
Huhun mukaan kivellä olisi densantti tarkkaillut 5-tien liikennettä kesällä -44. Hän putosi kiveltä loukaten jalkansa, nilkutti läheiseen taloon ja jäi siksi kiinni. Tuskin on totta.

Rumor tells, in the summer of 1944, there was a russian spy/commando on the stone to monitor the military traffic on Route 5. He fell off a rock and injured his leg, tripped into a nearby farm and was therefore caught. It's hardly true.

Kivi on matala ja paikoin aika rouheata laadultaan. Tikkaita pitkin pääsee helposti alas.
The boulder is low and quality of the stone is rough in some places. There are ladders for down climbing.
Please, use this stone to warm up before Sector Masto or Suoprojekti

Routes on Desanttikivi
5 boulder 1 Likes
Premium topo by Finnish barefooters
Hannu "barefoothanski" Mieskolainen
from Lahti