Dosage jump thumbnail
Dosage jump
6C+ Boulder at Dosage jump
Dabby thumbnail
7C Boulder at Dosage jump
Alpinata thumbnail
7B Boulder at Pamplemousse
Pample traverse thumbnail
Pample traverse
8A+ Boulder at Pamplemousse
Poison the well thumbnail
Poison the well
8C+ Boulder at Pamplemousse
Real Pamplemousse thumbnail
Fabri Fibra thumbnail
Fabri Fibra
8A+ Boulder at Pamplemousse
Sunflower thumbnail
8A Boulder at Pamplemousse
Fiume thumbnail
8A Boulder at Fiume
Steini vision thumbnail
Steini vision
7C Boulder at Fiume
Straight flush thumbnail
Straight flush
8B Boulder at Fiume
Coraggio liquido thumbnail
Coraggio liquido
8b Sport at Fiume
Jumping Jack thumbnail
Jumping Jack
7B+ Boulder at Jumping Jack
Big Brothers thumbnail
Big Brothers
7A Boulder at Jumping Jack
... thumbnail
6A Boulder at Jumping Jack
Doppio fallo thumbnail
Doppio fallo
6C Boulder at Jumping Jack
Slowdown sit thumbnail
Slowdown sit
8A+ Boulder at Slow down
Take it easy thumbnail
Take it easy
8B Boulder at Slow down
Pre orgasmic heat thumbnail
Pre orgasmic chill thumbnail
Deluse thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Amber
Amber thumbnail
8B Boulder at Amber
Arpia thumbnail
6B Boulder at Australian Open
Fragola matta thumbnail
Australian Open thumbnail
The litle fire thumbnail
The key of fire thumbnail
Bubaroff thumbnail
7B Boulder at Bubarof
Sugaroff thumbnail
6B Boulder at Bubarof
Crimpberger thumbnail
6B Boulder at Bubarof
Stuzzichino thumbnail
6A Boulder at Bubarof
Polenta e merlùzz thumbnail
Polenta e merlùzz
7A Boulder at Bubarof
Maiale volante thumbnail
Maiale volante
6B+ Boulder at Bubarof
Zizipass thumbnail
7B Boulder at Bubarof
Spigolo verde thumbnail
Spigolo verde
7C+ Boulder at Oblivion
Tu vuò fà l'americano thumbnail
Oblivion thumbnail
7A Boulder at Oblivion
Learn to park thumbnail
Learn to park
6B+ Boulder at Oblivion
Brahama thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Oblivion
Winter classic thumbnail
Winter classic
7B Boulder at Oblivion
Blue light thumbnail
Blue light
7A+ Boulder at Oblivion
Zanconia thumbnail
5 Boulder at Oblivion
Eiskalt thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Oblivion
Ghem fam thumbnail
Ghem fam
7B+ Boulder at Oblivion
Ein winter im Eis thumbnail
Ein winter im Eis
7C Boulder at Oblivion
Cosmonauta thumbnail
7A Boulder at Oblivion
All I want for Cristmast thumbnail
Moogie thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Oblivion
Hey Fill thumbnail
Hey Fill
6A Boulder at Oblivion
Gost shot thumbnail
Gost shot
4+ Boulder at Oblivion
Bocca di rosa thumbnail
Bocca di rosa
6A Boulder at Oblivion
Uela li thumbnail
Uela li
6A+ Boulder at Oblivion
El lasagna thumbnail
El lasagna
6C Boulder at Oblivion
Buton noir thumbnail
Buton noir
5+ Boulder at Oblivion
La trav. thumbnail
La trav.
5+ Boulder at Oblivion
Poco open thumbnail
Poco open
5 Boulder at Oblivion
Zovirax thumbnail
6C Boulder at Oblivion
Biancospino thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Scalinatella
Scalinatella thumbnail
5 Boulder at Scalinatella
Visitors thumbnail
6B Boulder at Brionesque
Culex molestus thumbnail
Culex molestus
6C Boulder at Brionesque
La brionesque thumbnail
La brionesque
8A Boulder at Brionesque
... thumbnail
5 Boulder at Brionesque
... thumbnail
4+ Boulder at Brionesque
Black mirror thumbnail
Black mirror
6B Boulder at Black mirror
Fumo di Londra thumbnail
Contromano thumbnail
7C+ Boulder at Black mirror
L'onda thumbnail
7C Boulder at Black mirror
OMG thumbnail
7C Boulder at Black mirror
Zottmann thumbnail
8A+ Boulder at Disney production
Big 8 thumbnail
Big 8
7C Boulder at Disney production
No comment thumbnail
No comment
7B+ Boulder at Disney production
Hip-Hop gone wild thumbnail
Spam thumbnail
7B Boulder at Disney production
La chapelle thumbnail
Zero power thumbnail
9th power thumbnail
Disney production thumbnail
... thumbnail
6B Boulder at Brione arête
... thumbnail
6A Boulder at Brione arête
Ganfal thumbnail
6B Boulder at Brione arête
Mister Bean thumbnail
Mister Bean
7A+ Boulder at Brione arête
One move thumbnail
One move
7B Boulder at Brione arête
La vela thumbnail
La vela
6C Boulder at Brione arête
Brione arête thumbnail
Susi traverse thumbnail
Mini corner thumbnail
Mini corner
6B Boulder at Brione arête
Mini crak thumbnail
Mini crak
4 Boulder at Brione arête
Mini jump thumbnail
Mini jump
5+ Boulder at Brione arête
Mini traverse thumbnail
Pinet thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Brione arête
Pinot noir thumbnail
Pinot noir
7A+ Boulder at Brione arête
Placca1 thumbnail
3 Boulder at Brione arête
Placca 2 thumbnail
Placca 2
6A+ Boulder at Brione arête
Placca 3 thumbnail
Placca 3
4 Boulder at Brione arête
Placca 4 thumbnail
Placca 4
5 Boulder at Brione arête
Cellar door thumbnail
Cellar door
8A Boulder at Brione arête
Vago pascolo thumbnail
Vago pascolo
5+ Boulder at Brione arête
Duec thumbnail
3+ Boulder at Brione arête
La Gigetta thumbnail
La Gigetta
4 Boulder at Brione arête
Le 3 marie thumbnail
Le 3 marie
5 Boulder at Brione arête
Squalo in faccia thumbnail
Lapsus thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Squalo in faccia
Clean climb thumbnail
Clean climb
6B Boulder at Yoga roof
Jock of the bushveld thumbnail
Forever green thumbnail
Forever green
7A Boulder at Yoga roof
Boomerang thumbnail
7B Boulder at Yoga roof
Yoga roof thumbnail
Yoga roof
7C Boulder at Yoga roof
Zio Fester thumbnail
Zio Fester
7B+ Boulder at Yoga roof
Ita thumbnail
6B Boulder at Old faithful
Tede thumbnail
6B Boulder at Old faithful
Misure concrete thumbnail
Yes Sir that's my baby thumbnail
Beast thumbnail
8A Boulder at Old faithful
Switcher thumbnail
7C+ Boulder at Old faithful
Old faithfull thumbnail
Old faithfull
7B Boulder at Old faithful
Panoramix thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Old faithful
Benvenuti in placca thumbnail
... thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Old faithful
Right angle thumbnail
Right angle
5+ Boulder at Old faithful
The Fulcrum thumbnail
The Fulcrum
8A+ Boulder at Fulcrum
Fulcrum direct thumbnail
Fulcrum direct
8A+ Boulder at Fulcrum
Far Westrum thumbnail
Far Westrum
6B Boulder at Far Westrum
Wonderful loser thumbnail
Wonderful loser
6B+ Boulder at Far Westrum
Nivea thumbnail
6A Boulder at Far Westrum
The walk thumbnail
Granitum thumbnail
... thumbnail
5+ Boulder at The rose of december
Gran finale thumbnail
... thumbnail
5 Boulder at The rose of december
... thumbnail
5+ Boulder at The rose of december
The rose of december thumbnail
Sballo cosmico thumbnail
Fisher traverse thumbnail
Stone fisher thumbnail
Stone fisher
7A Boulder at Stone fisher
Pier della vigna thumbnail
Variante fessura thumbnail
Variante fessura
6C+ Boulder at Air on fire
Frank Morris thumbnail
Frank Morris
7B Boulder at Air on fire
Air on fire thumbnail
Air on fire
7C+ Boulder at Air on fire
Trough the fires and the flames thumbnail
Lap dance thumbnail
Lap dance
6C+ Boulder at Air on fire
Airdrop thumbnail
7C+ Boulder at Airdrop
Infrarouge thumbnail
7B Boulder at Airdrop
Infrared thumbnail
6B Boulder at Airdrop
... thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Airdrop
La piattosa thumbnail
Chestnut five thumbnail
Klassiker thumbnail
7C Boulder at Fuoco di paglia
Safari thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Fuoco di paglia
Good vibration thumbnail
Fuoco di paglia thumbnail
Capolungo thumbnail
7A Boulder at Fuoco di paglia
La manovra thumbnail
La manovra
6C Boulder at Fuoco di paglia
Nael thumbnail
6B Boulder at Fuoco di paglia
Bishop thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Fuoco di paglia
Bisex thumbnail
6C Boulder at Fuoco di paglia
King slab thumbnail
King slab
6A+ Boulder at Fuoco di paglia
Kids slab thumbnail
Kids slab
3 Boulder at Fuoco di paglia
Kids lab thumbnail
Kids lab
4 Boulder at Fuoco di paglia
Green line thumbnail
Green line
7B Boulder at Fuoco di paglia
Cari saluti da Fontainebleau thumbnail
Föen thumbnail
7C Boulder at For ever more
Forever more thumbnail
Forever more
8A+ Boulder at For ever more
The back thumbnail
The back
7B Boulder at For ever more
Pacco nel sacco thumbnail
Lokalino thumbnail
7A Boulder at For ever more
Passato mai stufato thumbnail
La bomboniera thumbnail
Shot the monkey thumbnail
Tam-tam thumbnail
6B Boulder at Green point trav.
Green point traverse thumbnail
Capitan V thumbnail
Furbada thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Green point trav.
Impegnativo thumbnail
Watermelon thumbnail
... thumbnail
6A Boulder at Green point trav.
Pitch Patch thumbnail
... thumbnail
6B Boulder at Green point trav.
Il paradiso dei cani thumbnail
Tiz thumbnail
5 Boulder at Green point trav.
Raffaella thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Green point trav.
Raffaiella thumbnail
Genuine foot thumbnail
Next Gem thumbnail
Next Gem
7C+ Boulder at Green point trav.
All thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Green point trav.
Muffat thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Green point trav.
L'aiguille du fou thumbnail
L'aiguille du fou
6C+ Boulder at Darkness
Boulder thumbnail
7B Boulder at Darkness
Darkness thumbnail
8A+ Boulder at Darkness
Darkness right thumbnail
Darkness right
7C Boulder at Darkness
Il palo thumbnail
Il palo
6C+ Boulder at Darkness
La polka thumbnail
La polka
7A+ Boulder at Darkness
Entwash thumbnail
8A Boulder at Entwash
Entwash traverse thumbnail
Entwash traverse
8A Boulder at Entwash
Wurstpresse thumbnail
7C Boulder at Entwash
Collaboration thumbnail
8A Boulder at Entwash
Entino thumbnail
7C Boulder at Entwash
Delirio d'ipotesi thumbnail
Delirio d'ipotesi
7C+ Boulder at Lato B
Road map thumbnail
Road map
6A Boulder at Lato B
Chocolate horse thumbnail
Chocolate horse
7A Boulder at Lato B
Lato B thumbnail
Lato B
7B Boulder at Lato B
Sunny day thumbnail
Sunny day
5+ Boulder at Lato B
Unnamed thumbnail
7A Boulder at Wie im Urlaub
Nerone thumbnail
7B Boulder at Wie im Urlaub
Nerone thumbnail
7B Boulder at Wie im Urlaub
Kirie eleison thumbnail
Kirie eleison
7A+ Boulder at Wie im Urlaub
Wie im Urlaub sit thumbnail
Wie im Urlaub thumbnail
Wie im Urlaub
7C+ Boulder at Wie im Urlaub
No feet problem thumbnail
No dalle thumbnail
No dalle
7C Boulder at Wie im Urlaub
Volta marsina thumbnail
Volta marsina
6B+ Boulder at Wie im Urlaub
No mercy thumbnail
No mercy
7A Boulder at Wie im Urlaub
There is no spoon thumbnail
Jump'n'run thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Wie im Urlaub
Smoking free thumbnail
Smoking free
7A+ Boulder at Wie im Urlaub
Ritorno al futuro thumbnail
Porca miseria thumbnail
Porca miseria
6B+ Boulder at Wie im Urlaub
Red thumbnail
7C Boulder at Wie im Urlaub
Chili thumbnail
7B Boulder at Wie im Urlaub
Pepper thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Wie im Urlaub
French problem thumbnail
French problem
7B+ Boulder at Wie im Urlaub
Fast and furios thumbnail
Manicure thumbnail
Musher thumbnail
7C Boulder at Guilty of the Hilti
Kick the tree thumbnail
... thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Guilty of the Hilti
Guilty of the Hilti thumbnail
One line thumbnail
One line
6C+ Boulder at Wanted
Wanted thumbnail
7C+ Boulder at Wanted
Picnic boulder thumbnail
Senza nome thumbnail
Senza nome
7B Boulder at Picnic boulder
Randy's slab thumbnail
... thumbnail
4 Boulder at Wiesendach
Zelig thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Wiesendach
... thumbnail
4 Boulder at Wiesendach
Pluto thumbnail
7B Boulder at Wiesendach
Wiesendach thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Wiesendach
Woody thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Wiesendach
L'eau bleu thumbnail
L'eau bleu
7A Boulder at Casavino
Side effect thumbnail
Side effect
7C+ Boulder at Casavino
Casavino thumbnail
8B+ Boulder at Casavino
The impossible reta thumbnail
La gloire thumbnail
La gloire
4 Boulder at Casavino
Blèvita thumbnail
5 Boulder at Casavino
Mephadolor thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Casavino
In sü la scima thumbnail
In sü la scima
7A Boulder at Casavino
Ellis Island thumbnail
Ellis Island
8A Boulder at Casavino
Carole thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Casavino
Pause cervelas thumbnail
Pause cervelas
7C+ Boulder at Casavino
Made by fez thumbnail
Made by fez
7A+ Boulder at Casavino
FA 18 thumbnail
FA 18
7C Boulder at Casavino
... thumbnail
6A Boulder at General Disarray
Marlena thumbnail
7A Boulder at General Disarray
Marilyn Monroe thumbnail
General Disarray thumbnail
Trailer trash thumbnail
... thumbnail
5 Boulder at General Disarray
Manson thumbnail
8A+ Boulder at General Disarray
Sonnenanbetter thumbnail
Humphey Bogart thumbnail
Humphey Bogart Direct thumbnail
Terranova thumbnail
7C Boulder at Terranova
White arête thumbnail
White arête
7A Boulder at Terranova
Hibiskus thumbnail
6B Boulder at Bach bloc
Linea forzata thumbnail
Linea forzata
7A Boulder at Bach bloc
Monnalisa thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Bach bloc
California road thumbnail
California road
6C Boulder at Bach bloc
Maracuja thumbnail
7A Boulder at Bach bloc
Between the trees thumbnail
Bach bloc thumbnail
Bach bloc
7C Boulder at Bach bloc
Kassopeia thumbnail
7C+ Boulder at Bach bloc
Ottantadue thumbnail
8A Boulder at Bach bloc
Ottantatre thumbnail
8A Boulder at Bach bloc
Carciofo thumbnail
8A Boulder at Bach bloc
Old boys thumbnail
Old boys
7A Boulder at Bach bloc
Contro tendenza thumbnail
Contro tendenza
8A Boulder at Bach bloc
The Death terrorist thumbnail
Komm Jetz thumbnail
Komm Jetz
7A Boulder at Bach bloc
L'orso yoga thumbnail
L'orso yoga
6C+ Boulder at La vince
Il leviatano thumbnail
Il leviatano
6A+ Boulder at La vince
La vince thumbnail
La vince
7B Boulder at La vince
Canarini svolazzanti thumbnail
Happy hand thumbnail
Happy hand
7B Boulder at La vince
Acqua santa thumbnail
Acqua santa
6A+ Boulder at La vince
No topo image available
No topo image available
7C Boulder
No topo image available
Teuccio way
6B+ Boulder at Fuoco di paglia
Teuccio way thumbnail
Teuccio way
6B+ Boulder at Fuoco di paglia
X thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at X
X thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at X
La prima thumbnail
La prima
4+ Boulder at Green point trav.
3 Giorni 0 Baguette thumbnail
No topo image available
Molunk LH Variation
7C Boulder
No topo image available
Optima Stand thumbnail
Optima Stand
6A+ Boulder at Pubble arête
Sul Pezzo thumbnail
Sul Pezzo
7C Boulder at Rock 2 at house
Animal verde thumbnail
Animal verde
7B Boulder at Oblivion
Totoro thumbnail
7C Boulder at Casavino
Ballerman (flake variant) thumbnail
Alcatraz thumbnail
8A Boulder at Casavino
Traverse thumbnail
4 Boulder at Wiesendach
No topo image available
8A+ Boulder at Inside out
No topo image available
Geiser Sound low thumbnail
Spoonerism thumbnail
8A+ Boulder at Wie im Urlaub
Spaghetti pomodoro thumbnail
No topo image available
8A+ Boulder at Ecos
Echoes thumbnail
8A+ Boulder at Ecos
Speedy Pizza thumbnail
Speedy Pizza
8A Boulder at Speedy Pizza
La Planche (right) thumbnail
La Planche (right)
7B+ Boulder at Ballerman
Cameraman thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Ballerman
Droptest thumbnail
7C+ Boulder at Ballerman
Makita thumbnail
7B Boulder at Ballerman
Maki thumbnail
6C Boulder at Ballerman
Gumby's Island thumbnail
Gumby's Mantle thumbnail
Gumby's Mantle
6B+ Boulder at Gumby Island
Last of the day thumbnail
Last of the day
3 Boulder at Kickflip
Small but worthy  thumbnail
Vecchio Leone SS thumbnail
La mort en rose thumbnail
How Dare You thumbnail
How Dare You
7A Boulder at Wie im Urlaub
Floh und die 7 Bettwanzen thumbnail
Manus im Anus thumbnail
Manus im Anus
5 Boulder at Molonk
Just Reach It thumbnail
Just Reach It
7C Boulder at Workbench
Toolbox thumbnail
7A Boulder at Workbench
Gastonomie thumbnail
6C Boulder at Workbench
Roofless thumbnail
7A Boulder at Workbench
Morpho Trauma thumbnail
Morpho Trauma
6C Boulder at Workbench
Huere Bijou thumbnail
Huere Bijou
7B Boulder at Huere Bijou
Sparkle thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Huere Bijou
Ayla thumbnail
3+ Boulder at Huere Bijou
Huere Bijou thumbnail
Huere Bijou
7B Boulder at Ballerman
Ayla thumbnail
3+ Boulder at Ballerman
Sparkle thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Ballerman
Stumblin' In thumbnail
Stumblin' In
7C Boulder at Pubble arête
Fuoco di paglia diretta thumbnail
L'orso yoga variation  thumbnail
Britstone  thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Geiser sound
Shiver me timbers thumbnail
Influenza thumbnail
7A Boulder at Influencer
No topo image available
No topo image available
7B+ Boulder at Black Pearl
Flusso e riflusso thumbnail
Flusso e riflusso
6C Boulder at Casavino
Linea dimenticata thumbnail
Unrepeatable thumbnail
7B Boulder at Zero kelvin
Hidden In Plain Sight thumbnail
No topo image available
Slap thumbnail
4 Boulder at Fuoco di paglia
X2Y2 thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at X2y2 add info
Puristi tristi thumbnail
Déjà vu thumbnail
Déjà vu
6C+ Boulder at Rock 3 add info
Riscaldo thumbnail
Withe House thumbnail
Withe House
6C+ Boulder at Rock 2 at house
Pigrolino thumbnail
7C+ Boulder at Rock 2 at house
Aladeen thumbnail
6B Boulder at Rock 2 at house
Luxum thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Rock 2 at house
Unison thumbnail
8C Boulder at Unison
Bierkönig thumbnail
8A Boulder at Ballerman
No topo image available
Straight Up Irresponsible thumbnail
No topo image available
Clean climb arête
6A+ Boulder at Yoga roof

Climbing has been limited!

📝 🙋 Important notice from the local authority for the Boulder fans:
The Verzasca community intends to offer climbers from all over the world the possibility to pursue their passion of bouldering.

Obviously, there are rules that must be followed to ensure a peaceful coexistence of authorities, local population, and boulderers.
🔹 It is strictly forbidden to make fires in the open!
🔹 Please park in designated parking areas - Parking in agricultural areas and along the roads is not allowed! From 1/04 to 1/11 public parking lots are subject to fees. You can buy the "Verzasca Parking Card". costs: CHF 10/day | CHF 30/week
🔹 Camping is not allowed in the entire region.
🔹 Access to the meadows is prohibited from 31 March to 15 October. However, this particular area can be walked through during the mentioned time-span but without leaving the path!
🔹 Dogs must be kept on lead at all times
🔹 Don't leave any rubbish such as cigarette butts, tape, bottles or plastic bags behind. Violators can be fined.
🔹 Please respect our residents by not disturbing them - avoiding noise is much appreciated.