
The jewel of this crag might be the Weihersmühlerwand. It stands out for it's sunny location on a grassland which is declared as preserve area. If you are looking for some rope climbing up north in winter sun, this is your address. From juggy slabs to steep overhang on pockets. Best spot for the hole family.
"Silbermond" is quite nice for powerful climbing on sloping crimps. At the moment the first plates are missing. Main lure would be the jam crack from early 80s.
"Teufeltisch" is located just above "Silbermond", where you'll find typical franconian Climbing on pockets. Short steep shield on the left, long slabs to the right.
The street surrounding sectors offer a bunch of aid climbs which are not listed in the topo.


Bruder Oskar
Muffensausen, von Heute auf Morgen, Kalter Wind,
21te, Schnüffeloase, Keine Wäsche kein Essen, Die Wildecker Herzkranzgefäße

Routes on Kleinziegenfeld Nord
49 sport 3 trad 5 Likes
Premium topo by Frankentopo
Hanna Vartia
from Europe
André Donk
from Frankenjura
Tim De Mazière
from Europe