Sector Frankenjura
Sector Frankenjura 1 / 2
  • Eine Aufwärmtraverse oder vielleicht.Felseingewöhnungstraverse. 🐀 Sandig. Start: Kompressorblaupunktstart dann nach Rechts bis zum höchsten Punkt des Hügels. Mit beiden Händen an den großen guten Seitgriff. Könnte auch noch weitergehen bis der Fels aufhört. FA?
  • Start at "Zombie reloaded", then diagonal up to the anchor of "Te Ho Manu". Follow the obvious ramp; crux is the transition between "Cadillac" and "Es lebe der 1. Mai" plus the hard moves in series.
  • After broken holds the route has got a totally different character, the 3.+ 4. bolt and the anchor is renewed
  • The original line "Zombie" had a righthanded exit to the anchor of "Frecher Fritz". Now there is again a logical 7b+ - combination of both routes; climb the complete difficulty of "Zombie reloaded" until you reach the big crimp, which is to double/match; now righthanded into "Frecher Fritz" with a far move up, followed by a sloper traverse to the juggy shield.
  • The third route from the right.
  • Starts right of "Te Hoe Manu". Same anchor. Underclingpower and hidden holds.
Sector Frankenjura
Sector Frankenjura 2 / 2
  • Climb straight with the big underclings and cross over the a big top hold (signed with X)
  • Start like "Patella" but keep left to the left top (X).
  • Start at the obviously edge at the slab, throw up your right hand, match and climp straight over sidepulls and to the top hold (signed with X) at the right big bloc. There is a hidden crimp around the edge.
  • Climb the Kompressortrav. until the big high edges from the boulder "Patella", grab with left an undercling and cross over to the top hold of "Grüne Welle". It´s basically Kompressor but with a different and interesting finish.
  • Climb the Kompressortrav. and finish Patella.
  • Open project. Start at the two crimps in the middle of "Kompressor". No footholds on the mirror, only friction; one has to put everything out of this lefthanded sharp little thing to get up with the right hand. Then diagonal to the top of "Patella".
  • Traverse***

There are 6 routes that have not yet been drawn on a topo image. See full list of routes from Sector Frankenjura .