Los tres Pinos
Andrada style
Cave Carem
Albóndigas Suecas thumbnail
Plage blanche thumbnail
Plage blanche
6B+ Boulder at El servicio
El servicio thumbnail
El servicio
6B Boulder at El servicio
L'arete facil thumbnail
L'arete facil
4 Boulder at El servicio
Dinamico o statico thumbnail
L'arete duro thumbnail
L'arete duro
? Boulder at El servicio
El Anfibio

The area is access sensitive!

Parking only on marked parkings, don't block any field entrances or if parking at main road, don't block passage to the house.
The farm house on the other side of los tres pinos has prohibited ALL climbing on his side of the river. The riverbed is still public land. Please respect the locals by acting quiet when climbing and never leave any traces behind! It is very important to keep this area clean, not upset neighbours and respect the rules.
Use only already existing tracks.