The area is access sensitive
Hannus boulder is a preserved nature object and situates in a conservation area. The exact coordinates are not shown here. Read more
We like Hannus
Oliver Petäjä ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
Komee blokki muutamal komeel linjal
Toby Archer
Found this rock in the mid-90s, wondered why it was never developed. A bit confused as to why it has been added to 27crags at all if you can't climb on it? Surely it would be better to put it on the map in the RIGHT place but say, sorry - climbing banned here; or not add it to 27 at all?
Viktor Höjman
Activities on this crag
The area is access sensitive!
Hannus boulder is a preserved nature object and situates in a conservation area. The exact coordinates are not shown here.