Mur des Carriers
Hill side
À Lay’s Blaise Assis thumbnail
Capitaine Flint thumbnail
Capitaine Flint
8B Boulder at Http.bloc
À Lay's Blaise gauche assis thumbnail
Rainbow rocket thumbnail
Joyeux Grill assis thumbnail
Red rocket thumbnail
Red rocket
8A Boulder at Rainbow rocket
Http.bloc assis thumbnail
Http.bloc assis
8A Boulder at Http.bloc
L'Arête de l'Abri-Bivouac (assis) thumbnail
Voltane thumbnail
8A Boulder at Voltane
Voyage Millésimé thumbnail
Gamme Relative thumbnail
La directe du Matagot thumbnail
Voltane (raccourci) thumbnail
Voltane (raccourci)
7C+ Boulder at Voltane
Millésime thumbnail
7C+ Boulder at Millesime
Fin de Carrière thumbnail
Fin de Carrière
7C Boulder at Profil
L'Arête de l'Abri-Bivouac thumbnail
Http.bloc thumbnail
7C Boulder at Http.bloc
Voltex en traversée thumbnail
Profil de Carrière assis thumbnail
Par Dessus Tête rallongé thumbnail
À l'Abordage! thumbnail
À l'Abordage!
7C Boulder at Abordage
Homoncule thumbnail
7C Boulder at Sorciere
Profil de Carrière thumbnail
Profil de Carrière
7B+ Boulder at Profil
Devil's Plaything thumbnail
Voltex thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Rainbow rocket
Joyeux Grill thumbnail
Joyeux Grill
7B+ Boulder at Http.bloc
Fluocompacte thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Fluocompacte
Rentrée Aérienne thumbnail
Ambigu thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Ambigu
Gamme Relative gauche thumbnail
Sirocco thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Sirocco
Mortel Transfert thumbnail
Voltane direct thumbnail
Voltane direct
7B Boulder at Voltane
Into the void thumbnail
Sans Idée thumbnail
Sans Idée
7B Boulder at Sans idee
Hauts les Cœurs thumbnail
Mal à l'Aise thumbnail
Mal à l'Aise
7B Boulder at Blaise
Par Dessus Tête thumbnail
Par Dessus Tête
7B Boulder at Trave
Arachnologue rallongé thumbnail
Down in a Hole rallongé thumbnail
Point of View thumbnail
Bad Thoughts thumbnail
Bad Thoughts
7B Boulder at Point of View
Pince-Mi et Pince-Moi thumbnail
Traquenard thumbnail
7B Boulder at Shwetz
Matagot droite thumbnail
Matagot droite
7A+ Boulder at Matagot
Tread Lightly thumbnail
Tread Lightly
7A+ Boulder at Tread
Ampère (assis) thumbnail
Ampère (assis)
7A+ Boulder at Voltane
À Lay’s Blaise thumbnail
À Lay’s Blaise
7A+ Boulder at Blaise
À Led (assis) thumbnail
À Led (assis)
7A+ Boulder at Fluocompacte
Metu Oblivionis thumbnail
Cœur de Pierre thumbnail
Arachnide rallongé thumbnail
Arachnide rallongé
7A+ Boulder at Appat
Big Party thumbnail
Big Party
7A+ Boulder at Party
Butterbean thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Butterbean
L'Apprenti Sorcier thumbnail
L'Apprenti Sorcier
7A+ Boulder at Sorciere
L’Apprentie Sorcière thumbnail
L'Ensorceleur thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at L'Ensorceleur
La Villageoise thumbnail
La Villageoise
7A+ Boulder at Millesime
La Grande Sylvie retour-aller thumbnail
Coup de Poing thumbnail
Coup de Poing
7A+ Boulder at Shwetz
Devil's Plaything accroupi thumbnail
Idle Hands thumbnail
Whale Party thumbnail
Whale Party
7A Boulder at Party
Ampére thumbnail
7A Boulder at Voltane
Sylphide thumbnail
7A Boulder at Rainbow rocket
Party Whale thumbnail
Party Whale
7A Boulder at Party
Les Pantins Sociaux thumbnail
Watt (assis) thumbnail
Watt (assis)
7A Boulder at Voltane
Histoire de Fesses thumbnail
Mr Grumpy Pants (assis) thumbnail
Petits Cœurs thumbnail
Règlement Extérieur thumbnail
Metu Oblivionis (gauche) thumbnail
Pas de Rentrée thumbnail
Broke Power thumbnail
Broke Power
7A Boulder at Rainbow rocket
Appât thumbnail
7A Boulder at Appat
Arachnologue thumbnail
7A Boulder at Appat
Line of Thought thumbnail
Moral Highground rallongé thumbnail
Moral Highground retour thumbnail
After Party thumbnail
After Party
7A Boulder at Party
Ghost Stories thumbnail
Humphrey thumbnail
7A Boulder at Humphrey
Les Rampeurs thumbnail
Les Rampeurs
7A Boulder at Rampeurs
Soulagement thumbnail
7A Boulder at Soulagement
La Grande Sylvie thumbnail
La Grande Sylvie
7A Boulder at Sylvie
S'il Vit Encore thumbnail
S'il Vit Encore
7A Boulder at Sylvie
Derniere Danse thumbnail
Derniere Danse
7A Boulder at Mercedes
Moistboys represent elimination (assis) thumbnail
Le Toit de l'Abri-Bivouac thumbnail
Matagot gauche thumbnail
Matagot gauche
6C+ Boulder at Matagot
Mr Grumpy Pants thumbnail
Sans Cœur thumbnail
Sans Cœur
6C+ Boulder at Hauts les coeurs
Down in a Hole thumbnail
Down in a Hole
6C+ Boulder at Into the void
Arachnide thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Appat
Moral Highground thumbnail
Rising Tide rallongé thumbnail
Rising Tide rallongé
6C+ Boulder at Tide
Ici et Ailleurs thumbnail
Ici et Ailleurs
6C+ Boulder at Acier
L'Arête du Soulagement thumbnail
Le Dernier des Maîtres thumbnail
Franchard Carriers / Sablons Ouest

Climbing has been limited!

Park as for Isatis. Walk with the "route de cul de chaudron" towards south - west. Turn right when you come to Route des Gorges de Franchard. Continue until the crossing with Route de Louvard. Here take a forest path towards south - west. This path will take you to Rainbow Rocket.
For the more western areas, keep on the main path to the west until reaching the boulder cluster you are interested in. For almost all boulders there is a visible path.