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7a Sport at Pfarrfels
Nikolaus thumbnail
6c+ Sport at Balkenstein
Hänsel und Gretel thumbnail
Struwwelpeter thumbnail
6c+ Sport at Balkenstein
? thumbnail
6c+ Sport at Pfarrfels
Kleines Schwein thumbnail
Guildo hat euch lieb thumbnail
Technik die begeistert thumbnail
Bürgermeisterin thumbnail
Knecht Rupprecht thumbnail
Kleiner König Maximilian thumbnail
Dürers Hinterkopf thumbnail
Guildo Horn Kante thumbnail
Der Läufer thumbnail
Der Läufer
6b+ Sport at Holzhauswand
Vulcano thumbnail
6b+ Sport at Holzhauswand
Talseite thumbnail
6b Sport at Balkenstein
Rapunzel thumbnail
6b Sport at Balkenstein
Su Alto Weg thumbnail
Su Alto Weg
6b Sport at Pfarrfels
Gassenhauer thumbnail
6b Sport at Pfarrfels
Bürgermeister thumbnail
Alter Weg thumbnail
Alter Weg
6a+ Sport at Balkenstein
Ka.-Mau. Weg thumbnail
Ka.-Mau. Weg
6a+ Sport at Pfarrfels
Rudi Rastlos thumbnail
Rudi Rastlos
6a+ Sport at Pfarrfels
Gemsenverschneidung thumbnail
Alte Talwand thumbnail
Alte Talwand
6a+ Partially bolted at Albrecht Dürer Fels
Talwand direkt thumbnail
Die Mitte thumbnail
Die Mitte
6a+ Sport at Holzhauswand
Papas Bohrhelfer thumbnail
KNG thumbnail
6a Sport at Balkenstein
Adventszeit thumbnail
6a Sport at Balkenstein
Auckenthaler Gedenkweg thumbnail
Albert Diener Gedenkweg thumbnail
Freundsachaftz thumbnail
Holzhaus thumbnail
6a Sport at Holzhauswand
Guildo Horn Trasverse thumbnail
Aschenputtel thumbnail
Emporweg thumbnail
5+ Sport at Pfarrfels
Schmittchen Schleicher thumbnail
Burgherrenkante thumbnail
Alter Weg thumbnail
Alter Weg
5+ Sport at Pfarrfels
Neuer Gemsenweg thumbnail
Alter Gemsenweg thumbnail
Novemberweg thumbnail
5+ Sport at Pfarrfels
Queckenbelzer thumbnail
5+ Sport at Pfarrfels
Kameradschaftsweg thumbnail
Via Höfinger thumbnail
Via Kreuzenbeck thumbnail
Mathias Bauer Gedenkweg thumbnail
Bergseite thumbnail
Werner Bein thumbnail
Westverschneidung thumbnail
Brüchige Verschneidung thumbnail
Nordkamin thumbnail
? thumbnail
? Sport at Pfarrfels
? thumbnail
? Sport at Pfarrfels
Projekt thumbnail
Projekt thumbnail

Climbing has been limited!

"Pfarrfels" is closed from 1.2 - 30.6. because of bird breeding.

These sectors are located around the village "Egloffstein" at the river Trubach.
Go To "Egloffstein" and park at the big parking in the center of town where the road crosses the river. 50 meters south of the bigger new parking is a smaller cozier parking...if you like.

Go to the big parking in the bend and get onto the road called "Badstraße" (leading to swimming pool), directly across the big parking. After 200 meters take the road to your right what continuous into a hiking trail leading into the forest. You get onto a hiking trail immediately that leads along the hill side. Take the left direction. After about 450 meters you can spot the massive sector "Pfarrfels" to your right up the hill. There's an obvious path leading there. 300 meters further ahead on the hiking trail you pass "Balkenstein" underneath. Get there on no cleat path up the hill.

this gets tricky.. Go to the big parking in the bend and get onto the road called "Dr. Neumeyer Straße"", directly across the big parking. Go up the steep street until the. Follow the street through the left bend for a few meters and look for a hiking trail (blue circle sign) disappearing into the bushes up the hill. Go up the hiking trail for 130 meters until it bends left. Take the forest road to your right leading along the hill side. After a few meters take the left path and follow it for further about 80 meters until you've reached the top. When the path already goes down the hill leave the path to the right just after you've past the thicket. There's another path starting about 40 meters parallel left of the path you are leaving. Once you've reached that path you just have to follow it for 160 meter. The sector is to your left.
Alternatively you can follow the street "Dr. Neumeyer Straße" to the end, then turn left before you get onto the Main street. You get onto a hiking trail soon. After 250 meters where you enter the forest is a forest road to your left. This one gets you to the sector within 200 meters.

Alfred Dürer Fels:
Follow the street towards town center and get onto the street (Paradiesweg) leading up the hill just after you've crossed the river. Turn left after 90 meters and follow the street until it turns into a hiking trail leading into the forest. After about 100 meters turn right onto the hiking trail leading up the hill via serpentines. In the 2nd right bend leave the trail to the left. You already can see the sector in front of you.