Mundo olvidado - Albarracín

The area is access sensitive!

In general albarracin should be considered a place with access issues. The local climbers do a lot to keep the climbing possible. This area is though a lower part of an already existing area, Tierra media.
The thing is, because it starts way lower down the hill, the approach is actually fastest either from Mirador parking or from the parking with the dinosaur on the roof. This way you have an straight path of about 15minutes walking and then a slight uphill in the end.
You can though also approach first Tierra media and then just continue the day here. Tierra media is about 50..100m from this cluster of boulders.

0 routes on 1 topo
Black wall
8 routes on 5 topos
2 routes on 2 topos
Control Fysique
3 routes on 3 topos
1 route on 1 topo
3 routes on 4 topos
Eye prow
3 routes on 3 topos
Finger crack
8 routes on 5 topos
Flappy thing
3 routes on 3 topos
Font reminder
2 routes on 2 topos
Forgotten World
7 routes on 5 topos
Huggy bear
6 routes on 4 topos
1 route on 2 topos
Out of your reach
3 routes on 2 topos
Pequeño maní
1 route on 1 topo
Pienellä treenillä
2 routes on 4 topos
2 routes on 2 topos
Sirius business
1 route on 4 topos
small Power
0 routes on 2 topos
The big one
9 routes on 4 topos
4 routes on 3 topos
Warm up
3 routes on 2 topos
Wide boys
7 routes on 3 topos
2 routes on 4 topos
1 route on 2 topos
Parking mirador
Parking of cabrerizo
Main parking
Parking in the valley.
Mundo olvidado - Albarracín
General marker for the crag