Traverse from left to right. Finishing on the arete.
Far left corner route.
Just right of Northwest Corner, climb the face using the edges on your left side.
Fun one move wonder dyno.
The almost crack left of King Conquer
Start as for the Right Slot and traverse into the top of King Conquer
The namesake route of the block. Climb up and out the center crack though the heady topout.
Low on pads or fear of heights? Try this.
Same start as Face Out. Cross left hand to the first crimp you normally go up to for the right hand. Come up right hand to a few options for crimps next to your left hand. Fire up to the jug (same jug as Face Out). All holds on the arete are off for hands and feet.
Super fun arete moves up the left side of the block.
Reverse traverse, start with Southwest Layback and climb all the way left.