There are 37 routes that have not yet been drawn on a topo image. See full list of routes from Miðskjól .
Climbing has been limited!
The climbing is on private farmland, and usage of the climbing area and facilities is therefore limited to climbers only! All maintenance and bolting is done by volunteers from Klifurfélag Reykjavíkur and ÍSALP, which means that in order to climb and camp at Hnappavellir, climbers are required to pay the annual bolt fund fee.
This fee applies for a whole year and can be payed at Klifurhúsið (climbing gym in Reykjavík), Café Vatnajökull or by online transfer:
Amount: 1500kr per person
Account: 0111-26-100404
Kennitala: 410302-3810
Driving is only permitted up to the campsite at Miðskjól, landowners have asked climbers not to drive the roads further west.