Sd on the left side of the sector, traverse deep rightwards and finish standing above the overhang to the right. It's allowed to step and grab everything but the ledges to the right are only for the feet. FA by L. Walendy 2001.
Sd on the obvious edge. Straight up via the big flat crimp, top out via slopers. Search for the jugs!
Sd on the obvious ramp. Follow the edge-jugs, high topout.
As "Glasscherbe", but at the end dyno from the two crimps to the edge. Far.
SD on the obvious ramp, than as "Glasscherbe", but only footholds in the upper overhanging wall, no ledges allowed. Fine bouldering stuff.
Sd. Straight up right of the overhang. FA by T. Kluge, 2008.
FA: B. Gerono, 29.11.2020
SD (yellow dots). Directors Cut only through the overhang, no edge and ledges allowed. Hard stuff!
Sd under the overhang, climb into "Glasscherbe", traverse the upper edge to the left and top out via "Rettungsschwimmer". FA by J. Gerono 04/2020.
The plain ramp til the needle-peak at the right of the sector. FA by M. Gerono 04/2020.
Sd as "Glasscherbe" on the edge. Straight up. FA by S. Gerono 04/2020.