Transmission thumbnail
7B Boulder at Bølgeveggen
Bølgeskvulp thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Bølgeveggen
New wave thumbnail
New wave
7A+ Boulder at Bølgeveggen
Bølgelengde thumbnail
7A Boulder at Bølgeveggen
Long wave thumbnail
Long wave
7A Boulder at Bølgeveggen
LeMenestrel thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Bølgeveggen
Medium wave thumbnail
Medium wave
6C Boulder at Bølgeveggen
Flaket i taket thumbnail
Flaket i taket
6B+ Boulder at Bølgeveggen
Bølgetopp thumbnail
6B Boulder at Bølgeveggen
Enden på visa thumbnail
LA8PV thumbnail
6B Boulder at Bølgeveggen
Short wave thumbnail
Short wave
6B Boulder at Bølgeveggen
Reverse wave thumbnail
Reverse wave
6A+ Boulder at Bølgeveggen
Hæla i taket thumbnail
Hæla i taket
6A+ Boulder at Bølgeveggen
DAB thumbnail
6A Boulder at Bølgeveggen
DAB+ thumbnail
6A Boulder at Bølgeveggen

The area is access sensitive!

At the western portal of Oslofjordtunnelen (E134), take off on Fv281 towards Filtvet. Pass through the center of Filtvet and park in the parking lot at Filtvet Church. The sector Parkeringen is located, as the name says right next to the parking.

To get to the sectors Agdeåsen south and Bølgeveggen one goes through the cemetery and onto the path in the forest on the opposite side (NB: show consideration and do not step on graves!). To get to Bølgeveggen, take off the path after about 150m and go down the small slope from the saddle point on the small hill to the left. After that, follow the bottom of the small hill about 50m south until you reach the wall on your right. To get to Agdeåsen syd, take the trail after about 75m and go up the hill below the power line. Follow the top of the hill to the south until you reach a camp site (with a great view). Then continue down the ridge to the sector at the bottom of the ridge.