Supernova  thumbnail
7c+ Sport at Mérinos
Championne thumbnail
7b Sport at Mérinos
La légende d'Orion  thumbnail
No topo image available
No topo image available
Le spoutnik
7a Sport at Mérinos
Le Spoutnik  thumbnail
Le Spoutnik 
7a Sport at Mérinos
No topo image available
Champion du monde toutes catégories  thumbnail
La Diane  thumbnail
La Diane 
6c+ Sport at Mérinos
La comète  thumbnail
La comète 
6c Sport at Mérinos
La Georgette  thumbnail
La Georgette 
6c Sport at Mérinos
Full metal plaquettes  thumbnail
Le Lézard (L3) thumbnail
Rhoani thumbnail
6b Sport at Mérinos
Wanted Gratton  thumbnail
Le beatnik (L2) thumbnail
Smeerlap  thumbnail
6b Sport at Mérinos
Le pont des soupirs thumbnail
L'engrenage directe  thumbnail
Déviation poids lourds thumbnail
Les buses  thumbnail
Les buses 
6a+ Sport at Mérinos
Mickey mousse thumbnail
Mickey mousse
6a+ Sport at Mérinos
Caresse buccale, Emmanuelle  thumbnail
Super vol-au-vent (L3 + L4) thumbnail
Super zone  thumbnail
Super zone 
6a+ Sport at Mérinos
L'enfer vert d'acapulco thumbnail
Gamma thumbnail
6a Sport at Mérinos
Nuits k'aline thumbnail
Nuits k'aline
6a Sport at Mérinos
Y'a pas de lézard thumbnail
T'as le look thumbnail
T'as le look
6a Sport at Mérinos
Disney land thumbnail
Disney land
6a Sport at Mérinos
L'Asiatique  thumbnail
6a Sport at Mérinos
L'eden  thumbnail
6a Sport at Mérinos
La Pégase  thumbnail
La Pégase 
6a Sport at Mérinos
Le baba-au-rhum  thumbnail
Le Lezard (L1) thumbnail
Le Lezard (L1)
6a Sport at Mérinos
Les hermétiques (L2) thumbnail
No topo image available
6a Sport at Mérinos
Caca Saucisse  thumbnail
L'engrenage  thumbnail
6a Sport at Mérinos
L'hystérique  thumbnail
Super Lux  thumbnail
Super Lux 
6a Sport at Mérinos
Le beatnik (L1) thumbnail
Debilapof thumbnail
5+ Sport at Mérinos
Zanzibar thumbnail
5+ Sport at Mérinos
Copacabana thumbnail
5+ Sport at Mérinos
Le beau, le vrai nono thumbnail
Les anciens Belges thumbnail
La marmotte  thumbnail
La marmotte 
5+ Sport at Mérinos
Super vol-au-vent L1  thumbnail
No topo image available
Depart radis
5+ Sport at Mérinos
Nuits k'aline (end with le beau, le vrai nono) thumbnail
La fissure en 5 thumbnail
Avenue chlorophylle thumbnail
Iner limits  thumbnail
Iner limits 
5+ Sport at Mérinos
La Bave des Crapauds  thumbnail
La jaunisse  thumbnail
La jaunisse 
5+ Sport at Mérinos
Le petit navet  L2 thumbnail
Les Hermétiques L1  thumbnail
Bon pied, mon oeil thumbnail
No topo image available
No topo image available
Les crêpes thumbnail
Les crêpes
5 Sport at Mérinos
Les Pierres Tombées  thumbnail
L'écureuil thumbnail
5 Sport at Mérinos
Just you and me  thumbnail
La casserole  thumbnail
Le Petit Navet L1  thumbnail
Le beefsteak thumbnail
Le beefsteak
4+ Sport at Mérinos
Le Mérinos thumbnail
Le Mérinos
4+ Sport at Mérinos
Le radius  thumbnail
Le radius 
4+ Sport at Mérinos
Lux  thumbnail
4+ Sport at Mérinos
La Savonnette thumbnail
La Savonnette
4+ Sport at Mérinos
La cheminée des lillois thumbnail
Le petit pet thumbnail
Le petit pet
4+ Sport at Mérinos
Bleue  thumbnail
4+ Sport at Mérinos
La bleue  thumbnail
La bleue 
4+ Sport at Mérinos
Le Primus  thumbnail
Le Primus 
4+ Sport at Mérinos
Le départ Duval thumbnail
Les Profitérolles à Fagot  thumbnail
No topo image available
La familiale thumbnail
La familiale
3+ Sport at Mérinos
Le cubitus  thumbnail
Le cubitus 
3+ Sport at Mérinos
Départ duval thumbnail
Départ duval
3+ Sport at Mérinos
Départ Lemoine thumbnail
Super vol-au-vent (L2) thumbnail

Climbing has been limited!

The crags of "Freyr" are located on private property. The Club Alpin Belge rents the property and is responsible for the crags, the access, and the forest. This is also a Natura 2000 protected environment, so respect the place and it's rules to avoid any issues.

🇧🇪Belgian climbers have to be member of the Club Alpin Belge (CAB) or Klim- en Bergsportfederatie (KBF) to climb on the Belgian rocks.
🇳🇱 Dutch (NKBV) climbers need to buy a special "klimjaarkaart".
🌍 International occasional climbers must be a member of an official climbing federation or alpine club. The access is controlled by the CAB.
☎️ For information about climbing or sleeping facilities in the Freyr area, contact 0499.90.51.87.

🚗 30min from Namur
Driving on the E411 highway (from Namur or Luxembourg) take the exit 20 (Dinant / Philipville). Follow the N97 direction SE. After 5.7 km, take the exit for "Beauraing/Anseremme/Dinant". The exit comes quite sudden and is not well indicated, so keep your eyes open.
At the exit, take a right turn (downhill) and follow the road until you reach the river Meuse.
Take a left turn and drive through the village of Anseremme (🛒 You pass a supermarket on the right, which is open on sunday mornings too).
Drive over a narrow bridge at the confluence of the Lesse and Meuse and follow the road uphill.
When the road levels out, a parking apears on your right - across from 4 buildings.

The approaches to different sectors start att different places. All the trails can be found on the cragmap. Reaching the sectors will take 5-20 minutes of walking downhill.
It is easy to switch sectors throughout the day.