
Karhunulkki (also known as "Sonka") is beautiful small crag at a top of a hill about 30min/30km from Rovaniemi. The height of the crag is 7-15 meters. Cliff is made of grainy granite with lots of vertical cracks. Hold type varies from grainy sloupers with hi-friction (during cold days) to small crystals and crimps. Most of the lines are fully bolted but there is few traditional lines as well.

Left side of the cliff have more of the easy routes and it's good place for beginners to practice sport lead or traditional climbing. Especially traditional route called "Palapeli" is easy crack climb with big jugs and good gear placements on first half. "Kakunpala" and neighboring route "Telemark prostitute" offers really nice vertical sport climb for lead training or warm up.

Right side of the cliff have most of the sport routes graded between 5b-7a. Recommended climbs here are "Hemmo", "Kulma" and "Dynotyttö".

There is also few boulder problems and potential to make more.

Morning sun, afternoon shade. Hemmo Keski dries relatively slow and here you do not want to climb on wet holds.

See the closest weather camera for weather beta: