Sista sommaren thumbnail
Klassisk IV thumbnail
Klassisk IV
4 Traditional at Norra Åkersberget
Venstre rute thumbnail
Venstre rute
4 Traditional at Norra Åkersberget
Grønt slam thumbnail
Grønt slam
4 Traditional at Norra Åkersberget
II+ ruten thumbnail
II+ ruten
3 Traditional at Norra Åkersberget

Climbing has been limited!


🚫 BIRD RESTRICTIONS: between the 1st of March and the 15th of July it is forbidden to visit certain sectors of Kullaberg due to nesting birds. The following sectors are forbidden to enter during the period:

Valdemarsgrottan // Gåsarännan // Ladedörren // Bengt Tuas hopp
Söftingsgrottan // Blå Mal // Ribars Torn // Visitgrottan // Flyverväggarna

🚫 Camping is prohibited other than in marked out spots.
🚫 Dogs must be kept on a leash all year round.
🌳 Kullaberg is a nature reserve – respect the vegetation and the wildlife.
🤫 In general try to keep a low profile.
🗑 Remove all of your trash!