No special access issues
Please note that there are not places for many cars so share the ride with your friends if possible! There is still a place for a car at the both ends of the old turnaround, just be careful not to ma... Read more
We like Hiissa

Kimmo Nurminen
Hieno murkula. Tähän tulee vielä monta hyvää pätkää!

Kimmo Nurminen
Please note! The parking space is marked beside the road Pyntiöntie because otherwise Google Maps can't guide you to the right destination. Continue driving from parking marker as instructed on the trail!"

Jari-Pekka Halttunen
Activities on this crag
- Finn Lawton • 4 months agoupdated his tick list- Pelkoa ja inhoa Hiissassa 7B
- Paholaisen Masurkka 6C
- Siipiveikon reviirillä 7A
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