
NOTE: All income from the premium topo goes to the local climbing clubs, and will be used for club activities and crag maintenance.

While the name might be decieving, Hell could just be your next favorite sport climbing crag. With routes covering a large spectrum of grades in Sport Climbing, from grade 4 to 9a+, there should be something for absolutely everyone here.

For visitors this is a great place to stop if you are heading for Flatanger. For locals this is the most popular local crag, and sees much traffic year round.

The style in Hell can be described as short and powerful. Routes range between 7-15 meters in height. But most being somewhere in the middle. The rock here is a conglomerate that can have very high quality, with some exeptions. The style might in some respects be compared to that of Frankenjura.

Hell is very close to the Airport of Værnes. Accesible from Trondheim City with a 20-30 minute drive. There is also a train station not too far away. Train and bike is a possible way to access the crag from Trondheim if you do not have access to a car.

There is a supermarket not far away. Coop Prix Hell.


As long as Hell has existed as a crag it has been the area for pushing the sport to new heights in norway. With Norways first 8b+ (Tro på Mirakler (Believe in miracles) by Pål Benum Reiten in 1995) this area truly made its mark as the stomping grounds of the greats. Later, in 200X Torstein Eide made the ascent of Flykræsj (Plane crash) one of norways first 8Cs.

The remaining hard projects was undefeated until Adam ondra came to visit during his trips to Flatanger. Then the rest of the projects were unraveled and is now the second crag in Norway to sport a 9a+ route. Hell Raiser.

But Hell is not only about the hardest ascents. Hell is also a place to learn and develop skills and share experiences. Development of more accessible routes has always been in focus and has resulted in Hell being a hub for inexperienced and experienced climbers to meet.

For the locals there is sort of a tradition to always keep pushing their personal bests. After you send one grade you should immidiatly start projecting the next grade. This has resulted in the somewhat infamous "Hellskolen" (The school of hell). If you wish to try to walk in these footsteps this is the plan that is laid out for you: And yes I will use the norwegian grades for this part.

Natoplank 5-
På Rygg 6
Lysere Tider 6+
Hell Aldersheim 7-
I Negerens Vold 7-
The Undertaker 7
Kaninartikler 7
Dantes Inferno 7/7+
Go to Hell 7+
Himmel 8-
Klassikeren 8- (Was graded 8 but a hold broke and made it easier.)
Tvangstrøya 8/8+
Linkupen 8+
Nih Minh Wang 8+ (Was graded 9- but has been downgraded)
Friidrettsdama 9-
Hells Angels 9-/9
Par Toutatis 9-/9
Satan Export 9
Tro på Mirakler 9/9+
Flykræsj 9+
And I guess the newest additions from Adam Ondra should be added as a form of Post Doc.
Purgatory 10
Hell Raiser 10+

Routes on Hell
167 sport 22 boulder 184 Likes
Premium topo by Trondheim Klatreklubb
Andreas  Espetvedt Nordstrand
from Trondheim, Norway
Andreas Larsen
from Trondheim
Tarjei Hamre
from Trondheim, Norway

The area is access sensitive!

Some parts of the crag (Mainly in the Tro på Mirakler Sector) was closed in 2018 after rockfall. Later the crag was reopened. But be aware of any loose rock around this area. Especially nearing the top of the wall.

Use the marked path for access.

Camping on the parking spot is prohibited.

There is a toilet facility (Outside) near Rå Nytelse. Use this if you have to relieve yourself.