
Short to medium climbs on beautiful "Drammen's granite" (red granite of excellent quality). Most routes are vertical or slightly off vertical. You will find Norway's first 8+, Stive Dempere, and first 9, Marathon. The crag is well known around Oslo. It has a great many number of medium to hard routes (7+ to 9+). Most routes are either vertical or slightly overhanging. Big Crimpin' is the name of the game. The edges are typically good but far apart, so be sure to warm up your "guns" and "shoulders" when arriving. There are a few, although not many, nice trad routes to be found (Vegglus area). Worth hiking in your gear for. The "Stive Dempere" shelf has some classical hard routes from the 1980s - such as Marathon and Stive Dempere.


The crag was developed in the period 1986 -1990 with some longstanding projects graded 8b+ or harder climbed "recently". Classical routes such as "Revejakta (8a)", "Apeberget (8a)", "Stive Dempere (8a+)", "Mikrocosmos (8a+)", "Marathon (8b)", "Edle stener (?)" were climbed in this period. Routes such as Draumkvedet (8c, climbed in 1998?), Latvia (8b+, climbed in 2002?) and Vestlandsfanden (8b/b+, climbed in 1998?) - bolted in the 1980s - were for many years open projects attempted by top climbers in Oslo. In the 1980s some of the hardest vertical routes in Norway were located at this crag - Routes such as "Stive Dempere", "Revejakta", "Apeberget", "Mikrocosmos", "Marathon" and "Edle stener".

Routes on Damtjern
69 sport 7 trad 31 Likes
Premium topo by Damtjern team.
Helge Øystein Maakestad
from Oslo