Vegen thumbnail
4 Boulder at Oppvåkning
Vegis thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Oppvåkning
Dobbeleggen thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Oppvåkning
Oppvåkning 1 thumbnail
Oppvåkning 1
6A+ Boulder at Oppvåkning
Oppvåkning 2 thumbnail
Oppvåkning 2
6B Boulder at Oppvåkning
Project - Truckers hitch high thumbnail
Truckers Hitch thumbnail
Truckers Hitch
7A Boulder at Oppvåkning
Oppvåkning 2 direct thumbnail

The area is access sensitive!

Bulderne ligger rett bak et boligfelt og man kan faktisk se inn i folks hager. Derfor er det absolut nødvendig med god og rolig oppførsel. Hold støynivået lavt. Ikke spil musik. Ikke kast søppel.
The boulders are located just behind a residential area and you can actually see into people’s gardens. This means that keeping a low profile is mandatory, keep on your best behaviour. Keep your noicelevel down. Don't play music. Don't litter.
Obey the signs and park sensibly, and not in the residence areas. Preferably park by the Kvalvika beach nearby and walk in along the road.