
🌲Hannuskallio is a compact crag in a forest in Kaitaa district of southern Espoo, Finland. Hannuskallio offers nice bouldering problems especially for beginners and intermediate climbers. The bouldering problems are about 3,5m high, and most of them have even & safe landings. More problems will be coming later on, throw me a message if you are interested to participate on route planning.

🚶‍♂️🚍🚙🅿️🛒The crag is easy accessible; approach to the crag is only 300m from the Iivisniemi parking places and Kaitaa metro station. There are few small restaurants and a grocery store in Iivisniemi if you need to grab something to eat.

Hannuskallio consists of three different boulders/sectors: Hyvä (Good), Paha (Bad), and Ruma (Ugly)

Unfortunately Hannuskallio boulders will be probably destroyed in coming years because city of Espoo is planning to build houses on the area. Iivisniemi Metro station, which is just 150m from the crag, will be opened around 2024.
Currently (06/2022) it is unclear what's happening to the Hannuskallio area, since there has been some complaints on Espoo city's plans. Go to the Hannuskallio boulders before it's too late!

Excerpt from Iivisniemenkallion viitesuunnitelma
"Korttelirakenteen ja rakennusten massoittelun perustana on ollut topografian huomiointi. Korttelit ovat tehokkaasti rakennettuja ja alueen sisälle muodostuu tiivis katutila. Vastapainoksi kortteleita on pyritty liittämään suoraan luonnontilaisena säilytettävään kallioalueeseen ja metsiin tai muodostamaan laajoja yhteispihoja."


Hannuskallio boulders were established and added to 27crags in the spring 2021.

Routes on Hannuskallio
31 boulder 2 Likes
Premium topo by Team Hannuskallio
Tomi Lindroos
from Helsinki
Sami Merovuo
from Espoo