No special access issues

Hönö is a nature reserve, so camping is prohibited. There's also some private property in the island, so respect the locals and private land and don't go too close to the houses. As always, take all the litter with you, and brush away the tickmarks after climbing.

There's a ferry to Hönö and it's free for passengers. You can also take bike or a car to the ferry without costs. The ferry takes about 15min. There's a big parking which is marked on these topos. From the parking it takes between 5-20min to reach the blocks by foot.

There's some official trails and paths in the island. As the terrain is very rocky without much of vegetation, it's easy to walk around.

(For more information about access, visit Klätterförbundet website.


If you know about access issues in this area, please send us an email