
Finnoo Släbi is a rock cut wall next to Finnoo (Suomenoja) roundabout at Espoo, Finland. The wall is about 80m wide and 3-8m high. The center section is about 6-8m high whereas the left and right ends are lower (around 3-4m).

The wall has been cut/exploded so it might be unstable and there are some loose rocks. Be extra careful if climbing the wall. The left sector has some natural rock formation left and as it is lower, so it is safer than the center of the wall.

Even though the wall is “human made” and it might not be so interesting climbing destination, the location is supergood, and the wall anyway offers few interesting bouldering problems at least for a quick training session.

The wall is located in open area, and it is towards south-west and gets lots of sun & wind, so it dries super fast. Hey, and if it starts raining 🌧 you got a backup! Just head 400m north and you will arrive to Boulderkeskus Espoo, an inside bouldering training center, ✌😁

• There higher section has some potential but there are some safeness issues (unstable and loose rocks). Be careful.
• The crag is next to bicycle/pedestrian path, so be careful that you do not block the traffic. Keep e.g. your bicycle, pad, and other belongings off the path.

• Lower left – Few decent bouldering problems on grades 4-5.
• High center – High ~6-8m wall. Has potential on the right-hand side “clean wall” aka original "Finnoo släbi". Otherwise climbing is not recommended due unstable rock formation and loose rock. If you climb, consider using top rope.
• Lower right – Not that interesting climbing spots.

• The next by roundabout is so called turbo-roundabout and apparently it is the only two-level roundabout in Finland. Cars drive on the top level and bicycles and pedestrians can use the lower level. The roundabout has been built around 2005-2007, and it got rewarded Municipal engineering achievement of the year in Finland in 2008.
• There is interesting artwork inside the roundabout. There are four monoliths that point to north, south, east, and west, and there are some distances to different places in the world on those directions. For example, the south pole is exactly 16674km south from the crag or roundabout 🌐 For more information, visit:


Finnoo Släbi was established on 27crags around 2018 by adding middle sector’s clean wall routes by C.J. The crag was updated and the left sector was added by S.M. at 2020.

Routes on Finnoon släbi
10 boulder 2 Likes
Premium topo by Finnoo urban climbers
Sami Merovuo
from Espoo
Christian Jaatinen
from Espoo