
A recently developed (and developing) area that somewhat surprisingly wasn’t ‘discovered’ (or exploited might be a better word) by boulderers until early-2023 despite hiding in relatively plain site for anyone who’s ever travelled down Jat’s Incline. The Forest Blocs provide a huge number of boulders and lines on blocs of (typically) good quality, featured volcanic tuff, with relatively easy access, mostly good landings and blocs of all shapes and sizes (including a much higher degree of overhanging rock than most bouldering spots in HK.

Due to the overall scale of this area (and the fact that two sectors were discovered / developed concurrently), the area has been split into the Upper Sector (Forest Blocs) and the Lower Sector (Sunset Forest). For those keen enough to dig around in the vegetation, both sectors still have dozens more blocs waiting to be unearthed.

Having said this, if you do find something undocumented with obvious signs of cleaning, please leave it alone until details appear here to show some respect for the time and effort someone else has already put into developing the bloc.


Largely 'discovered', cleaned and developed by Stuart Millis during a number of solo sessions in early-to-mid-2023 - around the same time that the team of Gordon Hoi, Alex Tsoi and Matthew Sze found and developed the adjacent area at Sunset Forest