Jalkarannassa on paljon helpompia ja matalampia reittejä, mutta myös tosi vaikeita!
Sopii myös erinomaisesti lasten kanssa liikkuville!
Jalkaranta is very good area for those who want to climb easier and lower routes. But still, there are some hard problems there. The trails that connect the boulders can be easily walked - even with baby strollers - or cycled with bike. Rock quality is different in each rock, some sharper (Laiha Poika), some very smooth (Satama).
Good sector-circuit for first-timer:
1) Veitsellä leikattu
2) Laiva
3) Satama
4) Everything else
Recommended routes for first-timer:
1) Isovarpaan ihme - great slab!
2) Kölin alta - nice technical route!
3) Ampiaisen valtakunta - combination of power and technique!
4) Viimeinen Ninja, Rock hole in one Assis, Sloperman, Skin splitter - all good & hard routes!