Quelque chose de pas important thumbnail
Birds of Prey thumbnail
Birds of Prey
8c Sport at La Linea
Big Jim thumbnail
Big Jim
8b+ Sport at La Linea
Banana Pancake thumbnail
Banana Pancake
8b Partially bolted at Desert Storm
Yahoi thumbnail
8b Sport at La Linea
Indian Summer thumbnail
Indian Summer
8a+ Sport at La Linea
Bill bob thumbnail
Bill bob
8a+ Sport at La Linea
Spongebob thumbnail
8a+ Sport at La Linea
G-Nuss thumbnail
8a Sport at La Linea
Der Sinn des Lebens Extension thumbnail
Der Sinn des Lebens thumbnail
La Linea thumbnail
La Linea
7c+ Sport at La Linea
BellaDonna thumbnail
7c Sport at Desert Storm
San Migel thumbnail
San Migel
7c Sport at La Linea
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Bonsai son
7c Sport at La Linea
Mr. Bonsai thumbnail
Mr. Bonsai
7c Sport at La Linea
Dr. Jekyll thumbnail
Dr. Jekyll
7b+ Sport at La Linea
Spaceballs thumbnail
7b Sport at La Linea
Fugu meister thumbnail
Fugu meister
7b Sport at La Linea
Querulant thumbnail
7a Sport at La Linea
Spaceulant thumbnail
6c+ Sport at La Linea
Desert Storm thumbnail
Desert Storm
6c+ Sport at Desert Storm
??? thumbnail
6b Sport at La Linea
Semal Mandl thumbnail
Project thumbnail
? Sport at La Linea
Project thumbnail
? Sport at La Linea
Project thumbnail
? Sport at La Linea
Gschlössl, Zillertal

The area is access sensitive!

Park beside the road that you don´t block the road. Follow the road to the powerstation and cross the small river at the end of the power station to the right. Follow the farm road uphill to the first turn, now walk uphill on the meadow and after 50m go to the right into the forest. There is a path marked with stonemen. Follow this path to the wall.

The farmer is quite sensitive about walking on the meadow, don´t leave the path.