
Beautiful, huge granite rock with a mix of really hard and easier climbs. Child friendly and exposed crag.


Found when cyckling around the area in 2021, developed during spring 2022 with help from the whole family, a ladder and a ton of equipment.

Routes on Hasselforsblocket
23 boulder 6 Likes
Premium topo by Hasselfors klätterklubb
Joel Älgamo
from Skövde
Viggo Rognes
from Sweden
Gustav Rautatammi
from Örebro, Sweden

The area is access sensitive!

Easily accessible and visible from the road, but you can't park on the road next to the crag as there's no turning or meeting points. Park on the "main road", and bike or walk the short distance to the crag. Another option is to take a bike from Sjösidan - only 10 min away.