Cala Serena

The area is access sensitive!

🚗 Check the map to find the parking. You can park along the road.
🥷 Don't leave anything in your car!
🚶‍♂️ From there follow an obvious trail on the right side of the gate leading to the top of the cliff. Stay close to the top of the cliff when you walk from one area to another. (You are in a private area on top of Sa Fundacio area)

How to go down to the start of the route is on the topo pages.

🎒Keep an eye on your bag at the top of the cliff, better to not leave your bag alone!

No special rules, but of course do not throw trash in the water, don't do fire.

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Infinity Wall
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Mi Primera Flinada
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Sa Fundacio
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Parking Cala Serena
Cala Serena
General marker for the crag