
Kerinkallio is excellent urban crag that hosts many types of climbing. Access to all sectors is quite easy and there is even children's playground next to main wall, so being parent is no excuse. Walking from train station takes about 20 mins or you can get a bus number 32 and hop off at Lepikonkatu bus stop front of YogaRocks. Those coming with car can find free parking area at crossing of Kerinkallionkatu and Kerintie.

At main wall of Kerinkallio, which is mostly slab, containing crags and small roof, there is sport routes from 5+ to 6c+. Also there is trad routes graded 4+ to 5+, some of them being partially bolted. One more sport route is waiting to be bolted and one trad route is not yet included into topo. Other sectors contains only boulder problems and those can be found in all angles and styles. Boulders are graded from 4 to 7B.

Main face and boulder slabs next to it are exposed to sun, so in hottest days of summer you may want to go more shady sectors like Isokivi, Pikkukivi, Rakokivi, Pikkuseinämä and Alaboulder, hänkki.

3D-topo from Isokivi made by Toni Kesti, check link:

3D-topo from Pikkukivi made by Toni Kesti, check link:

3D-topo from Rakokivi made by Toni Kesti, check link:


In the summer of 2000 Markku Vahter discovered Kerinkallio boulders and advised known local climber Osku "Ode" Siivonen to go check them out. Siivonen liked the place and started to develop boulder problems. Most of the routes were climbed in the early 2000 by Siivonen. More climbers found their way to boulders and some of the first ascents are made by J. Remonen, A. Inkinen, M. Vahter and J. Ylönen.

At 2011 Antti Inkinen asked from city for permission to develop the main wall of Kerinkallio. Permission was granted and next year Inkinen started making routes. All the trad and sport routes has been first ascent by Inkinen. Though someone has been practicing climbing at the main wall earlier and old rock piton has been found from crack left from Roundtrip.

Routes on Kerinkallio
4 sport 9 trad 45 boulder 24 Likes
Premium topo by TH
Tony Hannukainen
from Lahti, Finland

The area is access sensitive!


There's a lot of habitation around, so don't be noisy or litter. Children in the area like to play on the cliff and throw rocks, etc., so use a helmet.


Ympärillä on paljon asutusta, älä siis metelöi tai roskaa. Alueen lapset tykkäävät leikkiä kallioilla ja heitellä kiviä, yms., joten käytä kypärää.