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5+ DWS at Elefantrumpa
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The area is access sensitive!

Hemsundet is a quite area with private houses with families so please respect that. No music or swearing. Need a boat, kayak or SUP to access. Kayak rental available on Möja. The routes are all in a Nature Reserve.
Most easier routes developed with little brushing and cleaning to minimise impact. A Grass Snake (snok) lives in the crack route 'Snakeskin' (and regularly sheds his skin there). Don't disturb him :)
Easy to access top of Hemklippa for top roping by scrambling up the left of the cliff.
DWS access also possible to stay dry by downclimbing (easy) from the top of 'Boat Tat' to the start of 'Hemklippa' route.