Filo a Sbalzo
Artisti Tristi
Brasc Vunc
Dit Vunc
Il Cubo
Voci dalla Cantina
Nuova Tribuna Central
Naso Di Zmutt
La Boule
Extra Jump
Il Calvario
The Last Waltz
Unrecognised problems
No topo image available
7C Boulder at Dreamtime
No topo image available
7A Boulder at Unrecognised Problems
No topo image available
No topo image available
8A+ Boulder at Unrecognised Problems
No topo image available
No topo image available
7C Boulder at Extra Jump
No topo image available
No topo image available
No topo image available
6A+ Boulder at Unrecognised Problems
No topo image available
Wild Rose
7A+ Boulder
No topo image available
No topo image available
No topo image available
No topo image available
No topo image available
No topo image available
No topo image available
No topo image available
No topo image available
No topo image available
6A Boulder at Unrecognised Problems
No topo image available
No topo image available
Phantom Punch thumbnail
The North Sail thumbnail
No topo image available
No topo image available
Bloc #4/6
6B Boulder at Dreamtime
No topo image available
No topo image available
No topo image available
Champagne 28B
6C+ Boulder at Dreamtime
No topo image available
No topo image available
No topo image available
No topo image available
No topo image available
No topo image available
No topo image available
No topo image available
No topo image available
No topo image available
No topo image available
No topo image available
No topo image available
6A+ Boulder at Unrecognised Problems
No topo image available
6A+ Boulder at Unrecognised Problems
No topo image available
6A+ Boulder at Unrecognised Problems
No topo image available
No topo image available
No topo image available
5 Boulder at Unrecognised Problems
No topo image available
No topo image available
No topo image available
No topo image available
No topo image available
No topo image available
No topo image available
No topo image available
6C Boulder at Colpo di Scena
No topo image available
No topo image available
No topo image available
No topo image available
6A Boulder at Unrecognised Problems
No topo image available
4+ Boulder at Unrecognised Problems
No topo image available
6B Boulder at Unrecognised Problems
No topo image available
No topo image available
Vermut thumbnail
7A Boulder at Vermut
No name thumbnail
No name
7A Boulder at Hedonist
Route 1 thumbnail
Route 1 ext thumbnail
Route 2 thumbnail
Route 2 ext thumbnail
Route 3 thumbnail
Route 3 ext thumbnail
6 thumbnail
? Sport at Waterfall wall
5 thumbnail
? Sport at Waterfall wall
4 thumbnail
? Sport at Waterfall wall
3 thumbnail
? Sport at Waterfall wall
2 thumbnail
? Sport at Waterfall wall
1 thumbnail
? Sport at Waterfall wall
Roller thumbnail
4+ Boulder at Eco Monstro
No Name thumbnail
No Name
3 Boulder at Eco Monstro
Flipper's balls thumbnail
Eco Monstro thumbnail
Eco Monstro
6C+ Boulder at Eco Monstro
Alpe Nuova thumbnail
Alpe Nuova
5+ Boulder at Eco Monstro
No Name thumbnail
No Name
5 Boulder at Eco Monstro
No Name thumbnail
No Name
3 Boulder at Eco Monstro
L'Art de Brasseur thumbnail
Blondy thumbnail
6B Boulder at Never Ending Story
First Class thumbnail
Never Ending Story thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
Orribilis thumbnail
Air Bag thumbnail
Air Bag
7B+ Boulder at Il Doppione
Il Doppione thumbnail
Il Doppione
7B+ Boulder at Il Doppione
No Name thumbnail
No Name
5 Boulder at Il Doppione
No Name thumbnail
No Name
3 Boulder at Il Doppione
No Name thumbnail
No Name
4 Boulder at Il Doppione
No Name thumbnail
No Name
3 Boulder at Il Doppione
Mandàla thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Il Doppione
No Name thumbnail
No Name
4 Boulder at Il Doppione
No Name thumbnail
No Name
5 Boulder at Il Doppione
Sorelle Gemelle thumbnail
Sorelle Gemelle
6B+ Boulder at Floppy Disk
Floppy Disk thumbnail
Floppy Disk
7B Boulder at Floppy Disk
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6A+ Boulder at Floppy Disk
Little Crash thumbnail
Little Crash
6C Boulder at Floppy Disk
Mai Morti thumbnail
Giovani per sempre thumbnail
Botofiller thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name
5+ Boulder at Disciúlet
No Name thumbnail
No Name
5+ Boulder at Disciúlet
Mövat thumbnail
6A Boulder at Disciúlet
Disciúlet thumbnail
6C Boulder at Disciúlet
White Skirt thumbnail
White Skirt
6A Boulder at White Skirt
Grana Gris thumbnail
Grana Gris
6A+ Boulder at White Skirt
Capitan Mutanda thumbnail
Wasila thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Capitan Mutanda
UI Biöla thumbnail
UI Biöla
3 Boulder at UI Biöla
Electric Avenue thumbnail
Hudù thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Electric Avenue
See You Later Alligator thumbnail
Banana Pancache thumbnail
Banana Pancache
8A+ Boulder at Nico Rott
Nico Rott thumbnail
Nico Rott
7A+ Boulder at Nico Rott
Mozzarella in Carrozza thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name
3 Boulder at No Name
Lilliput thumbnail
8A Boulder at No Name
Heron thumbnail
7C+ Boulder at Festival Jazz
Le Trisceur thumbnail
Le Trisceur
7A+ Boulder at Festival Jazz
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6B Boulder at Festival Jazz
La Rondeur Des Tes Seins thumbnail
Festival Jazz thumbnail
Festival Jazz
6C+ Boulder at Festival Jazz
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6C Boulder at Festival Jazz
La Traversa del Letamaio thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6A+ Boulder at Festival Jazz
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6A+ Boulder at Festival Jazz
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6B Boulder at Festival Jazz
Sugar Grip thumbnail
Sugar Grip
6A+ Boulder at Sugar Grip
No Name thumbnail
No Name
4 Boulder at No Name
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6A+ Boulder at No Name
Rosti Grap thumbnail
Rosti Grap
6A+ Boulder at Rosti Grap
Sonnenstube thumbnail
6A Boulder at Rosti Grap
Kapa Tosta thumbnail
Kapa Tosta
7A Boulder at Carla's Boulder
Milestones thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Carla's Boulder
Carla's Boulder thumbnail
Sarcò Corner thumbnail
Contact thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Carla's Boulder
Depilata a Strappo thumbnail
Sgarbamella thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6B Boulder at Crapa Bassa
Crapon de Rabadan thumbnail
Crapa Bassa thumbnail
Crapa Bassa
7B Boulder at Crapa Bassa
Jagoda thumbnail
8A Boulder at Porcasidela
Porcasidela thumbnail
6B Boulder at Porcasidela
Ratafia thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Aggy Race
Aggy Race thumbnail
Aggy Race
7A Boulder at Aggy Race
Bircherplatte thumbnail
4+ Boulder at Aggy Race
Hamburger Hill thumbnail
Rêve de Bleau thumbnail
Famiglia Mc Cameron thumbnail
Close Your Eyes thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6A Boulder at Close Your Eyes
Allungao Meravigliao thumbnail
El Bobbit thumbnail
El Bobbit
6C Boulder at Tzunami
Menu thumbnail
6A Boulder at Tzunami
La Rambla thumbnail
La Rambla
7A Boulder at Tzunami
Tzunami thumbnail
7A Boulder at Tzunami
Gil thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Tzunami
Al Ceerc thumbnail
Al Ceerc
6A+ Boulder at Tzunami
Che Cazzo Vuole Frau Muster thumbnail
Il Figlio di Frau Muster thumbnail
Frau Muster thumbnail
Frau Muster
6A Boulder at Tzunami
La Poire thumbnail
La Poire
6C+ Boulder at La Poire
La Prünne thumbnail
La Prünne
6C Boulder at La Poire
Debutant thumbnail
6A Boulder at La Poire
R.S. thumbnail
7C Boulder at Dos Canones
Dos Canones thumbnail
Dos Canones
7B+ Boulder at Dos Canones
Marmitton de Porc thumbnail
Mad Japer thumbnail
Mad Japer
7B+ Boulder at Mad Japer
Beat Generation thumbnail
Beat Generation
7B+ Boulder at Mad Japer
Little Separate thumbnail
L'Ape Tegiada thumbnail
Tenzing thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Don't Fly Red Line
Blues Brothers thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name
4+ Boulder at Don't Fly Red Line
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6B+ Boulder at Don't Fly Red Line
Don't Fly Red Line thumbnail
Hillary Step thumbnail
We transfert thumbnail
The Cave of the Wolf thumbnail
Backgammon thumbnail
7C Boulder at Brasc Vunc
Les Feux de la Vampe thumbnail
Backgammon Traverse thumbnail
Punt-X thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Brasc Vunc
La Longue Promenade des Anglais thumbnail
Playmobil thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Brasc Vunc
Ictus thumbnail
6B Boulder at Brasc Vunc
Ictus Cerebrale thumbnail
Ictus Cerebrale
7C Boulder at Brasc Vunc
Tekla im Stahlnetz des Dr. Mabuse thumbnail
West Waltz Fuck You thumbnail
Rock Star thumbnail
Rock Star
7A+ Boulder at Brasc Vunc
Legolas thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Brasc Vunc
L'Occhio del Gatto thumbnail
Moby Dick thumbnail
Moby Dick
6C+ Boulder at Brasc Vunc
Glorfindel thumbnail
7C Boulder at Brasc Vunc
Killer Finger thumbnail
Killer Finger
7B Boulder at Brasc Vunc
Reiswaffel Mutant thumbnail
Reiswaffel Mutant
7C+ Boulder at Brasc Vunc
No Name thumbnail
No Name
4+ Boulder at Brasc Vunc
Big Gym thumbnail
Big Gym
7A+ Boulder at Brasc Vunc
Paganella non Ripete thumbnail
Poison thumbnail
7C Boulder at Brasc Vunc
Notre Druide thumbnail
Notre Druide
7A+ Boulder at Brasc Vunc
Franky Minchia thumbnail
Franky Minchia
8A+ Boulder at Brasc Vunc
Cervel Art trav's thumbnail
Brasc Vunc thumbnail
Brasc Vunc
6C Boulder at Brasc Vunc
Frederic Bricole thumbnail
Frederic Bricole
7B+ Boulder at Brasc Vunc
Mr. Bricolage thumbnail
Mr. Bricolage
8A+ Boulder at Brasc Vunc
Ronaldo Escape thumbnail
Ronaldo Escape
6A+ Boulder at Brasc Vunc
Ronnie Escape thumbnail
Ronnie Escape
7A+ Boulder at Brasc Vunc
Anelito sul clito thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name
5 Boulder at Pick-Up
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6A Boulder at Pick-Up
Pick-Up thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Pick-Up
Pick-Up stand start thumbnail
Pick-Up stand start
6C+ Boulder at Pick-Up
Les Secrets de L'Artiste thumbnail
Dernière Minute thumbnail
Animal House thumbnail
Les Tresch Qui Triche thumbnail
Diegoland thumbnail
6A Boulder at Dernière Minute
Mousse au Chocolat thumbnail
Pantozol thumbnail
Pinsaci Tu thumbnail
Crèpes da Simo thumbnail
School of Traverse thumbnail
School of Rock thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name
4+ Boulder at Fognate Olezzo
Fognate Olezzo thumbnail
Konditionstraining thumbnail
Boy Band thumbnail
Boy Band
6C Boulder at Boy Band
Pirla Bloc thumbnail
Pirla Bloc
7A Boulder at Boy Band
Lollo Pastina thumbnail
Lollo Pastina
6C Boulder at Boy Band
Vecchi Tempi thumbnail
Vecchi Tempi
5 Boulder at Madame Onda
Madame Onda thumbnail
Madame Onda
6A+ Boulder at Madame Onda
No Name thumbnail
No Name
4 Boulder at Malmess
Malmess thumbnail
7A Boulder at Malmess
Melment thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Malmess
Meglio Tordi Che Mais thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name
5 Boulder at Malmess
Project thumbnail
? Boulder at No Name
La Fiamma thumbnail
La Fiamma
5+ Boulder at La Fiamma
Alpha 2 thumbnail
Alpha 2
6B+ Boulder at Un Uomo un Perchè
Colpo Interruptus thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name
4+ Boulder at Un Uomo un Perchè
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6B Boulder at Un Uomo un Perchè
Un Uomo un Perchè thumbnail
Le Photographe thumbnail
Bozze Finali thumbnail
Pesanti ma Contenti thumbnail
Pesanti ma Contenti
7B Boulder at Umano
Umano thumbnail
6B Boulder at Umano
Kirk Windstein thumbnail
Kirk Windstein stand start thumbnail
Mistik Jouney Mann thumbnail
Mistik Jouney Mann Sit Start thumbnail
Strusciamento Lento thumbnail
G Point thumbnail
G Point
6B+ Boulder at Kirk Windstein
Hombre de Mierda thumbnail
Mierda de Hombre thumbnail
Mierda de Hombre thumbnail
Olor de Mierda de Hombre thumbnail
Olor de Mierda de Hombre Stand Start thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name
? Boulder at No Name
Blizzard thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Blizzard
Slopy Traverse thumbnail
Dragon Fly Power thumbnail
Sei Bleau thumbnail
Sei Bleau
6B Boulder at Love Me Tender
Love Me Tender direct thumbnail
Love Me Tender thumbnail
Effetti Speciali thumbnail
Indagini di Mercato thumbnail
Micro-Nico thumbnail
7B Boulder at Love Me Tender
Frutos del Bosque thumbnail
Missing thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Frutos del Bosque
Tecc thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Nez Rouge
Nez Rouge thumbnail
Nez Rouge
7B Boulder at Nez Rouge
L'Uovo thumbnail
6C Boulder at Nez Rouge
Android thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Android
Android Stand Start thumbnail
Android Stand Start
6C+ Boulder at Android
Bob a Due thumbnail
Bob a Due
6A+ Boulder at Android
Ciak si Gira thumbnail
Tricipite Surale thumbnail
Grande Byron thumbnail
Grande Byron
6B+ Boulder at Baila Moreno
Baila Moreno thumbnail
Baila Moreno
6C Boulder at Baila Moreno
No Name thumbnail
No Name
3 Boulder at Zagor
Zagor thumbnail
6A Boulder at Zagor
Zagor Stand Start thumbnail
Zagor Stand Start
4 Boulder at Zagor
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6B Boulder at Che Schifo
Che Schifo thumbnail
Che Schifo
7A Boulder at Che Schifo
Fatti i Fiori Tuoi thumbnail
Vobinda Aiutami thumbnail
Vobinda Aiutami Stand Start thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6A+ Boulder at Vobinda Aiutami
Giochi Proibiti thumbnail
Petite Muflette thumbnail
Traverse des Muflettes thumbnail
Directe des Muflettes thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name
5 Boulder at Petite Muflette
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6A+ Boulder at Petite Muflette
Benvenuti nel Regno Dell'Expo thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name
5+ Boulder at Benvenuti nel...
El Grinta thumbnail
El Grinta
7A+ Boulder at El Grinta
El Grinta (sit start) thumbnail
Dita Sane in Corpore Sano thumbnail
Prost thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at El Grinta
Bovaro thumbnail
6B Boulder at El Grinta
No Name thumbnail
No Name
5+ Boulder at El Grinta
No Name thumbnail
No Name
7A Boulder at Fly High
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6B Boulder at Fly High
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6B Boulder at Fly High
Der Flug der Wildganz thumbnail
Quality Without Compromise thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6B Boulder at Fly High
Fly High thumbnail
Fly High
7B Boulder at Fly High
No Name thumbnail
No Name
5 Boulder at Gore Tex Willer
No Name thumbnail
No Name
4 Boulder at Gore Tex Willer
Core Tex Willer thumbnail
Boarding House thumbnail
Ola Ola Bucaiola thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name
3 Boulder at Gore Tex Willer
Fast and Placcous thumbnail
Lord Eddard Stark thumbnail
Conte Olaf thumbnail
Conte Olaf variation thumbnail
Classe A thumbnail
Classe A
5 Boulder at Classe A
Classe B thumbnail
Classe B
6B Boulder at Classe A thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at
Sbronzi di Riace thumbnail
Sbronzi di Riace
6B+ Boulder at
No Green thumbnail
No Green
7A Boulder at No Green
Pim Pim Pimpante thumbnail
Pim Pim Pimpante
5+ Boulder at No Green
Dolcetto Scherzetto thumbnail
Trés Schade thumbnail
Trés Schade
6B+ Boulder at Trés Schade
Project thumbnail
? Boulder at Trés Schade
Vatilix thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Trés Schade
Bill Clito thumbnail
Bill Clito
5 Boulder at Usa e Getta
Usa e Getta thumbnail
Usa e Getta
6A Boulder at Usa e Getta
Al Caporno thumbnail
Al Caporno
6B+ Boulder at Usa e Getta
Security Sistem thumbnail
Security Sistem
6A+ Boulder at Jakob
Ciarlatans thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Jakob
Project thumbnail
? Boulder at Jakob
Jakob thumbnail
6B Boulder at Jakob
Enigmi Intuitivi thumbnail
Enigmi Intuitivi
6B+ Boulder at Jakob
Sorca Land thumbnail
Sorca Land
5+ Boulder at Sorca Land
Free style thumbnail
Free style
7C+ Boulder at Sorca Land
No Name thumbnail
No Name
5 Boulder at Frocio Multiplo
Eve Pof thumbnail
Eve Pof
5+ Boulder at Frocio Multiplo
Eve Pof Sit start thumbnail
Breorre Adam thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6C+ Boulder at Frocio Multiplo
Giovanni Patacca thumbnail
Giovanni Patacca Sit Start thumbnail
Hasta la Vista thumbnail
Gonzales thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Frocio Multiplo
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6B Boulder at Frocio Multiplo
No Name thumbnail
No Name
5+ Boulder at Frocio Multiplo
Frocio Multiplo thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6C+ Boulder at Frocio Multiplo
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6A+ Boulder at Frocio Multiplo
No Name thumbnail
No Name
5+ Boulder at Frocio Multiplo
Movimento Poco Lento thumbnail
Ostrico thumbnail
6C Boulder at Ostrico
Mai Dire Mai Più thumbnail
Mai Dire Mai Più
6B+ Boulder at Mai Più
Mai Più thumbnail
Mai Più
6A Boulder at Mai Più
Sessoesse thumbnail
6B Boulder at Sessoesse
Sfigolino thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Sessoesse
No Name thumbnail
No Name
5 Boulder at Sessoesse
Roller Tip thumbnail
Roller Tip
5+ Boulder at Roller Tip
Sparate sul cronista thumbnail
Winny HD thumbnail
Winny HD
6B+ Boulder at Roller Tip
Rigo thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Roller Tip
Jeux de Toit thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
Wendenstock Forever thumbnail
Orbit I thumbnail
Orbit II thumbnail
Sò Finito thumbnail
Contact Club thumbnail
Shine On thumbnail
Shine On
5 Boulder at Irti Colli
Piccolo Eden thumbnail
Piccolo Eden
6B Boulder at Irti Colli
Irti Colli thumbnail
Irti Colli
6B Boulder at Irti Colli
Harry Spotter thumbnail
Gecko thumbnail
7C+ Boulder at Voci dalla Cantina
Il Partner thumbnail
Brisin thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Voci dalla Cantina
Cantina i Piedi thumbnail
Voci dalla Cantina thumbnail
Cantina Diretta thumbnail
Urka thumbnail
6B Boulder at Merci la Souplesse
Merci la Souplesse thumbnail
Camarera thumbnail
Vento Patagonico thumbnail
Just Because thumbnail
Just Because
5+ Boulder at Just Because
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6B Boulder at Just Because
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6C Boulder at Silmarillon
Silmarillon thumbnail
7C+ Boulder at Silmarillon
Wasabi thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Silmarillon thumbnail
6B Boulder at Silmarillon
Manicone thumbnail
6C Boulder at Manicone
No Name thumbnail
No Name
4+ Boulder at Manicone
Clean-Ex thumbnail
6A Boulder at Manicone
Misery thumbnail
6C Boulder at Manicone
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6A+ Boulder at Manicone
No Name thumbnail
No Name
5 Boulder at Manicone
Manicone Variation thumbnail
All This For You thumbnail
All This For You
7A+ Boulder at Manicone
English Corner thumbnail
English Corner
7B+ Boulder at Manicone
No Name thumbnail
No Name
5 Boulder at Manicone
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6B+ Boulder at Start Trek
Star Trek thumbnail
Star Trek
6B+ Boulder at Start Trek
Guai se mi Tocchi thumbnail
Ma Che Colpa Abbiamo Noi! thumbnail
La Nave dei Folli thumbnail
La Nave dei Falli thumbnail
Colpo di Scena thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6A+ Boulder at Colpo di Scena
No Name thumbnail
No Name
5 Boulder at Colpo di Scena
Great escape thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6B+ Boulder at Steini Trav's
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6B Boulder at Steini Trav's
Cadeau Pour Beppe thumbnail
Steini Trav's thumbnail
Steini Trav's
8A+ Boulder at Steini Trav's
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6C Boulder at Steini Trav's
Meno 30 thumbnail
Meno 30
7A Boulder at Meno 30
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6A+ Boulder at Meno 30
Boulder problem #3 thumbnail
Cruel thumbnail
8A+ Boulder at Cruel
Yur thumbnail
8B+ Boulder at Cruel
Combi thumbnail
6A Boulder at Combi
No Name thumbnail
No Name
5+ Boulder at Combi
No Name thumbnail
No Name
5 Boulder at Prua Tresch
Kluge thumbnail
6B Boulder at Prua Tresch
No Name thumbnail
No Name
4 Boulder at Prua Tresch
Prua Tresch thumbnail
Prua Tresch
6B+ Boulder at Prua Tresch
Fratelli Spazzatura thumbnail
Bacchettata For You thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name
3 Boulder at Prua Tresch
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6B+ Boulder at Mega Bega
Mega Bega thumbnail
Mega Bega
7B Boulder at Mega Bega
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6B Boulder at Mega Bega
Cincio thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Mega Bega
No Name thumbnail
No Name
7A Boulder at No Name
British Move thumbnail
British Move
6C Boulder at Highlands
Lancio e Aggancio thumbnail
Diagonalmente Tua thumbnail
Diagonalmente Tua
6B+ Boulder at Highlands
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6B Boulder at Highlands
Spiderman thumbnail
6C Boulder at Highlands
Saludos Amigos thumbnail
Saludos Amigos
7B Boulder at Highlands
Saludos Amigos Stand Start thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name
5 Boulder at Highlands
Highlands thumbnail
7A Boulder at Highlands
Amistad thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Highlands
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6C Boulder at Highlands
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6A+ Boulder at Highlands
Living Room thumbnail
Living Room
7A Boulder at Vermut
Pantegana thumbnail
5 Boulder at Pantegana
Velociraptor thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Velociraptor
Shiraz thumbnail
6C Boulder at Shiraz
Aria Sottile thumbnail
Aria Sottile
6B+ Boulder at Shiraz
No Name thumbnail
No Name
5+ Boulder at Shiraz
Don't Cut The Tree thumbnail
Aurora Boreale thumbnail
Greenpeace thumbnail
7A Boulder at Aurora Boreale
Money for Nothing thumbnail
U-Turn thumbnail
7B Boulder at U-Turn
Ieri e Domani thumbnail
Ieri e Domani
7B+ Boulder at U-Turn
Ristabilimento Problematico thumbnail
Pixel thumbnail
7A Boulder at U-Turn
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6A+ Boulder at U-Turn
Kebab Food thumbnail
Kebab Food
6A+ Boulder at U-Turn
Azürz thumbnail
5 Boulder at U-Turn
Blanking Practice thumbnail
Blanking Practice
7C Boulder at U-Turn
Il Cerchio Celtico thumbnail
4 Sassi Per... thumbnail
4 Sassi Per...
6A+ Boulder at Icaro's Step
Icaro's Step thumbnail
Icaro's Step
6A+ Boulder at Icaro's Step
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6A Boulder at Icaro's Step
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6B+ Boulder at La Pelle
La Pelle thumbnail
La Pelle
8A Boulder at La Pelle
La Pelle Direct thumbnail
La Pelle Direct
8A Boulder at La Pelle
La Pioche thumbnail
La Pioche
7B+ Boulder at La Pelle
Il Dubbio thumbnail
Il Dubbio
6B+ Boulder at Il Dubbio
La Grotte des Soupirs thumbnail
Vol au Vent thumbnail
Vol au Vent
7A Boulder at Vol au Vent
Le Freak C'est Chic thumbnail
Freccia Tricolore thumbnail
Bechamelle thumbnail
6A Boulder at Vol au Vent
Bechamelle Sit Start thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6A Boulder at Vol au Vent
No Name thumbnail
No Name
4+ Boulder at Vol au Vent
Ganimede thumbnail
5 Boulder at Vol au Vent
Mafioso thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Mafioso
Totò Grappuso thumbnail
Totò Grappuso
6B Boulder at Mafioso
Belin thumbnail
6C Boulder at Mafioso
No Name thumbnail
No Name
7A+ Boulder at Vaca Loca
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6A Boulder at Vaca Loca
Vaca Loca thumbnail
Vaca Loca
7A+ Boulder at Vaca Loca
Vaca Loca Sit Start thumbnail
Nureyev thumbnail
7B Boulder at Vaca Loca
Speedy Pizza thumbnail
Speedy Pizza
7B Boulder at Vaca Loca
Pain d'Epice thumbnail
Pain d'Epice
6C+ Boulder at Vaca Loca
Rognoso thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Vaca Loca
Ketamina thumbnail
6C Boulder at Vaca Loca
Rognoso Sit Start thumbnail
Analizzare e Interpretare thumbnail
Info Beppe thumbnail
Info Beppe
6A+ Boulder at Info Beppe
Info Ale thumbnail
Info Ale
6B Boulder at Info Beppe
Blob thumbnail
6B Boulder at Voxcanum
Voxcanum thumbnail
7A Boulder at Voxcanum
Frank's Wild Years thumbnail
Frank's Wild Years
8A+ Boulder at Voxcanum
Frank's Seduto thumbnail
Frank's Seduto
8A+ Boulder at Voxcanum
Anouk thumbnail
6C Boulder at Anouk
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6A Boulder at Anouk
Stinky Pete thumbnail
Stinky Pete
7B Boulder at Stinky Pete
Feeling thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Stinky Pete
Moma thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Stinky Pete
Hoibò thumbnail
6A Boulder at Stinky Pete
Manhattan thumbnail
6C Boulder at Stinky Pete
Silver City thumbnail
Silver City
7A Boulder at Stinky Pete
Smoke on the Water thumbnail
Frank Joseph Slab thumbnail
Coming Soon! thumbnail
Coming Soon!
6B Boulder at Ohne Zucker
No Name thumbnail
No Name
5 Boulder at Ohne Zucker
Cluster thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Ohne Zucker
Ohne Zucker thumbnail
Ohne Zucker
6C Boulder at Ohne Zucker
Berg Hönig thumbnail
Berg Hönig
6C+ Boulder at Ohne Zucker
Forrest Gump thumbnail
Forrest Gump
6B+ Boulder at Forrest Gump
Petruzz the Best thumbnail
Petruzz the Best Sit Start thumbnail
Pellikan thumbnail
6C Boulder at Pellikan
Il Gaucho thumbnail
Il Gaucho
5+ Boulder at Il Gaucho
No Name thumbnail
No Name
3+ Boulder at Il Gaucho
Ulus thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Pelligatt
Saltino Op! thumbnail
Saltino Op!
6B Boulder at Pelligatt
Pelligatt thumbnail
7A Boulder at Pelligatt
Strano Diedro thumbnail
Strano Diedro
6B+ Boulder at Pelligatt
Stano Reta thumbnail
Stano Reta
6B+ Boulder at Pelligatt
SS20 thumbnail
7A Boulder at Pelligatt
Sol Daden thumbnail
Sol Daden
5 Boulder at Rol Laden
Bin Laden thumbnail
Bin Laden
6B+ Boulder at Rol Laden
Rol Laden thumbnail
Rol Laden
6A+ Boulder at Rol Laden
Light Box thumbnail
Light Box
6C Boulder at Light Box
Pesci Hawaiani thumbnail
Pesci Hawaiani
5+ Boulder at The Pass
The Pass thumbnail
The Pass
5+ Boulder at The Pass
No Name thumbnail
No Name
5+ Boulder at The Pass
No Name thumbnail
No Name
4+ Boulder at The Pass
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6A+ Boulder at Bossa Nova
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6A Boulder at Bossa Nova
Bye Bye Babe thumbnail
Bye Bye Babe
7A Boulder at Bossa Nova
Bye Bye Baby Variation thumbnail
Bossa Nova thumbnail
Bossa Nova
6C Boulder at Bossa Nova
Cassa la Randa thumbnail
Cassa la Randa
7B+ Boulder at Bossa Nova
Tonno Trav's thumbnail
Tonno Trav's
6C Boulder at Bossa Nova
Tonno Trav's Variation thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6B Boulder at Bossa Nova
Thamel Boy thumbnail
Thamel Boy
6B+ Boulder at Bossa Nova
No Name thumbnail
No Name
5+ Boulder at Bossa Nova
Articolo I thumbnail
Articolo I
6B+ Boulder at Bossa Nova
Articolo II thumbnail
Articolo II
6B Boulder at Bossa Nova
Ripetuta Juvant thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6B Boulder at Ripetuta Juvant
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6B+ Boulder at Ripetuta Juvant
No Name thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
Campus thumbnail
6A Boulder at Fisherman's Friends
Fisherman's Friends thumbnail
Stuka thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Stuka
Carlo il Magnifico thumbnail
Carlo il Magnifico
7A+ Boulder at Stuka
Traversa Degli Artisti thumbnail
Murales thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Stuka
Stuka Stand Start thumbnail
Stuka Stand Start
6C Boulder at Stuka
Win Zip thumbnail
Win Zip
6C+ Boulder at Win Zip
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6A+ Boulder at Win Zip
Retta thumbnail
6C Boulder at Win Zip
Tepaio thumbnail
4 Boulder at Win Zip
Kleenex thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Kleenex
Chimai thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Leffe
Leffe thumbnail
6C Boulder at Leffe
Polenta e Merluzz thumbnail
Renzo's Bloc thumbnail
Renzo's Bloc
6C Boulder at Renzo's Bloc
Vomitors thumbnail
4+ Boulder at Renzo's Bloc
Sonic Youth thumbnail
Sonic Youth
6C Boulder at Sonic Youth
Slot 5 thumbnail
Slot 5
6B Boulder at Corn Flakes
Ciolanka Sbilenca thumbnail
Mega Fizzo thumbnail
Mega Fizzo
6B+ Boulder at Corn Flakes
Corn Flakes thumbnail
Corn Flakes
6C Boulder at Corn Flakes
Soap Opera thumbnail
Soap Opera
6C+ Boulder at Soap Opera
No topo image available
6C+ Boulder at Sconsolata
Post-It thumbnail
5 Boulder at Sconsolata
Sconsolata thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Sconsolata
Funeral Party thumbnail
Funeral Party
6A+ Boulder at Funeral Party
Ghost Whisperer thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6B Boulder at Funeral Party
Vecchio Mandrillo thumbnail
Sacra Rota thumbnail
Sacra Rota
7A+ Boulder at Funeral Party
Elder Crack thumbnail
Elder Crack
6A+ Boulder at Main Stream
Main Stream thumbnail
Main Stream
7A Boulder at Main Stream
Skunks in the Dirt thumbnail
Pilier des Fourmis thumbnail
Project thumbnail
? Boulder at Main Stream
Jonny Stecchino thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6A+ Boulder at Jonny Stecchino
Zizzi thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Zizzi
Long Shot thumbnail
Long Shot
6B+ Boulder at Zizzi
Wile E. Coyote thumbnail
Road Runner thumbnail
Road Runner
7A Boulder at Wile E. Coyote
Donna Sessuale thumbnail
Calbrisella Mia thumbnail
Dam a Tra thumbnail
Dam a Tra
6C+ Boulder at Calling Elvis
Calling Elvis thumbnail
Calling Elvis
6C+ Boulder at Calling Elvis
Santo Padre thumbnail
Santo Padre
7B Boulder at Calling Elvis
Tettaflex thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Tettaflex
Alisandros thumbnail
6C Boulder at Alisandros
13 Heureux thumbnail
13 Heureux
7B+ Boulder at Alisandros
13 Heureux Stand Start thumbnail
Tosciro Mifumi thumbnail
Tosciro Mifumi
6A+ Boulder at Alisandros
Laüfer thumbnail
5 Boulder at Alisandros
Project thumbnail
? Boulder at Fishlove
Project thumbnail
? Boulder at Fishlove
Fishlove thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Fishlove
3 Nipoti e un Maggiordomo thumbnail
D.M.Z thumbnail
6B Boulder at Fishlove
Susi Corner thumbnail
Susi Corner
5+ Boulder at Fishlove
Ben's Slab thumbnail
Ben's Slab
5 Boulder at Fishlove
Project thumbnail
? Boulder at Spirito Libre
Project thumbnail
? Boulder at Spirito Libre
Spirito Libero thumbnail
Maccarone m'Hai Provocato thumbnail
Plasticum thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Spirito Libre
No Name thumbnail
No Name
5+ Boulder at Spirito Libre
Spotty thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Spotty
Soft thumbnail
4+ Boulder at Spotty
Biberon thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Spotty
Mac Fly thumbnail
Mac Fly
6B+ Boulder at Mac Fly
Stravaccona thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Mac Fly
Sta Carogna thumbnail
Sta Carogna
6B+ Boulder at Mac Fly
Transumanza a Pedali thumbnail
Da Grotta a Grotto thumbnail
Project thumbnail
? Boulder at Pane Quotidiano
No topo image available
6B Boulder at Original
No topo image available
Gratta e Vinci
7A+ Boulder at Original
Fairuz thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Fairuz
Jamie thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Fairuz
Sciacallo thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Fairuz
Pommidoro thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Fairuz
Zapatero thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Amplex
Amplex thumbnail
6A Boulder at Amplex
La Piciaretti thumbnail
La Piciaretti
6B+ Boulder at Amplex
No Name thumbnail
No Name
5 Boulder at Hot Stone
Hot Stone thumbnail
Hot Stone
6C Boulder at Hot Stone
Hot Stone Sit Start thumbnail
Non Vedo Futuro thumbnail
Non Vedo Futuro
7C Boulder at Hot Stone
Notwill Express thumbnail
Notwill Express
6A Boulder at Hot Stone
Perfect Day thumbnail
Perfect Day
6A+ Boulder at Hot Stone
No Name thumbnail
No Name
4 Boulder at Hot Stone
Forum thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Hot Stone
Prosciuttino thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Hot Stone
J Lo thumbnail
J Lo
6C+ Boulder at J Lo
Jack Johnson thumbnail
Jack Johnson
6A+ Boulder at J Lo
Bette Davis thumbnail
Bette Davis
6A+ Boulder at J Lo
Bette Davis Sit Start thumbnail
Bette Davis Sit Start
6B+ Boulder at J Lo
Ronny-Wood thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at J Lo
Where Are You thumbnail
Where Are You
6C Boulder at Sa Sentum
Sa Sentum thumbnail
Sa Sentum
6B+ Boulder at Sa Sentum
Rio Motel thumbnail
Rio Motel
7A+ Boulder at Free Poker
Free Poker thumbnail
Free Poker
7B Boulder at Free Poker
Free Poker Sit Start thumbnail
U Lanciu thumbnail
U Lanciu
6C Boulder at Free Poker
Seridecor thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Free Poker
Verticalmente Mia thumbnail
Standard Size thumbnail
Mochito B thumbnail
Mochito B
5 Boulder at Mochito B
Moschito A thumbnail
Moschito A
5 Boulder at Tubolar Bells
La Paranza thumbnail
La Paranza
7B+ Boulder at Tubolar Bells
Tubolar Bells thumbnail
Tubolar Bells
7A+ Boulder at Tubolar Bells
No Name thumbnail
No Name
5 Boulder at Tubolar Bells
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6A Boulder at Tubolar Bells
No Name thumbnail
No Name
5 Boulder at Sun Screen
Sun Screen thumbnail
Sun Screen
6B+ Boulder at Sun Screen
Allenato o Plafonato thumbnail
Lu Cacu thumbnail
Lu Cacu
6A+ Boulder at Lu Cacu
No Name thumbnail
No Name
3+ Boulder at Lu Cacu
Warm Down thumbnail
Warm Down
5+ Boulder at Omen Women
Omen Women thumbnail
Omen Women
7B+ Boulder at Omen Women
Muro Bianco thumbnail
Muro Bianco
6B+ Boulder at Omen Women
Si Puro Oh Oh thumbnail
Si Puro Oh Oh
7A+ Boulder at Omen Women
Carmelino thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Carmelino
Papaboy thumbnail
7B Boulder at Papaboy
Lilly thumbnail
5 Boulder at Papaboy
Borotalco thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Maxi Pack
Maxi Pack thumbnail
Maxi Pack
7A+ Boulder at Maxi Pack
Miss Schuh Fixx thumbnail
Miss Schuh Fixx
7A+ Boulder at Maxi Pack
Hart Mantle thumbnail
Hart Mantle
7A+ Boulder at Maxi Pack
Peppermint thumbnail
6C Boulder at Peppermint
El Blanco thumbnail
El Blanco
6B+ Boulder at El Blanco
No Name thumbnail
No Name
4 Boulder at El Blanco
No Name thumbnail
No Name
5 Boulder at El Blanco
No Name thumbnail
No Name
5 Boulder at El Blanco
Royal Color thumbnail
Royal Color
6A+ Boulder at Royal Color
No Name thumbnail
No Name
4 Boulder at Royal Color
Last Minute. Shit. thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6A Boulder at Royal Color
No Name thumbnail
No Name
5+ Boulder at No Name
No topo image available
No Name
6A+ Boulder at No Name
The Last Waltz thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6B+ Boulder at The Last Waltz
I Want You thumbnail
I Want You
6C+ Boulder at The Last Waltz
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6C Boulder at The Last Waltz
No Name thumbnail
No Name
4+ Boulder at The Last Waltz
Volo a Vista thumbnail
Volo a Vista
6A+ Boulder at Bucket Bag
Nessuno uscirà vivo da qui thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name
3 Boulder at Bucket Bag
No Name thumbnail
No Name
3+ Boulder at Bucket Bag
Bucket Bag thumbnail
Bucket Bag
6C Boulder at Bucket Bag
Proprietà Privata thumbnail
Logan Square thumbnail
Logan Square
5 Boulder at Bucket Bag
Proximity Card thumbnail
Proximity Card
6B Boulder at Bucket Bag
Lo Sai Ke Non Lo So thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
Coco Island thumbnail
Coco Island
6C Boulder at Coco Island
Articolo 18 thumbnail
Articolo 18
6A Boulder at Coco Island
Giro Giro Tondo thumbnail
La Nave Va thumbnail
La Nave Va
7C+ Boulder at La Nave Va
Re Artù thumbnail
Re Artù
6A Boulder at La Nave Va
Naso di Zmut thumbnail
Naso di Zmut
6B Boulder at La Nave Va
Naso di Zmut Sit Start thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name
3 Boulder at La Nave Va
The Crow thumbnail
The Crow
4+ Boulder at La Nave Va
Yatzy thumbnail
6A Boulder at La Nave Va
No Name thumbnail
No Name
4+ Boulder at La Nave Va
Salomoia Brothers thumbnail
Classic Movie thumbnail
Classic Movie
6A Boulder at Pica Dentar
Eh Bon thumbnail
Eh Bon
6A Boulder at Pica Dentar
L'Eliminante thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Pica Dentar
Ti Fè Insci thumbnail
Ti Fè Insci
5+ Boulder at Pica Dentar
Trallallà thumbnail
5 Boulder at El Paso
Rumpa Ball thumbnail
Rumpa Ball
6C Boulder at El Paso
Mary Long thumbnail
Mary Long
7B Boulder at El Paso
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6A+ Boulder at El Paso
El Paso thumbnail
El Paso
6B Boulder at El Paso
Dove Osano i Cachi thumbnail
Dove Osano i Cachi
6B+ Boulder at El Paso
The Porkery thumbnail
The Porkery
7A+ Boulder at El Paso
The Spigul thumbnail
The Spigul
6B Boulder at El Paso
Magico Album thumbnail
Magico Album
5+ Boulder at El Paso
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6A Boulder at El Paso
Colostro thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at El Paso
Ixplotion thumbnail
7C Boulder at Ajub
Figli Dei Fiori Avanti! thumbnail
Ajub thumbnail
7A Boulder at Ajub
No Name thumbnail
No Name
4+ Boulder at Memory
Memory thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Memory
Siberian Express thumbnail
Project thumbnail
? Boulder at Le Vent Sombre
Bastardo Dentro thumbnail
Le Vent Sombre thumbnail
Grizzly thumbnail
7C+ Boulder at Le Vent Sombre
Traffic thumbnail
7A Boulder at Le Vent Sombre
Cucù la Discesa Non C'è Più thumbnail
Toporagno thumbnail
6A Boulder at Le Vent Sombre
The Snatch thumbnail
The Snatch
7B Boulder at Le Vent Sombre
The Ramp thumbnail
The Ramp
7B+ Boulder at Le Vent Sombre
Winners Edge thumbnail
Winners Edge
7B+ Boulder at Le Vent Sombre
Beginner Edge thumbnail
Beginner Edge
6C+ Boulder at Le Vent Sombre
Meeting Point thumbnail
Black Out thumbnail
Black Out
7B+ Boulder at Meeting Point
Make-It or Tape-It thumbnail
Ipotesi di Reato thumbnail
Jaws thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at La Proue
Mithril thumbnail
8B Boulder at La Proue
La Proue thumbnail
La Proue
8B Boulder at La Proue
Ange Avec des Cornes thumbnail
Ci Credo o Non CI Credo thumbnail
Confessions thumbnail
8B Boulder at Confessions
Confessions Low Start thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name
7A+ Boulder at Blocco Infido
Blocco Infido thumbnail
Cadabra thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Mano Lesta
Abbi Fede thumbnail
Abbi Fede
6A+ Boulder at Mano Lesta
Ce Di Fuori thumbnail
Ce Di Fuori
6A+ Boulder at Mano Lesta
La Rondella thumbnail
La Rondella
7B+ Boulder at Mano Lesta
Right Rondella thumbnail
Right Rondella
7A+ Boulder at Mano Lesta
No Name thumbnail
No Name
5+ Boulder at Mano Lesta
No Name Sit Start thumbnail
Mano Lesta thumbnail
Mano Lesta
6B Boulder at Mano Lesta
M'Illumino d'Immenso thumbnail
Mano Lesta Sit Start thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name
4 Boulder at Mano Lesta
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6B+ Boulder at Put My Life
Put My Life thumbnail
Put My Life
6C Boulder at Put My Life
La Boulette thumbnail
La Boulette
7B Boulder at La Boule
La Boule thumbnail
La Boule
8A Boulder at La Boule
Endless River thumbnail
Dig Your Own Hole thumbnail
Trombeur des Femmes thumbnail
Toccami Tutta thumbnail
Toccami Tutta
7A+ Boulder at Toccami
Toccami thumbnail
7A Boulder at Toccami
Heartquake thumbnail
7A Boulder at Toccami
Datti una Mossa thumbnail
Datti una Mossa
7A Boulder at Toccami
L'Incide Del Pel thumbnail
L'Incide Del Pel
6A Boulder at Toccami
Dipende Dal PIL thumbnail
Dipende Dal PIL
6B+ Boulder at Toccami
Sbloccati thumbnail
6B Boulder at L'Altra Faccia
L'Altra Faccia thumbnail
Jeux de Mains, Jeux de Vilains, Jeux de Pieds... thumbnail
Viva i PIccoli thumbnail
Viva i PIccoli
6A+ Boulder at Jon Mosca
Jon Mosca thumbnail
Jon Mosca
6A Boulder at Jon Mosca
Froci voi che non  riuscite thumbnail
Al Pelazzo thumbnail
Al Pelazzo
7A Boulder at Jon Mosca
Lolou thumbnail
4 Boulder at Lolou
La Rissa thumbnail
La Rissa
6A Boulder at La Rissa
La Massa thumbnail
La Massa
6B+ Boulder at La Rissa
Abacab thumbnail
6A Boulder at La Rissa
Alisei thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Alisei
La Boule Stand thumbnail
La Boule Stand
7C Boulder at La Boule
La Boulette Stand thumbnail
La Boulette Stand
7A Boulder at La Boule
O'Femminiello thumbnail
3 Boulder at Gratitude
Gratitude thumbnail
5 Boulder at Gratitude
Der Archipel Gulag thumbnail
I Croods thumbnail
I Croods
5+ Boulder at Gratitude
Extra Jump thumbnail
Extra Jump
6C Boulder at Extra Jump
Extra Bluff thumbnail
Extra Bluff
6A+ Boulder at Extra Jump
No Name thumbnail
No Name
7B Boulder at Take It
La Jetè thumbnail
La Jetè
7C+ Boulder at Take It
La Jetè Stand Start thumbnail
Take It thumbnail
Take It
8B Boulder at Take It
Trinciapolli thumbnail
6C Boulder at Take It
No Name thumbnail
No Name
5+ Boulder at Traversone
Macarons thumbnail
6C Boulder at Traversone
Offerta Speciale thumbnail
Offerta Speciale
6C+ Boulder at Traversone
Calma e Sangue Freddo thumbnail
Traversone thumbnail
6C Boulder at Traversone
Spiatin Piatela thumbnail
Spiatin Piatela
7A Boulder at Traversone
Sweet Home Alabama thumbnail
Alabama Shaker thumbnail
Alabama Shaker
7C Boulder at Traversone
Fata thumbnail
5 Boulder at Traversone
Mata thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Traversone
Jasmine Je t'aime thumbnail
Jasmine Je Ne t'aime Plus thumbnail
Rolling Ball Clock thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6B Boulder at Rolling Ball Clock
No Name thumbnail
No Name
4+ Boulder at Rolling Ball Clock
Tacconata thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Boogie-Boogie
Boogie-Boogie thumbnail
Ecchissenefrega thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6B Boulder at Echissenefrega
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6A Boulder at Echissenefrega
William Wallace thumbnail
Mormoni Scatenati thumbnail
Public Enemy thumbnail
Public Enemy
7A Boulder at Public Enemy
Sterling Bridge thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name
5+ Boulder at Public Enemy
No Name thumbnail
No Name
3 Boulder at Public Enemy
No Name thumbnail
No Name
5 Boulder at No Name
No Name thumbnail
No Name
5 Boulder at No Name
Bob Molde thumbnail
Bob Molde
6B+ Boulder at Ghepardo Bastardo
Ghepardo Bastardo thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6C Boulder at Magic Mushrooms
Fred Boulder thumbnail
Magic Boulder thumbnail
Magic Mushrooms thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6B Boulder at Magic Mushrooms
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6B+ Boulder at Magic Mushrooms
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6A+ Boulder at Magic Mushrooms
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6B+ Boulder at Dobbel Tallon
Dobbel Tallon thumbnail
Noche de Cuba thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6C Boulder at Dobbel Tallon
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6B Boulder at Dobbel Tallon
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6B Boulder at Dobbel Tallon
Horsol Traverse thumbnail
Horsol Traverse
7C+ Boulder at Hedonist
Project thumbnail
? Boulder at Hedonist
Hedonist thumbnail
8B Boulder at Hedonist
Cecile Bälers' Harmony thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6A Boulder at Hedonist
Sono a Pezzi thumbnail
Sono a Pezzi
5 Boulder at Hedonist
La Beauté de l'Age thumbnail
Hemolicia thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Hemolicia
Fantoman thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Fantoman
Last Samurai thumbnail
Last Samurai
8A Boulder at Fantoman
Allerta 4 thumbnail
Allerta 4
6B+ Boulder at Fantoman
Bravissimo thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Bravissimo
Stabilo Boss thumbnail
Stabilo Boss
6B Boulder at Stabilo Boss
Buio Pesto thumbnail
Buio Pesto
7B Boulder at Buio Pesto
Mortaccia Tua thumbnail
Blue Wings thumbnail
Blue Wings
6C Boulder at Mortaccia Tua
Fight to Win thumbnail
Fight to Win
7A+ Boulder at Mortaccia Tua
X Una Lira thumbnail
X Una Lira
6B Boulder at Mortaccia Tua
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6A+ Boulder at Mortaccia Tua
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6A+ Boulder at Presswerk
No Name thumbnail
No Name
5+ Boulder at Presswerk
Ignoranza Piramidale thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name
5 Boulder at Presswerk
Presswerk thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Presswerk
Snow Griff thumbnail
Snow Griff
7A Boulder at Presswerk
Just Jump thumbnail
Just Jump
6C+ Boulder at Yuri Gagarin
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6B Boulder at Yuri Gagarin
Yuri Gagarin thumbnail
Yuri Gagarin
7B+ Boulder at Yuri Gagarin
Laika thumbnail
6B Boulder at Yuri Gagarin
Pritt thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Anker
Casino thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Anker
Anker thumbnail
6C Boulder at Anker
Just for Fun thumbnail
Just for Fun
6B Boulder at Just for fun
No Name thumbnail
No Name
4+ Boulder at Just for fun
No Name thumbnail
No Name
5 Boulder at Mambo Number Five
Mambo Number Five thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name
4+ Boulder at Mambo Number Five
Dilettantenkante thumbnail
Bergsteigerkante thumbnail
Turtle Man thumbnail
Turtle Man
7A+ Boulder at Turtle Man
Profondo Rosso thumbnail
Profondo Rosso
6C Boulder at Turtle Man
Corcia Bloccata thumbnail
Corcia Bloccata
6B Boulder at Turtle Man
Dead Man Walking thumbnail
No Fly Zone thumbnail
No Fly Zone
5+ Boulder at Sweeney Todd
Sweeney Todd thumbnail
Sweeney Todd
7B+ Boulder at Sweeney Todd
Cattivissimo Me thumbnail
Correct-IT thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Sweeney Todd
Gruffalò thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Sweeney Todd
Space 1999 thumbnail
Space 1999
6A+ Boulder at Il Bidone
Il bidone thumbnail
Il bidone
6C Boulder at Il Bidone
Hb uno thumbnail
Hb uno
6C Boulder at Il Bidone
Ivan Il Terrible thumbnail
Ivan Il Terrible
7B Boulder at Il Bidone
Tresch Dummy thumbnail
Tresch Dummy
7B Boulder at Il Bidone
Henkel thumbnail
6B Boulder at Il Bidone
Foassil Ass thumbnail
Foassil Ass
7C Boulder at Dreamtime
Story Direct thumbnail
Story Direct
8B Boulder at Dreamtime
The Story of 2 Worlds thumbnail
The Dagger thumbnail
The Dagger
8B+ Boulder at Dreamtime
Qualipet thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Dreamtime
Histeria thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Dreamtime
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6C+ Boulder at Dreamtime
Smaug thumbnail
7C Boulder at Dreamtime
Dreamtime thumbnail
8B+ Boulder at Dreamtime
Soilent Green thumbnail
Soilent Green
8A+ Boulder at Dreamtime
Fregezeichen thumbnail
8B Boulder at Dreamtime
Dreamtime Stand Start thumbnail
Traverse Green Day thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6A+ Boulder at Mediomen
Vasaloppet thumbnail
6C Boulder at Mediomen
Mediomen thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Mediomen
Kerplunk thumbnail
7C+ Boulder at Mediomen
Mediomen Sit Start thumbnail
Senza Fine thumbnail
Senza Fine
6B Boulder at Ueli's Traverse
Kambly thumbnail
7B Boulder at Ueli's Traverse
Toni H.B. thumbnail
Toni H.B.
7B Boulder at Ueli's Traverse
Ueli's Traverse thumbnail
Trapezio Rotto thumbnail
Screaming Tree thumbnail
Placcazza thumbnail
6C Boulder at Ueli's Traverse
L'Uomo Invisible thumbnail
Xanadu thumbnail
6C Boulder at L'uomo Invisible
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6B+ Boulder at Magic Foot
Magic Foot thumbnail
Magic Foot
6C Boulder at Magic Foot
Stone Temple Pilots thumbnail
Roquefort thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Roquefort
Obelix thumbnail
6B Boulder at Obelix
No Name thumbnail
No Name
5+ Boulder at Obelix
No Name thumbnail
No Name
5 Boulder at Obelix
No Name thumbnail
No Name
5 Boulder at Obelix
Grama Traverse thumbnail
Grama Traverse
6C Boulder at Microclima
Microclima thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Microclima
Gay Parade thumbnail
Gay Parade
6B Boulder at Microclima
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6B Boulder at Analstahl
Analstahl thumbnail
7B Boulder at Analstahl
Bukowsky thumbnail
7A Boulder at Spax
Spax thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Spax
Spedek thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Spax
Medicin Man thumbnail
Medicin Man
6C+ Boulder at Medicin Man
Rinvio a Giudizio thumbnail
Gino Slopers thumbnail
Intertronic thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Gino Slopers
Snoopy Direct thumbnail
Snoopy thumbnail
7C+ Boulder at The North Sail
Il Salamandre thumbnail
Il Salamandre
6C+ Boulder at The North Sail
Osa thumbnail
6B Boulder at The North Sail
Lost Arrow thumbnail
Lost Arrow
6B+ Boulder at The North Sail
Altri Tempi thumbnail
Altri Tempi
6C+ Boulder at Purcell
Purcell thumbnail
6C Boulder at Purcell
A Gallina thumbnail
A Gallina
6B+ Boulder at Purcell
Dow Jones thumbnail
Dow Jones
6C Boulder at Nasdaq
FTSE thumbnail
6B Boulder at Nasdaq
Nasdaq thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Nasdaq
Lotzet Trav's thumbnail
Lotzet Trav's
6C Boulder at Nasdaq
Fessurino thumbnail
6C Boulder at Nasdaq
Fessurino Right Exit thumbnail
Fessurino Right Exit
6C+ Boulder at Nasdaq
Vedova Nera thumbnail
Vedova Nera
7A Boulder at Morgana
Morgana thumbnail
7B Boulder at Morgana
Rumore Bianco thumbnail
Rumore Bianco
7A Boulder at Morgana
Acufene thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Morgana
Prestige thumbnail
6A Boulder at Morgana
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6A+ Boulder at Morgana
Sancho Panza thumbnail
Sancho Panza
6C Boulder at Morgana
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6A Boulder at Morgana
Caco Bloc thumbnail
Caco Bloc
7A Boulder at Morgana
Buco D'Allegria thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6B Boulder at Pagan Boulder
Pagan Boulder thumbnail
Pagan Boulder
6C+ Boulder at Pagan Boulder
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6A Boulder at Ciapett
Ciapett thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Ciapett
Come Una Kabra thumbnail
Latin Lover thumbnail
Message in the Bottle thumbnail
Konmuna thumbnail
4 Boulder at Hannibal Lecter
Hannibal Lecter thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name
5+ Boulder at Hannibal Lecter
L'Agonia del Capretto thumbnail
Colpo di Reni thumbnail
Colpo di Reni
6A+ Boulder at Madreperla
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6A+ Boulder at Madreperla
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6B+ Boulder at Madreperla
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6A Boulder at Madreperla
Madreperla thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Madreperla
Padrepirla thumbnail
6B Boulder at Madreperla
No Name thumbnail
No Name
5 Boulder at Madreperla
No Name thumbnail
No Name
3 Boulder at Extreme ironing
Taca Banda thumbnail
Taca Banda
6B+ Boulder at Extreme ironing
La Banda Dal Fil Da Fer thumbnail
Happy Feet thumbnail
Happy Feet
7C Boulder at Extreme ironing
Extreme Ironing thumbnail
South Point thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6B Boulder at Extreme ironing
Vom Wide Vermeht thumbnail
Mirsca thumbnail
6C Boulder at Prilton
Prilton thumbnail
6B Boulder at Prilton
XP thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at XP
Street Parade thumbnail
Virginia thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Street Parade
Project thumbnail
? Boulder at Street Parade
Candy Bar thumbnail
Candy Bar
7C+ Boulder at Candy Bar
Nandronole Boys thumbnail
Rocco Splash thumbnail
Rocco Splash
6B Boulder at Rocco Splash
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6B Boulder at Rocco Splash
Peppas thumbnail
6A Boulder at Peppas' World
Peppas' World thumbnail
Peppas' World
7B+ Boulder at Peppas' World
Regazze dell'Est thumbnail
Babushka thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Peppas' World
By Renzo thumbnail
By Renzo
5+ Boulder at By Renzo
Murphy's low sit thumbnail
Hotel Sbornia thumbnail
Hotel Sbornia
6C+ Boulder at Hotel Sbornia
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6B Boulder at Hotel Sbornia
Jungle Book thumbnail
Jungle Book
8A Boulder at Jungle Book
Jungle Book Stand Start thumbnail
Balu Der Bär thumbnail
Balu Der Bär
7C Boulder at Jungle Book
Mowgli thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Jungle Book
Blue Pill thumbnail
Blue Pill
7A+ Boulder at Red Pill
Red Pill thumbnail
Red Pill
7C Boulder at Red Pill
Black Pill thumbnail
Black Pill
6B+ Boulder at Red Pill
Project thumbnail
? Boulder at Red Pill
Cha Shaka thumbnail
Wande thumbnail
Return of the Super Ape thumbnail
La Sortie du Lapin thumbnail
Vol au Vent Sit Start thumbnail
Shiva Shanti thumbnail
Shiva Shanti
7A Boulder at Shiva Shanti
No topo image available
Cozza morta
6C Boulder at Shiva Shanti
No topo image available
The Fly
7B Boulder at Shiva Shanti
No topo image available
No topo image available
Rock Star
6C Boulder at Shiva Shanti
No topo image available
6C Boulder at Shiva Shanti
No topo image available
7A Boulder at Shiva Shanti
No topo image available
La Nera
6C Boulder at Shiva Shanti
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6A Boulder at Hattori Hanzo
No topo image available
Hattori Hanzo
7B+ Boulder at Hattori Hanzo
No topo image available
Stupid Game
6C Boulder at Hattori Hanzo
Orca Paletta thumbnail
Orca Paletta
5+ Boulder at Bully e Pupe
No topo image available
Bulli e Pupe
6C Boulder at Bully e Pupe
Stupid Zombie thumbnail
No topo image available
6c Sport at Phantom Punch
The Story of Two Worlds Low Start thumbnail
The Dagger Sit Start thumbnail
Just Jump Stand Start thumbnail
REM thumbnail
8C+ Boulder at Dreamtime
Somnolence thumbnail
8B Boulder at Dreamtime
No topo image available
Sapore di mare
6c+ Sport
No topo image available
6c+ Sport
No topo image available
Right of Splash
6b+ Sport
No topo image available
Zomp Zomp
7a+ Sport
No topo image available
6c Sport
No topo image available
Palla di Neve
7a+ Sport
No topo image available
La Trumba
6c Sport
No topo image available
Tendina Balosa
7b+ Sport
No topo image available
Spada di damocle
6c+ Sport
No topo image available
Chi dei due
6c Sport
No topo image available
No topo image available
Brugolino thumbnail
6C Boulder at Brugolino
No topo image available
7a Sport
No topo image available
Tequila Party
7b+ Sport
No topo image available
Rocco Tano
7b+ Sport
No topo image available
La banda del buco
6c+ Sport
No topo image available
Hopp Schwiiz
6c Sport
Corrected line Nr 4 thumbnail
La nave va sit thumbnail
La nave va sit
8A Boulder at La Nave Va
No topo image available
Musical Biasca
6c Sport
No topo image available
Endless River thumbnail
Endless River
8B Boulder at La Boule
Gateway thumbnail
8B+ Boulder at Dreamtime
Disco sucks fucks everything thumbnail
Pai Mei thumbnail
Pai Mei
8B Boulder at Il Bidone
Mr. White thumbnail
Mr. White
8B Boulder at Pelligatt
No topo image available
No topo image available
No topo image available
No topo image available
Bocca di rosa
7B Boulder at Anouk
Bocca di rosa thumbnail
Bocca di rosa
7B Boulder at Anouk
No topo image available
SS 20
7A Boulder at Pelligatt
No topo image available
8A+ Boulder at Pelligatt
Heisenberg thumbnail
8A+ Boulder at Pelligatt
No topo image available
Strano Diedro
6B+ Boulder at Pelligatt
No topo image available
Strano reta
6B+ Boulder at Pelligatt
Pinot Noir thumbnail
Pinot Noir
7B Boulder at Rol Laden
Variante sx thumbnail
Variante sx
7C Boulder at No Name
Pietruzzo thumbnail
7C Boulder at Android
Blues Brothers thumbnail
Crash of fun thumbnail
Crash of fun
7C Boulder at Sorca Land
Phil De Payne thumbnail
Phil De Payne thumbnail
Yur thumbnail
8B+ Boulder at Cruel
M'illumino D'immerda thumbnail
Mithril sit start thumbnail
Mithril sit start
8B+ Boulder at La Proue
Jeux à demain thumbnail
Jeux à demain
7A+ Boulder at Jon Mosca
Happy Apple thumbnail
Happy Apple
7C Boulder at Just Because
Archengemma thumbnail
8A Boulder at Le Vent Sombre
King Roger thumbnail
King Roger
8B Boulder at Le Vent Sombre
Bastardo thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Le Vent Sombre
Dalle stalle alle stelle thumbnail
Bulli e Pupe thumbnail
Bulli e Pupe
6C Boulder at Bully e Pupe
Attori Hanzo thumbnail
Attori Hanzo
7B+ Boulder at Hattori Hanzo
Podemus thumbnail
8B Boulder at Hattori Hanzo
Stupit game thumbnail
Stupit game
6C+ Boulder at Hattori Hanzo
Cozza morta thumbnail
Cozza morta
6C Boulder at Shiva Shanti
The fly thumbnail
The fly
7B Boulder at Shiva Shanti
Subistanzia nigra thumbnail
Subistanzia nigra
6B+ Boulder at Attila
Attila thumbnail
6C Boulder at Attila
Baobab thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Attila
Phantom punch thumbnail
Phantom punch
7B+ Boulder at Phantom Punch
Lindor thumbnail
6C Boulder at Phantom Punch
E -Ject thumbnail
E -Ject
4 Boulder at Pane Quotidiano
Orzoway thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Original
Original thumbnail
6B Boulder at Original
Nebbiopoli thumbnail
7A Boulder at Hattori Hanzo
La Nera thumbnail
La Nera
6C Boulder at Hattori Hanzo
Carnevale di Marco thumbnail
Rock star thumbnail
Rock star
6C Boulder at Brugolino
No topo image available
No topo image available
Living on the edge
5+ Boulder at No Name
No topo image available
Sardegna arrivo
6c+ Sport
No topo image available
San Laurin
7a+ Sport
No topo image available
No topo image available
7a+ Sport
No topo image available
No topo image available
7a Sport
No topo image available
Calore viola
6c Sport
No topo image available
6b Sport
Tijuana thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Mambo Number Five
No topo image available
Tequlia Party
7b+ Sport at Fantoman
Year 2022 thumbnail
Year 2022
5 Boulder at Mano Lesta
Return of the Dreamtime thumbnail
Silly Goose thumbnail
Silly Goose
3 Boulder at Hells Heli
Slim Shady thumbnail
Slim Shady
3+ Boulder at Hells Heli
No topo image available
7b+ Sport at Federika
No topo image available

The area is access sensitive!

Currently it's not allowed to drive up to the boulders. This means that cars need to be left down to the village, where one can walk up to the boulders. Please respect this driving and parking ban to avoid further issues!

Walking time from the village to the closest boulders: approximately 25min.

As always, respect the nature, other climbers and brush away tick marks.