
The wall is beautifully located in the midle of the spectacular Erdalen valley, surrounded by glaciers and steep walls. Facing northwest the wall gets about 1-2 hours of sun in summer, otherwise it is in the shade. This combined with the cool air coming from the nearby river and the glaciers above, makes Erdalen a the perfect summer crag and a great alternative to the more famous Beachen on warm and sunny days.

The rock quality is good and the routes are varied both in style and length. The grades range from very easy to hard moderates with the potential for more and potentially harder routes especially on the biggest face (this section was originaly not bolted because of nesting birds in the horisontal crack).
The wall is also quite child friendly with the area under the wall covered in grass and more or less flat combined with a short approach.


Spotted from the glacier above by Vegard Vereide in the early 2000`s, the wall remained undeveloped until Vegard brougth Fred Syversen, Henning Wang and Jarle Kalland to look at the wall during the first edition of Strynefestivalen. Fred then started the proceded to gather support and money for the bolting and development while Henning tok on the job of making the wall into a crag. During the summer of 2015 Henning spent a month mostly alone making trails, cutting trees, cleaning, brushing and bolting, and during the summer of 2016 he returned for another 3 weeks with Philip Toney (aswell as some other friends) to finish the job.
Intially some of the lines on the main face was set to be bolted, but because of a bird nesting in the middle of the wall, these lines where left untouched.
The majority of the routes were first climbed during or just after the 2016 edition of Strynefestivalen, with the route names inspirered by events at the festival, aswell as playlist used during the bolting/cleaning process.

Routes on Erdalen
30 sport 3 Likes
Premium topo by Madskillz
Henning Wang
from Trondheim