Graischsäge thumbnail
Einschlag thumbnail
Nasser Sack thumbnail
Pralle Bleiwand thumbnail
Lust und Schmerz thumbnail
Der Koung thumbnail
Flasche leer thumbnail
Übungsschwelle thumbnail
As Marmaladn Amala thumbnail
Riss thumbnail
6b+ Partially bolted at Old Bleisteinwand
November Nebel thumbnail
Rollender Donner thumbnail
Sissi thumbnail
Alte und Jungnasen thumbnail
Anne Sofie 99 thumbnail
Unterm Reschenberg thumbnail
Cool Man thumbnail
Erwin Kohler Gedankenweg thumbnail
Bis Irgendwann thumbnail
Alter Weg thumbnail
Bunte Kuh thumbnail
Langer Weg thumbnail
Heulboje thumbnail
Direkte Talseite thumbnail
Salamitaktik thumbnail
En Mobilette thumbnail
Schluchtwand thumbnail
Käsemaus thumbnail
Scharfe Braut thumbnail
Nordverschneidung thumbnail
Gladiator thumbnail
Ratz Fatz thumbnail
Beinhart thumbnail
Pickert thumbnail
6a+ Partially bolted at Graischer Nadel
Sportkreisel thumbnail
Pappnase thumbnail
Zocker thumbnail
Rippentarzan thumbnail
Fuchsweg Direktausstieg thumbnail
Unbedeutende Wand thumbnail
Otter thumbnail
Weder Fisch noch Fleisch thumbnail
Alter Weg rechts thumbnail
Kaminschlucht thumbnail
Südwestkante thumbnail
6a Partially bolted at Graischer Nadel
Das erste Mal thumbnail
Schweizer Käse thumbnail
Balkentoni thumbnail
Dunkler Riss thumbnail
Direkte Pflicht thumbnail
Hasardeur thumbnail
Halbmondriss thumbnail
Freistunde thumbnail
Flotte Lotte thumbnail
Biber thumbnail
Left crack thumbnail
Hauruck thumbnail
5+ Partially bolted at Bleisteinwände - East
Am Ende thumbnail
rechter Pfeiler thumbnail
Nordwestwand thumbnail
Monobloc C thumbnail
Boofenriss thumbnail
Jubelweg thumbnail
Evas Bauch thumbnail
Waschbärbauch thumbnail
Pflichtübung thumbnail
Broken Heart thumbnail
Löchlesvariante thumbnail
Fuchsweg thumbnail
Schnalz thumbnail
Egoist thumbnail
Höhlenweg thumbnail
Ex und Hopp thumbnail
Wolfstein thumbnail
EPA thumbnail
Schwanstetter Weg thumbnail
Hasenfuß thumbnail
Rechter Weg thumbnail
Nutria thumbnail
Zauberbohne thumbnail
Zick-Zack-Weg direkt thumbnail
Happy End thumbnail
Nadelspiel thumbnail
Eibenweg thumbnail
Schiefer Riss thumbnail
Schiefer Riss
5+ Partially bolted at Old Bleisteinwand
? thumbnail
5+ Partially bolted at Old Bleisteinwand
Lass den Buckel an der Wand thumbnail
Frühlingserwachen thumbnail
Talseite thumbnail
Spirale thumbnail
Kalte Sofie thumbnail
Schwander Weg thumbnail
Laublawinenriss thumbnail
Alter Weg thumbnail
Schwarte thumbnail
Zick-Zack-Weg thumbnail
Im Hinterhof thumbnail
Alles Banane thumbnail
Halunke thumbnail
Schluchtweg thumbnail
5 Partially bolted at Old Bleisteinwand

Climbing has been limited!

⛔️ 🦅
On this crag climbing at "Bleisteinwände" the very left north facing part is prohibited from 1.January until 30. of July because of breeding birds. Rest is open all year until there are no signs at the wall.

Please leave the forest one hour before sunset due to wild life.

This crag is located in the middle of nowhere but fast accessible from Motorway A9 though. Take exit #46 and drive to "Betzenstein". Go ahead towards "Pottenstein". You'll get to the village "Weidenhüll" after 8.6 km from Motorway. Take the 2nd road left towards "Graisch". After 880 meters you reach the village "Graisch", turn right immediately and park your car after 80 meters at the parking.
Another parking is to your left just before you leave the forest heading towards "Graisch"

Take the hiking trail to your left (North-West) for 120 meters. Take the path to your right up the hill. You will pass the first sector immediately. Follow that trail along the base of the sector towards West. The individual sectors are stringed together along that trail.
To get to the furthest sector follow the trail to the end where you find 2 slabs to your right ("linker Weg" & "rechter Weg"). Cross the ridge after that wall and keep right (East). The routes are located at the opposite side of the ridge.

Old Bleisteinwand:
Take the hiking trail to your left (North-West) for a few meters. Just after the road sign take the foot path to your right up the hill. It'll lead you to the crag.

Graischer Nadel:
Take the parking next to the street in the forest (or walk from the other parking). Follow the left forest road facing the forest from parking. You can already see the tower, take a small foot path towards that tower.

Take the parking next to the street in the forest (or walk from the other parking). At the opposite side of the road is a trail leading orthogonal into the forest. That trail will take you to the first and second sector of "Graischenstein"