
No routes have been added to this crag yet.


No topos have been added to this crag yet.

The area is access sensitive

Helppo access Sipoonkorven merkittyjä polkuja pitkin melkein perille asti. HUOM Pysäköinti lähialueen teiden varsilla on kielletty ja siitä sakotetaan ahkerasti. Pysäköi vain merkityille parkkipaikoill... Read more

We like Högberget

Nice crag with an easy access. Good quality rock. Impressive rock formations worth visiting. West facing wall. Dries quickly. Shaded by the forest so nice place to climb also in hot weather. Peaceful and quiet place. Check out the top of Högberget for a nice view and picknik place.

Activities on this crag


The area is access sensitive!

Helppo access Sipoonkorven merkittyjä polkuja pitkin melkein perille asti. HUOM Pysäköinti lähialueen teiden varsilla on kielletty ja siitä sakotetaan ahkerasti. Pysäköi vain merkityille parkkipaikoille. Kalkkiuunintien p-alueelta on helppo patikka Playstation ja Pallomasi - sektoreille. Lähimmältä bussipysäkiltä n. 800m. Fillarilla kannattaa tulla Kalkkiuunintieltä alkavan polun alkuun.

Lot of the areas are in or close to the popular Sipoonkorpi national park and its trails. You will encounter hikers, bikers, runners etc. So be considerate of others and be super friendly to people if you are looked on curiously because of crash pads or other climbing equipment. Bouldering/climbing is still a relatively new sport/pastime and a lot of people don't realize what you are doing out in the woods with huge crash pads so if needed please do explain POLITELY about our sport!

Use only existing trails, do not damage or harm wildlife in any way, always follow the law and current regulations. Minimize your impact to environment and absolutely NO TRASH!