No special access issues
You can reach the climbing routes from the parking site located between two tunnels, on the road from Skopje to Gevgelija right after passing the town of Demir Kapija. The sectors are on the both sides... Read more
We like Demir Kapija

Kire Serafimovski
Great Grey Limestone Clif with a huge potential for all climbing grades.

Vladimir Trpovski
Demir Kapija is hard of Balkan. Place with lot climbing possibility, sport climbing, trad, multi pitch. With 300 sunny days, you can climb almost all year around. After climbing is restaurants with very cheap house made food and rakia and vine. Just be there !

Viktor Höjman
Activities on this crag
- Tomáš Růžička • 4 months agoupdated his tick list- Славко бе (Slavko be) 6a+
- Портокалова екипа (Portokalova ekipa) left 6a
- Pepelats 5+
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