Kallestranda bouldering

The area is access sensitive!

Take off from the E10 towards Hopen and Kalle. After 800 meters take right on the dirt road towards Kalle rorbu. Just before the Kalle rorbu area, take a right up the hill to a large parking area (paid parking, new since 2021).
Please note that this is the only allowed parking area. The whole Kallestranda area is on private land, so always make sure to treat land owners as well as other visitors with respect.

Red Mirror, 6a
0 routes on 0 topos
Springtail, 6a+
0 routes on 0 topos
Whaleshark 5c Right, Fingercrack 6a Left
0 routes on 0 topos
Campus Kalle (Boulder A)
6 routes on 3 topos
Tørrfisktraversen (Boulder B)
14 routes on 3 topos
Alkemisti (Boulder C)
3 routes on 2 topos
King of the Scots (Boulder D)
4 routes on 1 topo
Morstadeggen (Boulder E)
1 route on 1 topo
Abu Garcia (Boulder F)
3 routes on 2 topos
Cocktail (Boulder G)
1 route on 1 topo
Kantapäänkautta (Boulder H)
6 routes on 1 topo
Mount Up (Boulder I)
1 route on 1 topo
Midnight Sun/Main Course (Boulder J-K)
5 routes on 0 topos
Parking space
Kallestranda bouldering
General marker for the crag