Självstyrelse thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Canyon
Päron Pingvin thumbnail
Päron Pingvin
6A Boulder at Canyon
El Speedo thumbnail
El Speedo
6A Boulder at Canyon
Mursupäällikö thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Canyon
Spöktrappan thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Canyon
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Yksi vielä
5+ Boulder at Canyon
Raivopäinen Nudisti thumbnail
Canyon thumbnail
5 Boulder at Canyon
Spectral crack thumbnail
Spectral crack
5 Boulder at Canyon
Pärre thumbnail
3+ Boulder at Canyon
South Grottan

The area is access sensitive!

Grottan road has been closed by gate since spring 2024. Parking nowdays at Soltuna. Access by hike trails from Soltuna Cafe. Different trail leads to old parking of "Ålander" and use the "Grottan trail" to access "maneater" / "moonbored" / "grottanbleau" etc sectors. Trails visible in map. Access grottan road by trail and use road to find the desired sector access trail start point.

NOTE: Making Fire is forbidden in ALL Åland sectors: grottan and south grottan areas as well - and fågelberget for that matter. I repeat: No Fire here. Always- no exceptions.

Recorded times by trails:
to wayside 12 minutes
To Weird-Å 20 minutes
To Jugs deluxe 25 minutes