Unknown boulders
Imothep thumbnail
8A Boulder at Imothep
Neverland thumbnail
8A Boulder at Neverland
Nerfs à Plat thumbnail
Nerfs à Plat
8A Boulder at Nerfs
La Mue Tante (assis) thumbnail
Peau de Serpent (rallongé) thumbnail
Chauffe les Nerfs (assis) thumbnail
Boulder problem #3 thumbnail
La Mue Tante thumbnail
La Mue Tante
7C+ Boulder at La Mue
La Gaule thumbnail
La Gaule
7C Boulder at La Gaule
Multipass (en traversée) thumbnail
Déplacement Pendulaire thumbnail
Numero bis thumbnail
Numero bis
7C Boulder at Imothep
No topo image available
Fluide Magnétique thumbnail
Comme un Petit Animal thumbnail
Gollum Connection thumbnail
Gollum Connection
7B+ Boulder at Gollum
L'Immortel thumbnail
L'Introuvable thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Introuvable
Le Marcassin thumbnail
Le Marcassin
7B+ Boulder at Le Marcassin
Multipass thumbnail
No topo image available
La Tonsure
7B Boulder at La Tonsure
No topo image available
7B Boulder at Fluide Magnétique
La Mue (assis) thumbnail
La Mue (assis)
7B Boulder at La Mue
Chauffe les Nerfs thumbnail
Chauffe les Nerfs
7B Boulder at Nerfs
Le Précieux thumbnail
Le Précieux
7B Boulder at Gollum
Pouce Doute thumbnail
Pouce Doute
7B Boulder at Pouce Doute
Tefal thumbnail
7B Boulder at Fluide Magnétique
La Traversée à Cent Dents thumbnail
Sobriété Heureuse thumbnail
Sobriété Heureuse (prolongé) thumbnail
La Gaule debout thumbnail
La Gaule debout
7A+ Boulder at La Gaule
Plats en sauce thumbnail
Plats en sauce
7A+ Boulder at Blue 34
No topo image available
Prow problem
7A+ Boulder
Démoniaque thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Démoniaque
Chok Dee thumbnail
Chok Dee
7A+ Boulder at Blue 12,13
Jus de Paume thumbnail
Jus de Paume
7A+ Boulder at Imothep
Balade pour un Schtroumpf thumbnail
La Tonsure thumbnail
La Tonsure
7A+ Boulder at La Tonsure
Jeu d'Enfants thumbnail
les Cavaliers de l'Apocalypse thumbnail
Figure Imposee thumbnail
La Grotte Geneviève thumbnail
Évolution thumbnail
7A Boulder at Évolution
La Mue Reine (en traversée) thumbnail
La Mue Reine thumbnail
La Mue Reine
7A Boulder at La Mue
Un Toit pour Saigner thumbnail
No topo image available
7A Boulder at Imothep
La Mue thumbnail
La Mue
7A Boulder at La Mue
Déplacement Pendulaire (raccourci) thumbnail
Precious Gollum thumbnail
Precious Gollum
7A Boulder at Gollum
Entre Guillemets thumbnail
Entre Guillemets
7A Boulder at Blue 18
Dark Vador thumbnail
Dark Vador
7A Boulder at Dark Vador
Arque Vador thumbnail
Arque Vador
7A Boulder at Dark Vador
Écart de Conduite thumbnail
Image In thumbnail
Image In
7A Boulder at Image In (blue 9)
La Mue Fine thumbnail
La Mue Fine
7A Boulder at La Mue
Saillie en Bière thumbnail
À nos 33 Amis Chiliens thumbnail
Le Toit du Gollum thumbnail
Le Toit du Gollum
6C+ Boulder at Gollum
Peau de Serpent thumbnail
Peau de Serpent
6C+ Boulder at La Mue
La Mue (gauche assis) thumbnail
La Mue (gauche assis)
6C+ Boulder at La Mue
The Game thumbnail
No topo image available
Dark Vador (raccourci) thumbnail
La Fissure Vador thumbnail
Bel Inconnu thumbnail
Bel Inconnu
6C Boulder at Blue 26
Florilège thumbnail
6C Boulder at Blue 25
L'Art est Plus Difficile thumbnail
L'Ouvreur Propose thumbnail
L'Ouvreur Propose (droite) thumbnail
Margarine thumbnail
6C Boulder at Blue 8
R2-D2 (gauche) thumbnail
R2-D2 (gauche)
6C Boulder at R2-D2
R2-D2 thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at R2-D2
No topo image available
Coup de soleil
6B+ Boulder at Blue 21
Zone sensible thumbnail
Zone sensible
6B+ Boulder at Blue 21
Comme un Petit Animal (debout) thumbnail
Le Vert Galant thumbnail
Le Vert Galant
6B+ Boulder at Blue 34
La Grotte Geneviève (gauche) thumbnail
No topo image available
6B Boulder at Multipass
La Mue (gauche) thumbnail
La Mue (gauche)
6B Boulder at La Mue
La Recherche du Père Tendu thumbnail
Blue 32 thumbnail
Blue 32
6B Boulder at Blue 32
Les Répétiteurs Étalonnent thumbnail
No topo image available
6A Boulder at Multipass
No topo image available
6A Boulder at Multipass
No topo image available
La belle Arête
6A Boulder at Multipass
Copie à Revoir  (Blue 16) thumbnail
Blue 25 thumbnail
Blue 25
6A Boulder at Blue 25
La Critique est Facile thumbnail
Le Jeté Philou thumbnail
Le Jeté Philou
6A Boulder at Évolution
Missing Link thumbnail
Missing Link
6A Boulder at Blue 15
La Fissure à l'Anglaise (assis) thumbnail
Steamed Buns thumbnail
Steamed Buns
6A Boulder at Steamed Buns
No topo image available
La Digitale
5+ Boulder at Multipass
No topo image available
5+ Boulder at Multipass
No topo image available
5+ Boulder
No topo image available
Le Picolo
5+ Boulder at Multipass
No topo image available
Les Tripes
5+ Boulder at Blue 34
Blue 19 thumbnail
Blue 19
5+ Boulder at Pouce Doute
Blue 11 thumbnail
Blue 11
5+ Boulder at Pouce Doute
Cuvier Ouest

The area is access sensitive!

Biological Reserve! Avoid leaving the paths and keep your dog on a leash from April to July.

As always, park reasonably. If the parking is full, consider other sectors (Apremont is pretty close).

Do not leave any valuables in the car and take good care of your belongings, there might be thieves especially on weekends.

Don't climb the problems when they are moist/wet. Sandstone is _really_ brittle when it's damp.

Walk west basically anywhere from the west side of Bas Cuvier. First path goes to the left just from parking. Then there's a path starting from Blue 4. Another path is behind Biceps Mou.

Approach is approx 1-2 minutes. And maybe 10 minutes to the other end of the sector. Introuvable is a bit farther away, but you should be able to find it with its GPS location with ease.