The line to the left of Magic Line. Sitstart left in the roof. Climb up (slightly right) on ridiculous holds to the lip, then finish as for Magic Line.
Sit-down start at the northwest corner with an undercling for your left hand and your right on the sloping lip. Climb straight up the bulge with powerful moves (problem no. 4.1, page 135 in guidebook).
Climb the brushed streak on the left-hand side of the south face with a technical crux at an height high enough to make you hesitate a bit. Cool problem!
Sit-down start at the northwest corner with an undercling for your left hand and your right on the sloping lip. Climb straight up the bulge with powerful moves (problem no. 4.1, page 135 in guidebook).
Standing start just left of Cornflakeskuppen. Start on edge and sidepull feature and climb straight up the sidepull feature and finish. A nice variation.