The area is access sensitive
Road directions: From road 229 follow Breviksvägen 7 km out on Tyresö peninsula. Turn right onto Öringhamnsvägen (signposted Dyvik). Follow this 1.5 km and turn right downhill Dyviksuddsvägen. Below t... Read more
Activities on this crag
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The area is access sensitive!
Road directions:
From road 229 follow Breviksvägen 7 km out on Tyresö peninsula. Turn right onto Öringhamnsvägen (signposted Dyvik). Follow this 1.5 km and turn right downhill Dyviksuddsvägen. Below the hill on the right side lies the small lake and the crag. A parking space is available after the next curve, at Dyviksuddsklippan. Parking will be full quickly, park tightly. Then walk back on the same road you came and walk halfway up the hill. Turn left onto a path at a small electrical cabinet on the left side of the road. Follow the path down and away to the right, about 150 m.
Under no circumstances should you park in meeting places, private parking, or along the way! If the parking is full then you can use the same parking as for Uddeuddberget. There is also an alternative parking at Sandholmarna nature reserve (marked on the map).
Public transportation:
Bus to Ällmora or Mossvägen and then about 30 to 45 min walk. The bus to Ällmora runs seasonally. Buses to Mossvägen run regularly.
Dödskalleberget is located within Dyvik lövängars nature reserve and it is not allowed to drill holes and place bolts.
It is not allowed to camp for longer than twenty four hours or at a different location than the western part of Sandängen. Please bring all your (and others) garbage with you when you leave.