No special access issues

Parking is only allowed on the small stretch of road that lies between Björn's (landowner's) manure well (gödselbrunn) and the "big" road. Park in a row and as far to the side as possible, so that other climbers' cars are not blocked. It´s absolutely forbidden to park on the gravel road that leads down to the cliff! It has happened that cars get stuck here and need to be pulled loose or are in the way when Björn drives out to his fields with the tractor. Please respect this so that we can continue to climb the beautiful cliffs. Many years ago, a protected bird nested here, but the nest that you pass between Östväggen and Stora väggen is a raven's nest, according to the bird watchers we have been in contact with and our observations. It is possible to pass here but avoid staying in close proximity to the nest during the breeding season.
You go to the cliff, via the gravel road that is on the left side of the field (never cross the fields). When you enter the forest area, turn off on the path to the right (signposted). When you reach the footbridge, Östväggen is glimpsed to the left. After the footbridge, you will soon be met by the impressive 30m high "Stora väggen", you continue up the hill to the right and you will reach the climbing cliff "Krönet" which is 10-15m high. If you continue after Krönet down along the cliff, you will come to the nice "Nedre Väggen" which is about 15m high. When you have passed this part, you will come to a lower part of the cliff, "Låga väggen", which is around 10m high. Here is, among a few other things, the sports route Fucking Hard 8a.
If, instead of turning off on the path into Stora Väggen, you continue on the gravel road, there will be a path on the right side that runs along the fields. If you follow it, you will soon reach Paradisklippan on the back of the hill (it´s a 700m long walk and takes about 10 minutes).

Remember to show consideration, so that others can experience nature on the same terms as you!
- There may be local rules and agreements for this climbing area. It is your responsibility to keep up to date. The information is available at
- Always be nice and considerate to nearby residents, landowners and others who move in the area.
- Keep a low noise level.
- Clean up your own and others' rubbish.
- If you have to go to the toilet in the woods, be sure to bury feces.
- Dogs must be on a leash during the period 1 March - 20 August. The dog must also be kept under surveillance at other times, so that it does not disturb wildlife or other visitors.

Have a great day in Brunn!


If you know about access issues in this area, please send us an email